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Sunday, May 31, 2020
Book Review: Trilogy White Stone Book One: Cousin Bertie by Phoenix Elvis Nicholson
When late night reminisces lead to planning a trip to travel back to the place where they spent most of their summers Susan and Mike don't know what to expect. Cousin Bertie, as she was always called, had to be ancient by now, if she was even still alive. In fact, they didn't know if her house was even still around. That being said, they packed up for a visit and headed out. There they found Bertie, who picked up as if they hadn't been gone but a school-year. But, what secrets lie buried in the stories she has to tell?
Having just spent the entire day with my boyfriend's grandfather who is fond of his stories followed closely by spending time with my own grandparents I can honestly say that there has been a lot of time travel going on in my brain. That being said, I am always fond of listening to the older generations stories and could sit and listen to them for hours. When talking to my own grandfather I can easily lose 5 hours without realizing it and be not at all contrary about it.
Cousin Bertie is a sight more southern than my grandparents or those of my boyfriend, however I grew up in southern Kentucky and understood every bit of the talk. I don't know if I wasn't reading closely enough or not, but it seems at points that they jumped from being outside to inside to back again. I remember the transition to outside, but not the one back in. None the less, I liked that my day is ending with more stories and a bit of mystery as well. Why it is a mystery I will leave to you, dear. I will state that I wasn't in the least bit surprised by the revelation.
If you have someone from the older generation who loves to gab and you can lose yourself in their stories don't hesitate to get this book as well. That being said, you do need to be the sort to enjoy those stories or this book won't hold your interest. This book is available on Amazon for $6.06 at
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Book Review: Severus: The Black Caesar by Steve Exeter
This book was read as an audio-book and I am glad that I did. I do not think I would have enjoyed it as much had I read it myself. This book follows the life of one man: Septimius Severus. While this is a fiction book it also holds truths. Septimius was indeed Caesar of Rome, as was his son Caracalla. Beyond that I don't have a in depth knowledge of the Roman empire. However, what I do know of it this book fits along those lines.
For anyone who enjoys a historical fiction book, look no further than this one. It is a great read and there are plenty of battles to enjoy. It seems that the author really did his homework with this one and it is easily enjoyable. This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 or with Kindle Unlimited at
Book Review: Working Stiff by Blair Babylon
I got the book "Billionaire Quiz" as a freebie off of BookBub and began to read. When the book ended and began another a few chapters in I was already so hooked that I needed more. So, I didn't hesitate to head over to Amazon and purchase this book, Working Stiff. And oh man, did Casimir ever "work stiff" if you catch my meaning. This book is hot and sexy and I hated to put it down, even for sleep. In fact, I am having to force myself, with some difficulty, not to go and buy book two right now. I will be a good little book blogger and not read any more from this author until I read on some of my other books.
That being said if you like sexy sexy romances please get this book. Or just buy the entire series because one is not going to be enough. This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 at
Monday, May 25, 2020
Book Review: Conquer by Alexis Vickery
I don't do religion. I just don't. I should have realized that this book was going to be very religious, but I didn't, but it is fine and I will give a honest review of the book without focusing on that section. Or try to. The idea of angels living among us is one that is voiced frequently, but it is different to think that these angels are 17 year olds. Not only are they 17 year olds, but no one bats an eye to high schoolers getting married, including other high schoolers.
I don't know what kind of school this is, but in my high school that was not something that happened. Outside of these very odd points the book honestly wasn't terrible. There were some grammar points that made me cringe, but all in all it is a decent young adult book. My favorite character was Beezlebub, which makes since considering he is a demon that I like anyways. Metatron being a female and being Metatrona was kind of weird for me, which I think is the only thing that kept me from defaulting to my usual favorite of the archangels.
If you read religion books, like the battles between good and evil, love and loss, and most importantly a young adult novel then you will enjoy this book. But, you need to enjoy all of those things.
This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 or as Kindle Unlimited at
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Book Review: Behind Blue Eyes by Anna Mocikat
What if for as long as you could remember you were a cyborg whose one mission was to do anything you could to preserve the corporation? The corporation of Olympia was founded after the Great War and is one of three. The ideology is a perfect world where anyone can be anything and everyone has upgrades. Nephilim is the enforcer and protector of this ideology, and is one of the best Angels Olympia has to offer. That is until doubt is planted in her mind and flaws become apparent in the system. The question is: How far can and will one cyborg go to be free? What truly lies behind her blue eyes?
I received this book as an ARC from the author, Anna, and later purchased it upon release. The book is amazing enough that I needed it in my collection, even if I already had a PDF copy. I just finished the book and although I have other books vying for my attention I need to take the rest of the night off to recuperate from the loss of some characters that I have grown to love over the last several days. I hope you understand.
I initially read Anna's book Shadow City in February and after posting my review she asked if I would be willing to read and review this book as well. Of course, I was thrilled and told her yes immediately. While my following and book lists have increased significantly since then, my prior commitment stood and I had been waiting on pins and needles for her next book. The wait was not in vain and I already crave more from her. In fact, the first thing I did once the book was finished was to send her a message stating: "I have a problem. I have no more book. :(" This is true and it is a problem, a problem readers know all too well when they have a book that they truly enjoy.
This book is more than a dystopian novel with cyberpunk and discovering your path. This book is about love, loss, betrayal, seeing yourself as you never could have otherwise. Within these pages you find yourself relating to the characters even though you have no basis for this as we do not live within these corporations rule. You are still there with Nephilim, Jake, Adriel, Metatron, and the others as life within the corporation unfolds.
I am so glad to know that my favorite character did as I expected. I will not give it away for you lovely readers, but just know that some things are worth dying for. The fact that she gave the name Metatron, who is the book-keeper or the keeper of knowledge, to this individual is amazing and I love the amount of research that had to have gone into the naming of each of the Angels. The Angels are amazing, but there is more than you can possibly imagine behind their blue eyes. And once you are in there is no turning your back. Be prepared for what awaits you in Behind Blue Eyes.
This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 or Kindle Unlimited at Also, please do not hesitate to check out Anna's site at
Update: Book two, Fallen Angels, will be released on March 24, 2021. I was lucky enough to receive an Advance Reader's Copy and have since posted a review of it. This review can be viewed by clicking here.
Books by this author:
Nephilim Volume 1
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Book Review: Savasana's Kiss by R.C. Robbin

Alex turned to yoga after a very traumatic experience and it has shaped her life ever since until her current point of being a yoga instructor. Her studio has always been a safe place and her home a war-zone of carefully placed landmines. When her newest student comes to class something begins to build and there just may be no stopping it. Yet, he is a married man.
We stay with those we love because we love them, but sometimes love isn't enough. Sometimes there needs to be more, such as the partners being on equal footing. Even with the best of intentions there are times when we develop feelings for others outside of the one that we are with and have to make a tough decision. The question is, what will Alex and Sean choose?
I have to admit, when I was first approached and asked by the author to read this book I was skeptical. I am not a yoga person and and not one who believes in extra-marital affairs. This book involves yoga, yes, but it is easily enjoyed by someone who isn't a fan. There is open skepticism and even outright loathing of yoga within this book, but it is embraced.
I won't ruin this book for you or give things away, but I understand-for the most part- the actions of the characters within the book. I understand Sean's anxiety and panic attacks. I work in a very high stress job and my safe place is reading books to calm down. I understand Alex and what she went through, to a point. It is not anything I would wish on anyone to say the least, though my story is not as bad, and there is no place for it here.
All in all I loved this book and I am sorry to see it go. I will miss the characters and I hope that R.C. has more for us in the future. If you would like to take a chance and dive into this book it is available on Amazon as Kindle Unlimited or for $0.99 if you just have to buy it at He also has a website that is as amazing as he is:
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Book Review: Feylin Lore: Reflections by P. A. Wikoff
The Order Talia gained was that of the prophetess, Capri. Capri is soft, beautiful, sheltered, loved, and everything Talia is not. Where Talia brings suffering, Capri brings hope. With Capri within Talia they are both changed, along with their destinies. The biggest turning point after gaining Capri's order is something that appeared so simple. She met Hark during recruitment. Suddenly she had something worth living for. Yet, he hates Talia and cares for Capri. Not only that, but their destinies must still be fulfilled and someone must save the Feylin from themselves. Are Talia and Hark up for the task? Will those they meet on the way help them or be their undoing? Or, maybe, they'll just run away together. After all, what is destiny if it can't be altered?
This book was definitely an interesting concept and I enjoyed every minute of it. I adored Talia, Capri, and Hark. I understood their feelings and couldn't wait to know how their stories unfolded. We knew the end was coming, we just didn't know when or how. That made it all the more fun. That being said the end was unexpected and I hope with everything in me that the right decision was made and that there is a book two in the future.
This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 or on Kindle Unlimited at Whichever your beautiful little hearts desire. This lovely author, should you decide that you would like to know more about them, has a website at
Monday, May 11, 2020
Book Review: Shadowless by Randall McNally
Amrodan has seen six-hundred summers and over the last two-hundred he has been amassing the perfect team in order to finally end the gods tyranny. How many shadowless will it take to fell a god? What events must happen in order for this to be possible? And just how far are they willing to go to no longer fear for their lives?
While this book is a good book it is a bit all over the place. There is no defined timeline and one chapter may be at one time and another be in the past. You just have to hope you remember the things you were told in the past in order to know the things that are going on now. I think that was the hardest thing for me in this book. Well, that and the fact that the first 50% of the book was nothing but introducing new characters. The thing about it is that half of the characters that were introduced we have no idea what happened to them. It was like they served their purpose in that chapter and they were no longer of consequence. The book itself was good and I enjoyed the concept of it, I just wish that it was a bit more chronological.
This book is a fantasy book that is great for anyone who loves gods, god-spawn, murder, and dragons. If you have the patience to get through the first half of the book then you may find some characters that you enjoy in it, just as I enjoy Pandimonia and the little side story girl who played no part in the actual plot.
This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 at
This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 at
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Book Review: Dark Conduits: The Null by Anita Pendreigh
With the two new custodians and the powerful new Magister everything should become easier, yet it is so much more difficult. People are plotting to overthrow the magical world and the human world alike while there is something building within our young magister. With the help of the feisty Indigo, the shy Nate, and the queen bee Beatrice, can they save their world and the one they have sworn to protect from every evil they encounter?
This book took me a few days to complete and while there were some minor editing errors I have no complaints about this book. In fact I hope that there is more after this book as the ending leaves much of the story untold. With love, betrayal, scorn, and unlikely friendships you are able to see the growth of not one, but three children make the transition into adulthood. For anyone who loves a good young adult mystery with a lot of fantasy thrown in this is a great book for you. I hope anyone who reads it enjoys it as much as I have.
Indigo is my favorite character and without her the book would be severely lacking. She is the tie that binds in more than one way. The magister, Taine, is a complicated sort, but for anyone who has felt enough pain to do what he does he becomes relatable in those moments. Nate is the shy little outcast that no one ever noticed and his home life is even worse. Beatrice is the queen bee, adored by all..but could it be that she is loved by none? I wish you well as you travel deep with this little band of misfits to save us all.
This book is available on Amazon for Kindle Unlimited at or buy it for $0.99.
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