Thursday, July 1, 2021

Book Review: Deadly Crush by Ashley Stoyanoff (Deadly Trilogy Book 1)

Deadly Crush (Deadly Trilogy Book 1) by [Ashley Stoyanoff]     Jade has lived her whole life on Dog Mountain, where there is a werewolf pack that everyone knows about and seems okay with. In fact, her parents have always actively tried to get her to join the wolves. Except Jade seems to be the only person in town who hates the wolves. They take whatever they want and the worst of them all is their Alpha, Ray. That is until Ray is overthrown and there is a new, sexy, man in town. With all of the female wolves fighting for this new alpha Jade's biggest concern is trying to determine if she can forgive her previous best friend while ignoring the ever sexy Aiden. Just how far will this newfound attraction take her and will she still care for him when she learns his secret? 

    I have had this book hiding in my Kindle library for years and am sad that it took me so long to get to it. I am a huge fan of paranormal romances and this one is that plus a YA book. There isn't even any sex in it and I am okay with that. I can't say that there won't be in later books, but I do intend to find out. I started this book and became so intrigued with it that I stayed up until 3am last night just to finish it. The book ended on a cliff-hanger and I needed to know more. So I went ahead and bought the other 2 books in the series. As I said this is a YA book. So there is teenage drama and the characters act like you would expect. If you are looking for more grown up and developed characters this isn't the book, because the characters are true to their age. High-schoolers are petty and the ones in this book pull that off quite well. 

    Normally I don't buy the next in the series, at least not so soon after reading the first because I have so many unread books. With this one, however, I felt like I needed to know more. I have already started book 2 and hope that it is just as amazing and spell-binding as book 1. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here.

Books by this author:

Deadly Mates (Deadly Trilogy Book 2)

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