Friday, March 5, 2021

Book Review: A Gift of Ghosts by Sarah Wynde (Tassamara Book 1)

 A Gift of Ghosts (Tassamara Book 1) by [Sarah Wynde]    Akira has a quirk. She has see and talk to ghosts, but not like in tv. She can't help them move on or anything. In fact, in her opinion, they are just left-over energy that eventually goes away. That is until she is offered a job at a place called General Directions in Florida. Once the contract has been signed and she has agreed to 2 years she learns that her actual task is not as the scientist that she is, but as a medium to consult with the teenage ghost in the car she is driving. The only problem is that speaking with the family gets messy, especially when some ghosts can be very dangerous. Is this something she is willing to brave? 

    It is hard not to enjoy a good ghost story. I love the ghost whisperer as much as the next person, even if it is incredibly sad. That being said, this book isn't sad at all. It is cute and it is easy to "see" the characters as they go about their day to day lives. It does have a some-what typical play-boy has the chance of something more romance to it, but that is common enough that it is almost expected. Zane is a wonderful character and is easy to like. 

     Also, I have to say that the way science is used to describe a certain event that I will not disclose is so different from normal. It may be the nerd in me, but I enjoyed that scene more than I have many similar scenes in other books recently. So, thank you for that. 

    All in all I hope that you get to meet Zane, Akira, Max, Nat, Rose, Dillan, Henry, and Lucas. Well, maybe not Lucas as much, but he doesn't seem like that bad of a guy. After-all it must be tough to have the "quirk" that he has. In fact, if I go based on the title of Book 2 he will be the main male love interest. I feel like this series could be an interesting one if each book is about someone new with a new quirk that they have brought to this small Florida town. 

    This book is available on Amazon for free by clicking here.

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