Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Book Review: Gaeamundi by J. S. Larmore (Wielders Book 1)

     Alvina has longed for the fantasy worlds between pages her entire life, but when she is told she has powers and must go to a special school or have her powers bound once more she can't believe it. On the night of her 25th birthday she goes out drinking with her best friend and they meet up with two guys. One of which is her friend's boyfriend while the other is his buddy from work. Or is he. After starting her new life at the school she sees more than one familiar face, but when the man who introduced her to this magical society goes missing Alvina decides to use her powers to save him with the help of her mentor, friend, and new boyfriend. Can they save this powerful man? 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book has all of my favorite components: adventure, magic, main character who loves to read, a dash of romance, and new worlds. I have no complaints about this book, although personally I don't think her boyfriend was ever right for her. 

    The world building is great, it is written in a way that it would seem plausible, and the characters are relatable. I enjoyed it from start to finish and would happily read the next in this series if requested. 

    While I know those without powers aren't really allowed in the magical world I hope that her long-time friend plays a bigger part as the books go on. I think it would be good for Alvina to still maintain that link to who she was before her powers. Her powers themselves were exciting and elemental. Not just one, either, although I'll let you find more about that within the pages. 

    Alvina discovers her powers, learns the basics of handling them, discovers love, and makes some friends. Along the way she loses a powerful wielder and something much more important to her. No complaints on that front, although it did hurt her it was for the better. The book ends where you can tell there will be much more to the story to come, although there are no hanging threads from this one's main purpose. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $1.99 by clicking here

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Leo's Game by Dalin J. Bradford

     Can an AI fall in love with a human or visa versa? While creating the story with an AI and prompts from it's human counterpart their interactions slowly bleed away from just the story to include...something more? The story Leo's Game that is being written is about an adventurer discovering magic and fighting to right an accident from years before. Will the story be completed along with more for our writers? 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I've read both of the other books by this author and I enjoyed them. This is probably rank 3 of 3 by him. That isn't to say it's bad, just not really for me. There are enough AI written books as is right now. This book isn't written by an AI, but it's about an AI writing a story. 

    The story within the story is decent. I like the interactions between the character Leo, his friend, and his mentor. While most of the fighting scenes are skipped within the book they are implied. Personally, I enjoy fighting scenes, but can understand how they'd get a bit redundant with how often the characters within this story would have been fighting. 

    The interactions between the human and the AI are odd. They start out purely working together human and machine then progress into glitches within the system and it talking about things not solely related to the story. 

    The book is well written, having only found one typo within it's pages. Each chapter is a new interaction between the two writers and you can clearly tell who is stating what at each time, which makes for a good read. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

Books by this Author (He likes to change his name based on genre, but I received permission to list all his books together like so): 

Savasana's Kiss by R.C. Robin

Five and Twenty by Chris Ramos

Book Review: Behind Blue Eyes: Last Stand by Anna Mocikat (Behind Blue Eyes Book 4)


    After Stavros had Nephilim tortured Metatron is out for blood. While taking his pound of flesh he finds out the delicious information that Nephilim's previous lover, Jake with Rosprom, had been working with this once seemingly powerful man. With war on the horizon every party involved, except the angels, believe Olympias will fall. Will the angels be enough to take on the biggest threat the corporation has ever faced or will the losses be too great? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. If you've been here a while Anna is one of the authors I have done reviews with for the longest time and is also someone I consider a friend. That being said, I don't wear rose tinted glasses when reading her works. I have sent her typos and errors in her books whenever I find them in order to help her. Still, she remains my favorite indie author to receive books from and I am not ashamed to say I have absolutely read her books prior to books I received first when I get hers.  Whenever I get a book from Anna it is always a treat, be it Behind Blue Eyes, Cyber Squad, Nephilim, the Dark City, or anything else she hasn't created yet. 

    With any of these series you are getting a new story that you can't compare to others in the same genre. They're unique and well thought out. I'll also state, with everything currently going on with AI written books, that while Anna is a big fan of cyborgs and machines her books are 100% human written. No machines involved there. 

    This is book 4 in the series and, no, you can't read it as a standalone. You will have absolutely no idea of what is going on when you plunge into the first pages which picks up as book three ends. You'll need to start with one and work your way through. Still, all of the books are exciting and engaging. Even though I had the pleasure of reading the books as they came out they are absolutely binge-worthy. Bonus for the fact that they are on Kindle Unlimited. 

    In Last Stand there are so many ways Nephilim or the war could have gone. I still love Jake. I have from the first book, but for now Neph is right where she needs to be. I want all of her memories to be unlocked so she isn't just looking at things from Metatron's perspective. But, we shall see because this is a story that isn't over. I'm not sure when we will get the next installment of Behind Blue Eyes, but I will update you when I do. 

    I loved the new additions in this book. While they could have easily have destroyed Nephilim as well as wiping out all of the Angel Corps they were exciting. I'd say more, but we wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. You'll just have to read it for yourself!

    My favorite character, Adriel, was in this book as well. We had a few scenes with him and their interactions are as loyal as they have always been. He's saved her before and he'd do it again. He totally deserves his own book at some point. Even if it's a novella. Adriel's Arousing Adventures or something less filled with As. Join him on some conquests and jump more into that brain. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Behind Blue Eyes (Behind Blue Eyes 1)

Fallen Angels (Behind Blue Eyes 2)

War Games (Behind Blue Eyes 3)

Nephilim 1 (Nephilim 1)

Nephilim Volume 2 (Nephilim Book 2)

Nephilim Volume 3 (Nephilim Book 3)

Shadow City (Shadow City Book 1)

Dark City (Shadow City Book 2)

Level One (Cyber Squad Book 1)

Level Two (Cyber Squad Level 2)

Level Three (Cyber Squad Level 3)

Space Punks 

Nightingale's Song (Space Punks Book 2)

Neon Nights (Neon Nights Book 1)

Neon Dreams (Neon Nights Book 2)

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Book Review: Don’t Call Me Chip by Neil O’Donnell

     Why does everyone always insist on calling me Chip? I hate it, but every human I have ever met has called me it. Until I met Mikey. I had to leave my home when the house above it caught fire in. In the middle of my hibernation I might add. Still, I found Mikey's place and he's pretty okay for a human. Named me Timothy. Much better than Chip. Everything was great until he got some new neighbors who are intent on ending me. Only they don't know that us animals are the ones who perfected warfare long before humans thought it up. Bring it and may the best creature win. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is completely from the perspective of a small rodent. He is snarky, yet cares about others. It is sweet. He is a relatable character while the reader is at all times reminded that he is in fact an animal. The antics of this animal and the others as they try to save their homes and lives are amusing, yet disastrous for the terrible humans involved. 

    I'm not saying all the humans in this book are bad. They aren't Mikey for one. There are others as well. Just the one family the animals go to war with. They made a movie kind of like this book years ago. It's called Furry Vengeance. This book has very similar vibes, only we are from the animals perspective and there are many other differences as well. Just similar concept. 

    This book is a fast read, but will keep you interested throughout. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Book Review: On His Knees by Iris Trovao

     Annika is a vet assistant, so at work she is the underling always running around. However, at home she wants something a little different. So far she hasn't been able to find a man who is okay with that and allows these desires their own space. After her friends convince her to do a rapid blind dating session she instead finds the sexy security guard, Ben. When Ben isn't being a big, intimidating security guard he is a high level accountant. Can these two be exactly what the other is looking for?

    I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical on this on. If you've been on this page long I read a lot of romance and a lot of smut. No big surprise there, but, my page is all alpha male and different, yet ultimately submissive, females. I'm a bratty sub so that makes sense for me. This book was the opposite of that, and yet it was good. It was nice to step out of that comfort zone of what I personally enjoy to see something new. 

    In this book we have a woman who is low man on the totem at work and always being bossed around, so she wants to boss around at home. Then a man who is top of the food chain at work and wants to have decisions made for him at home. Match made in heaven. 

    Honestly, this book isn't very long so I can't say too much more without giving away every detail of the book. It's cute, short, and intriguing. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Book Review: Truth as Poison by Calia Wilde (Destroyers MC Book 4)

     Snake has been sober and managing his addiction for years, however when things get bad he can always read a self-help book and re-center with the open road. While craving physical affection he couldn't let that part of himself out, but with Haley things are different. The little librarian has gotten under his skin and this is one addiction he doesn't want to break. Even if he knows he can't have her. 

    Haley has a past that no one can know about. Her father taught her all the ways to keep herself hidden and out of danger, but when she starts playing spy with the sexy biker the danger finds her. Ghosts from her past arrive, bringing with them painful memories, while trying to drag her back into the fold. Her one solace is found in the most unlikely of places, Can they find a middle ground or will their oil and water remain separated? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. If you read my review of book 3 you already know how much I wanted this book. Needed it and wanted to know every little detail about Snake I could get. I got it and with a librarian. But, not just any librarian. A librarian who is an absolute badass. All of the yes. 

    I love how Snake completely disregards whatever name she was born with electing instead to only call her by the name she chose for herself. Letting her know that she made herself and is more herself right now than at any time in the past. Just being seen. Swoon. He isn't my type in appearances, but personality? Oof. 

    We haven't lost touch with our other characters from books 1-3. I will say that we are seeing less and less of Ice as the series goes on, though. Hope everything is okay with him! I know everything is good with Michelle as she is still in the books. I would speculate on who the next book is about, but I've already read it too. Keep your eyes peeled for Boot's story when I have a chance to write the review on it!

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Down in Blood (Destroyers 1)

Dreams in the Dark (Destroyers 2)

Destroyers Soul (Destroyers 3)

Second Chance Santa ( A Destroyers MC Novella)

Book Review: The Carrie Conundrum by Mike Marteny

     Nick fell for a beautiful, shy, nerdy girl when he was young. Being shy himself he never worked up the courage to ask her out and she moved away before he got his chance. She became the one that got away and while he got a job as a cop he never found a long-time girlfriend or spouse. When Katie shows up at a college teachers party, which his buddy had dragged him to, Nick doesn't want to miss his chance. After a great date he drove her back to her car in the teachers parking lot. As he pulls away her car explodes, with no body found. He will do anything to find who is responsible!

    I received a copy of this unpublished book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Since it is unpublished I won't be posting my review on my normal other platforms, like Amazon and GoodReads. That is, until he publishes it, which I fully believe should be done. 

    The author told me to be honest in my review, which I always do my best to be, but that he was nervous. Completely understandable when not a lot of people have read your work yet! In this case the story is solid and flows nicely. Nick is an overweight cop sometimes referred to as his shape being round while other times he is referred to as an "overweight smartass with a thinking problem." However, I am not sure if he is just being overly harsh on himself or how much overweight he actually is considering that when he is dressed in a way to shield his identity they easily find much baggier clothes for him, which disguises his true weight. 

    I will say that the title of the book gives away some things. Considering the main character is Nick and he is trying to solve and help Katie, not Carrie. So, when things go south on the Katie front and she's the only one he ever loved...well you see what I mean. 

    This story is big on the fool me twice setting. It feels a little redundant and to be honest after the first time of each instance I expected the second. That being said those are my only complaints. The story is engaging and you actively want to solve the mystery behind everything. The betrayers aren't hard to guess with the amount of characters in the book, but the author does a good job of throwing hints elsewhere.     

    We have plenty of fast-paced action in this story complete with the mob, murder cover-ups, corrupted officials, and some bombings. All wonderful things making the story more enjoyable!

    This book is not currently available for purchase anywhere, however when it is I will be sure to update this record. I will also add a photo to this page when a cover exists. 

Book Review: Dawn of the Construct by Eric Lard (The Soul Machine Saga Book 1)


    D'Avery is a mage equipped with a luck magic known as the Astrig Ka'a. Rather than controlling his powers as most mages do, D'Avery's magic pulls him where he is needed. While sometimes useful, like while outrunning those bested in a game of poker, it is generally a hinderance. However, his powers are expanding at an amazing rate, allowing him better control over these new aspects. Something he once was unsure about may be just the thing to help the band of travelers he was taken to and stop the Orcs from uniting and taking over all humans. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This story is primarily focused on D'Avery with some minor jumps between a human in the normal realm and another human in an almost sci-fi realm. There is a major genre mash-up within these pages. Don't be surprised by giant Mechs, drones, battled gnarled vets, magic, and a dash of portals thrown into the mix!

    While from that description the book seems like it would be all over the place the author did a great job of pulling it off. This is done in a way that doesn't seem like the author got bored with his own story part of the way through and decided to go another direction before randomly finding a way to tie them together. Instead, everything flows and the reader is able to follow along without our heads spinning. 

    The characters themselves are ever evolving, especially our main character D'Avery. I am curious to see what will happen as the story continues. While the main item was solved for now in this book of a daring rescue, if it was possible, their missions are far from over. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $9.49 by clicking here

Book Review: Ascension by Marc R. Micciola (Shadow Saga Book 1)

     The Black Light has but one goal. Free the great protector, Kemryr, from his centuries long prison to reign in a new era. Orchestrated but Kemryr's love, Otti, they are making great strides to this goal. All that stands in their way is the sacrifices that must be made while avoiding the Great Four and Father. To further their needs Otti convinces a group of humans to attack and kill leaders of various kingdoms, ensuring support. However, the remaining kingdoms are not willing to give up without a fight. They have already lost too much to this Black Light and are unwilling to relinquish their homes. Einar must find a way to take back what is theirs and save those he cares about. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While it took me a while to get into the book once it captured my attention I found it hard to put down. We have dwarves, elves, and humans within one continent. The elements are controlled by the gods who were in turn created by Father. Father also created humans, but not all of his children cared for his newest creation. Some saw that they were flawed and wanted to stop them. 

    The main objective of this story was completed within this book: Will Otti achieve her centuries long goal to reunite with her lover?   However, the story is far from over. We leave our characters in a seemingly good place with plenty more story to cover in book 2. I am actually currently reading book 2 as I write this review so I am trying not to give away things that are happening in the second book. 

    This story jumps perspectives from that of Otti, Sigard (a human thief that is a member of Black Light), Einar, and a few others. We are able to get a glimpse into what each is thinking and doing without too much being revealed at once. Without this jump in perspectives we wouldn't have as clear of a grasp what was going on and I am glad it was done this way. 

    These characters have big personalities that will jump off the page and are well thought out. All in all an enjoyable fantasy novel. While the main characters in this book are largely teenagers and young adults this is not a young adult book. There is plenty of blood, death, and even sex. Not that I'm complaining, just wanted to give a heads up. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Vengeance (Shadow Saga Book Two)

Book Review: Entropy by Michael McGinty

     In a post-apocalyptic wasteland where thinkers are kept safely within their cities and the others are left to wander the wastelands no one is the wiser. The thinkers are kept blissfully unaware of the horrors outside their walls. As far as they know they live in a blissful Eutopia. However, when one man breaks the cycle and leaves the city he must find a way to right all of these wrongs. The only other option would be to go back and forget once more. Something he is sure he could never do. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While I normally love post-apocalyptic books I struggled with this one. I will say that this book is a one and done. Based on the ending there is no where else to go on this planet. I could be wrong, but I don't think I am. 

    The way the characters are portrayed the reader doesn't gain any sense of closeness or develop an attachment to them. At least I didn't. I can't say I was bothered by the loss of any particular one at a given time. That isn't to say that the book was poorly written, it wasn't. It just didn't spark my interest and keep me wondering to the last page like I believe was the intent.    

    I will say that the end was a bit of a surprise. All in all the book wasn't terrible it just wasn't for me. While these aren't the reasons I didn't love this book I will tell you a bit more about it. There are giant bugs that the nomadic people capture and eat to remain alive, everywhere is a desolate wasteland, and no one outside of the Thinker cities live inside houses although there are plenty abandoned. 

    Somehow although they are abandoned and owned by another country that will never visit (no clue if those other countries are as bad as this one, although it seems they likely are) none of the nomads are willing to enter the houses. In fact, if the so dubbed 'helpful man' is an accurate indicator of the masses they say things like 'not allowed' and 'we'll get in trouble'.  

    If you'd like to take the chance on this odd post-apocalyptic book it can be found on Amazon for $4.95 by clicking here