Seeming to never fit into your own family is hard and then these mysterious things start happening to you and the only ones who seem to know what is going on is your best friend from elementary school that you haven't seen in years. Now all of a sudden they tell you that you are adopted, your parents know nothing about it, that you are a vampire, and above all that you are a princess. As if things aren't complicated enough people are trying to kill you. Just great. This is the fate that Alexis has found herself in, but maybe the alluring Cliff can take some of the edge off.
Loved this book from start to finish. I hope that her and Cliff are able to get together as they should. I like him much better than her friend. I look forward to being able to read book 2 eventually. If you like a good vampire romance that isn't smut then look no farther.
This book is available on Amazon for free at https://amzn.to/2Z9YMsk.
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