Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Book Review: Outcast: New Beginnings by A J Ashton (Tarrenfall Chronicles Book 2)

     Lara and her brother have moved to a new land and made a life there as swords. As time wore on he settled down with a lovely were and have 2 beautiful children while Lara continued her previous patterns. When one of her contractors lets her know of a job requiring someone very familiar with the paranormal world her interest is peaked. Along the way she meets up with an old friend that she hopes to never be parted from again. Can the regrouped pair complete this newest contract that has allowed a stone of great evil to be released upon the realm? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I will start by saying that this is book two in a series and they are not stand alone books. If you would like to read this please start with book one then move on to this one. 

    We follow Lara as she is in the land she and her brother sailed to at the end of book one. All of our questions about their life together and even how her brother are doing are answered fairly quickly, although he is very rarely a part of this book. While Lara does take on a contract that is seeking out a stone of great power and influence it is for the right reasons. The only thing she has to worry about is it pulling on her greatest weakness, her vampire side. Meanwhile, she has reunited with her old flame, bringing him along for the ride. Cairn has went through a lot during their separation and his greatest weakness may be his downfall. 

    I enjoyed this book. As with book one it is a great mix of paranormal and fantasy with a dash of romance and adventure thrown in. The book is well written and you genuinely care about the characters. I look forward to more from this author in the future. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.72 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Outcast: Origins (Tarrenfall Chronicles Book 1)

Monday, December 18, 2023

Book Review: A Dangerous Fossil by John Delaney

     Jemma had always loved fossil hunting, making it the focus of her life. She had found many smaller fossils, but when she and her dog, dino, went looking after a storm on the beach she uncovered something extraordinary. With the help of her nephew and a few trusted colleges Jemma unearthed and transported the largest plesiosaur ever found, nicknaming her Plessy. Once Plessy was displayed at the local museum the true trouble began. Breaking and entering, theft, and attempted murder are not too drastic. Can Jemma survive with Plessy still in tow? 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I can't say that I have read a lot of dinosaur books that are for adult audiences. Most of them have been children's books for my 6 year old son. Still, this was a thrilling mystery. 

    While the author does let the reader know who the culprit is behind the heinous acts rather early the process of finding out if they will get away with their plan is exciting. The 'villain' fulfills the role in a way that could be possible and the acts are largely well thought out. I enjoyed most of this book, although I could have done without the cheating aspect. It was just as pointless as the act itself. 

    My favorite character was easily dino, even though he was a dog. He played a big part in the book from the location of the prized fossil to leading Jemma back to the scene of a crime. If you are looking for an interesting and unique mystery this could well be your next choice! The book is well-written with characters that are largely relatable, if sometimes annoying. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Book Review: Garden of Thorns by Dylan J. Silver (The Curse Breaker Book 2)

     The great king of the undead, Vlad, has decided that his youngest sons, Van and Fyr take wives, bear children of their own, then accept the gift of the gods to become undead as well. Only one will become king and only when he defeats Vlad in a battle to the death. However, Van and Fyr have no interest in this path for reasons of their own. Follow the story of Van, Fyr, Vlad, and the house of Ei. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. You may remember two of these characters from book one. One of which played a bigger part than the other, but they were both within it. That isn't to say you need to read these in order. In fact I strongly suggest reading this book before book one. This shows the background of the antagonist in book one and the helpful character for the curse breaker.

    This book doesn't even mention the curse breaker until the epilogue and leads directly into where book one begins. You can read these in order then jump back in time with book two to get this history lesson. It is completely up to you. 

    As with book one all of the characters are humanoid animals and the scenery descriptions are impeccable. You can tell where and with whom you are with as the story progresses, even as it jumps perspectives from one chapter to the next. You can see how the characters are developing and what drove them to the place they were at in book one. 

    While we did not get any further with the storyline we had initially begun in book one I believe this additional insight into the Ourak was helpful to the main plot taking place. 

    This book is not currently on Amazon for some reason. At least not with sale price. If I find out where it is available I will update this. For now, you can check on the Amazon page to see if this status has since changed by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Beyond Blackwall (The Curse Breaker Book 1)

Book Review: A Ghost of a Promise by Kelly Moran (Phantoms Book 1)

     Abby has wanted nothing more her entire life than to inherit the family manor. With her great aunt's passing the opportunity has finally come. Her aunt had long since promised it to her and they used to sit for hours making plans for when Abby would turn the home into a bed and breakfast. However, the reading of the will came as a surprise. She would get the home, but only under the condition she could solve the disappearance of her relative from over a hundred years ago. Deciding to call in a team of paranormal investigators, the Phantoms, may be her only chance to make her dreams a reality. When the team arrives with Jackson the ghosts aren't the only thing getting riled up in this small town. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have already been reading on another series by this author. Unfortunately, that series has not yet been completed. But this one is amazing. Instead of the witches within the other series we have ghosts! No complaints on my end. Otherwise, this book is a completely adorable contemporary romance. Complete with mild possessions!

    In case you haven't gathered, yet, I loved this book. Abby is striving to keep her family home and achieve the dreams she has worked toward her entire life. Meanwhile, Jackson is at a crossroads in his life: to continue with the Phantoms crew and his found family or move on to other things. 

    Jackson is a British/American dual citizen with parent issues. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of spin-off later from this author featuring his parents. He has been with the crew for years but has been contemplating a change of pace. The only problem is nowhere has ever felt like home. With this case he has to deal with something within his own family's history as his ancestor was once betrothed to Abby's. 

    There isn't anything I would change about this book. I loved everything about it from start to finish. The characters are funny, adorable, and sometimes infuriating. The setting is well described. Then there are the ghosts, who have their own personalities and agendas. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Bewitched (Fated Book 1)

Charmed (Fated Book 2)

Give up the Ghost (Phantoms Book 2)

Ghost of You (Phantoms Book 3)

Book Review: Paladin Unbound by Jeff Speight (The Archives of Evelium Tale Book 1)

     Uhmbra the Peacebringer is shunned by society for being a half-orc. Plagued by tragedy as a young boy he sought refuge in a monastery whose monk trained him in the ancient, illegal, art of the Paladin. After achieving silver status Uhmbra leaves the church, becoming a mercenary with a band of trusted allies. When they travel to bid for a contract and are granted it Uhmbra's earlier training is called upon. A dark force is encroaching on Evelium and if he does not stop it his friends will not be the only casualty of this trapped god. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book ties together fantasy and LitRPG well. We start by getting some backstory on the "gods" of this world. Then we fast forward into what is considered present time following a half-orc merc with a secret. This secret ability could have him killed by the king, but he must decide if using these abilities are worth the risk to his life. 

    The main character deals with a lot of loss early on in this book, so try not to get too attached to characters right off the bat. That being said he overcomes it well, while still paying the needed tribute and does not allow this loss to impact additional relationships as the story progresses. 

    I will say that the other characters in the book are oddly understanding of situations. You will see what I mean. I don't know that I would realistically expect most in a position of power to be as understanding as these. I do understand that conflict in this instance would only have drawn out the book. It just didn't seem as realistic because of this. 

    I did enjoy the book and the main characters involved, though. I am sure there will be more exciting adventures to come for this ragtag band of individuals in the future. The setting is amazing and well described, as are the antagonists and battle scenes. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $6.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Colony Collapse by KE Wolfe (The Shattered Stars Book 1)

     A young boy from the ice planet has slowly become friends with the woman from the stars, however, things quickly sour when his father dies. His father held a position of some importance to their people and was the one to initially contact those on other planets. However, after the people of his world have battled the elements on this planet for the last 4 centuries it is hard to trust those from other planets. With the call for help she must decide if the planet is helpable and if so what is the best way to proceed. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. This is a quick read novella set among the stars. Humans have travelled to far away planets and their descendants have adapted to their new environments. This makes each planet now inhabited almost like a different sub-species. 

    We begin our journey on an ice planet that is frequently ravaged by storms. While everyone can sense these storms and have an internal heat source there is one who "battles" the storms. This man reaches out to those among the stars who in turn send a representative down. She must determine if the planets inhabitants are in need of direct help or if something else can be done. 

    When disaster strikes it is up to the young boy to make way not only for his planet, but for himself as well. While the story was interesting it didn't hold my attention enough to want to continue the series. From what I understand there are additional novellas released to seem almost like seasons and episodes of a TV show. The author mentions a strong love of Star Trek. I can't, personally, say if it bares any resemblance as I have never been a fan. But, I also don't watch much TV. 

    The "young boy" in this book is actually a man. He makes reference to the fact that many on his planet at his age have already long since started families of their own. There is some sex in the book, but it is a far cry from smut, if that is something you are concerned about.  All in all, not a bad read and for someone who is a fan of that TV show they may enjoy it a bit more than I did. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Monday, November 27, 2023

Book Review: Third Times the Charm by Robert Howell (Dramsmit Childrens Mysteries Book 1)

     Sharron, Wally, and Chip are all orphans to different circumstances, but when their long-lost great-aunt contacts their individual housing situations to regain guardianship they quickly attach to their found family. Wally and Chip are siblings, while Sharron is their cousin. While just getting to be with actual family in a much better living circumstance is great, their futures are far from certain as they discover they are young witches. Not only this, but something or someone has been killing off the Dramsmit's. Can these three untrained witches over-power a dark foe that even the council has been unable to locate? 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. It is a great young adult read that is easy to finish in just a few sittings (more it you have adult obligations). While this book is absolutely targeted towards teens any age can enjoy it. I read a few chapters to my kids (until they couldn't sit still anymore) and they enjoyed it. They are 2 and 6. 

    The story combines wiccan knowledge, Harry Potter, and the Hardy Boys along with some other random tidbits that are completely the author's own. Completely enjoyable and had you interested to know what was going to happen in book two as soon as book one was finished. I have since finished book two as I am dreadfully behind on reviews, so you should be seeing it soon. Likely, in the next few days if we're lucky. 

    While the book is primarily from Sharron's point of view, we do see how the others are doing from time to time. The culprit is a mystery until the author wants it to be revealed, although the accomplice is a bit more obvious. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

The Fourth Charm (Dransmit Children Mysteries Book 2)

Book Review: The Pit by Christian Yarnall

     While hiking with her boyfriend in Scotland he and Lauren are captured and forced into a gilded cage, of sorts, known only as The Pit. The Pit has existed as far back as anyone there can remember and is a twisted pleasure of certain individuals on the dark web. Contestants must compete against one another to the death for 3 matches. If you survive all three, you regain your freedom. All that is at stake is your very life. While inside Lauren makes friends with her cell neighbor, Jamie, each other quickly becoming the others primary comfort. Can they both escape? 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is sick, twisted, and demented. So, yes, I loved every second of it. Blood, guts, and gruesome deaths. What more could you want in a book? Betrayal? It's got it. Romance? Sure! Twisted endings? Also, yes. 

    Reading this book was easy and fun for me. If you're a bit squeamish be warned. There are some graphic scenes, including rape. 

    While you hope for the best outcome as you read each, steadily more disturbing scene, you already know how it is going to end. It is like watching a car wreck. It is a terrible thing, but you just can't look away. Please, do not take that to mean this book is poorly written. It is far from that. If anything, it will hook you within chapters and not let you go until you know Lauren's fate in detail. 

    I hope to read more from this author in the future, and genuinely hope he has others just as twisted as this book!

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Vevin Song by Jonathan Neves Mayers

     When the lightbirds came to the world humans had to build underwater domes in order to survive. These giant creatures were violent, killing any human they found in the light, but water was able to harm or kill them. Humans have lived in the domes for decades, with only a select few venturing to the surface for small scouting parties. Marla, who was rescued from lightbirds as a baby, has spent all her life that she can remember inside the dome with her adopted brother, mother, and father. Now that she is an adult and has been given a job she loathes she needs some form of escape. This escape is generally a party after work. After one such party Marla sprouts wings from her back and is captured by a ranking official within the dome to be tested on. Her escape to the surface comes with sacrifices and she will never be able to return home. But, there may be something more to the lightbirds than was previously known as she discovers she can communicate with them via their song. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. This is very much so a Young Adult Fantasy, although the characters are over 18. Personally, I am almost 30 so a 19 or 20 year old is still going to be considered young adult. Open to interpretation on your part for that. The book also has some post-apocalyptic aspects since the book is set after a cataclysmic event (the Vevin's coming to Earth) forced daily life for humans to forever change. 

    We follow Marla as she tries to survive in a job she hates within the dome, through her struggles as she changes, then onto the surface where she must face a whole new set of challenges. Along the way she must give up what family she has left, but gains someone she thought long lost. The reasons behind the long separation aren't revealed for quite a bit of time in the book, but I think the only person oblivious to that reason was Marla herself. That or I have been reading waaaay too many of a certain genre. 

    I have personally never understood societies depicted in books where leaders choose the career path for the citizens. It never makes any sense to me. You are way more likely to do better in a job you enjoy versus a job you hate. Yes, using food as a payment method is a good way to make sure that they absolutely do their assigned roles, and can never exceed a certain hierarchy. Still, it seems like it would only breed dissent. 

    That being said, I completely enjoyed this book and don't have any complaints about it. I look forward to more from this author in the future. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Book Review: I’m Not Letting Her Go by Tennille Stephens

     After losing her mother in a car accident Scarlett goes to live with her grandmother and her father, who she barely knows. While he is off on some kind of business Scarlett is adjusting to her new school as a senior. When the schools most popular play-boy sets his sights on her there is nothing she wants more than to get away from him. Except, there is more to Declan under the stand-offish exterior. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. We all know how much I love paranormal romances. I haven't been reading them as often, but they will forever be one of my favorites. This book is a combination of Young Adult Romance and Paranormal. Both are great genres. 

    Not that I am complaining, but I do like to give the disclaimer for those that care, while this is a young adult romance there is sex in the book. The characters are of consenting age and are almost 18 and 18 so it isn't a big deal. But, if that is something that bothers you with young adult books there is your warning. 

    The characters are well developed and it is as easy to get lost in the background story as in the romance that takes place. I really enjoyed the crossing of realms aspect and how everything turned out. I have to admit that the big bad was a bit obvious, but it may not be to everyone. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $18.99 as a paperback by clicking here. I am not sure why the eBook is no longer showing as available and if I am told of another place to get it I will update my page and let you know!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Book Review: Charmed by Kelly Moran (Fated Trilogy Book 2)

     Fiona Galloway has known since birth that she was one of the fated six to break a centuries long curse to restore love to the Galloway and Meath families. Even with all of that time she still isn't ready to accept her fate. When her youngest sister, Kaida, and one of the Meath brothers break the first step of the curse they know that either she or the oldest Galloway are next. While training Fiona lets her guard down with Riley and sparks fly, ending with a Celtic knot on their wrists. Can the pair get past their attitudes and work together to break the next step of the curse, or will they even get the chance with Uncle Greg pursing his own agenda?

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I was looking forward to Fiona and Riley's story when I read book one. Who doesn't love the redhead with a quick temper who loves to tempt? All of the Regina vibes (Supernatural reference), only much younger. Then there is Riley, who is so adorable and thinks of himself as the weak link in the Meath brothers, although none of them are truly weak. He isn't the bookish type like his younger brother, or the warrior type like his older, but he is all heart and strength for those he loves. 

    The only complaint I have about this book isn't even about this book. It is the simple fact that book three isn't out yet and we don't know when it is going to be out! I need to know what happens next, but fingers crossed it will be sooner rather than later. In the meantime, we do have other, non-paranormal books to enjoy from this author. Well, I don't. I already finished them since I finished this book, but that is beside the point. 

    We have our favorite villain back in book 2 from book 1 and he is still trying his best to thwart the couple's plans. However, Uncle Greg now has some new tricks up his sleeve, and he is not afraid to use them. I am sure you will enjoy this book as much as I did. I will state, however, that you HAVE to read these books in order. Otherwise, you already know what is going to happen in book 1 and where is the fun in that? 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Bewitched (Fated Trilogy Book 1)

A Ghost of a Promise (Phantoms Book 1)

Give up the Ghost (Phantoms Book 2)

Ghost of You (Phantoms Book 3)

Book Review: The Guy Who Accidentally Started the Apocalypse by David Bushman

     When Cameron gave a coupon for a free sub to a homeless man and the self-proclaimed wizard gifted him a wishing-stone in return he thought it was nothing more than the ramblings of a crazy person. But, when he idly wishes to live a life like those in the post-apocalyptic LitRPG he was listening to his wish was granted. Now, most of Earth's population has been decimated by living plants intent to turn those that remain into zombie-like creatures. With the help of a higher sentient being Cameron begins upgrading himself with no real fear of dying, due to respawn abilities. Can the surviving members make a dent in the alien surge to reclaim their homes? 

    I received a copy of this audiobook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I adore this author's writings and was excited to receive this book. The desire to just read this and little else was strong, although I normally read multiple books at once. Still, I haven't had the time to sit and actually write up the review until now, even though the book was finished August 2nd. (Yes, I am the weird person who has a physical notebook filled with the exact dates that I read every book. It dates all the way back to July 2017.) 

    This book is a great combination of the real world LitRPG and VR gaming experience. I haven't read something quite like it within my delves into post-apocalyptic LitRPG and gaming books. I love all of these genres and a mash-up was a yes, please. The author did an amazing job of combining these along with adding in his own personal sense of humor we enjoyed in his other books. 

    Although there is plenty of meat to this story it will absolutely leave you wanting more. Unfortunately, the next book is not out yet and to my knowledge we have not received a pending release date. That being said, there is plenty of action in this book, of all types. 

    The only point of confusion I have in this book is the age of the main character. At the beginning he seems middle aged. While he does receive enhancements throughout the book, I don't know if they ever actually confirmed his age. It did not take anything away from the story by any means, but I was curious. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Darklands Online Book 1

Darklands Online Book 2

Darklands Online Book 3

Darklands Online Book 4

Book Review: Worlds, the King's Pawn by Mike Cahill


        A battle between good and evil set among the stars. Follow along as we see the universes most powerful entities fight to do what they feel is best, be that for others or themselves. We gain this knowledge from multiple perspectives over multiple average lifetimes. Who will be the victor and win the prize of the continuation of all existence? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Normally I love sci-fi books. If you have been here for a while, you know this. A large portion of the books I read have some sci-fi aspect to them. In this case, I found myself struggling to finish the book. There are so many details within the pages that I just felt bogged down and bored. Even in the action phases of the book I felt like I needed to stop myself from almost skimming the book just to be done with it. 

    While most of my reviews are posted to my site, GoodReads, and Amazon along with links in other places this review will only be available on my site per the author's request. When I don't love a book and know it will be a negative review I reach out before the book is finished to give them the option for me to mark the book as a DNF. In this case, I did while reading and he wanted to think on it, but by the time he decided I had already finished the book. So, we compromised, and I agreed to only post the review to my site instead of everywhere. 

    That isn't to say the book is poorly written. A lot of people enjoy being taken in depth with descriptions and details that have little to do with the plot as it makes them feel more immersed within the story. For me, I love details, but not so many that I feel like the story gets lost. The author does a good job of hiding certain aspects of backgrounds from certain characters in a way that is beneficial to the story as a whole. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $7.00 by clicking here

Friday, November 17, 2023

Book Review: Cicatrice: New Eyes and Brave by Jo Boyle

    Jamie and Mal were best friends at university, but when Mal abruptly leaves without a word the friendship is seemingly shattered. During the ensuing five years apart, Mal is on the run for her life. No connections can be made or else he might find her and take her captive again. When Mal and Jamie have a chance encounter can she really walk away again, even if she knows it is the only way to keep Jamie safe? 

    I received a paperback copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is amazing. Fast paced, thriller, sex, and plenty of action. If you are of the feign of heart, be warned. I only say this because there is rape and a lot of abuse within these pages as Mal and Jamie go through both their present and past. 

    We jump back and forth between present day and the past while Mal was a captive. We learn how she was trained and the mindset she quickly adopted. I have to say that I am proud of her for everything she endured, and I am surprised she ever let another man touch her, even for information. 

    There isn't anything about this book I would change, although the story is a difficult one. I believe everyone got exactly what they deserved at the end and hope you will enjoy this journey as much as I did. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.37 by clicking here

Book Review: Tempus Fugit: The Engagement Ring by Jules X. Perlaski

         In this 'Choose your fate' story you are a college grad who lives in an RV with his best friend. Your friend has discovered a new type of drug and your girlfriend has just broken up with you when you tried to propose. Where will your story go? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have always loved the Goosebumps books that were choose your fate, however, I didn't enjoy this book so much. I will say that I absolutely read through each of the eight possible paths in order to get as much as I could from this very fast read. 

    The book was not poorly written, by any stretch, but it wasn't something I found myself enjoying or a series I would like to continue in the future. I don't feel like I walked away from the book with a real depth of feeling for any of the characters involved. The series may get better as it progresses, but this will be my stopping place. 

    We "play" as a college graduate who is living in an RV with his best friend who is both a drug addict and seller. After we are dumped by our girlfriend, he tries to convince us to take a drug that allows you to travel in time. The choices you make from that point on are your own. You can give your friend to the authorities, join forces with them, take the drug, don't, and so on. 

    This may be something others would enjoy, personally I just wasn't a huge fan. The author does have a website: 

    If you would like to try this book it is available on Amazon as a paperback for $250 (not sure why that is) by clicking here

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Book Review: Space Punks by Anna Mocikat

     David wakes up in a high security prison with no memories of how he got there or his life before. During a chance encounter with new prisoner, Aztec, shows not only an opportunity for a prison break from one of the highest security prisons in the solar system, but a chance to join a band of space pirates. While being given a trial run he encounters things that most of the general population has long sense believed to be be gone, but this crew feels like home to him and he is intent not to mess it up. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. If you have been here for a minute you know that I love love love anything written by Anna. I have been reading her books for the last 3 (almost 4) years and have never not loved everything she has written. While I love Behind Blue Eyes, Shadow City, and Cyber Squad I am so excited for this new series. I have great hopes for it and this wonderful, amazing author. 

    We start with a prison break and move from one exciting encounter to another. Even when the pages are not filled with action and near-escapes we have amazing character dialog, sexual tension, and training scenes. David doesn't have his memory, but this puppy is obviously skilled and I am so hoping that he will go against the redhead. 

    Never fear if you are fans of Mocikat's writing. There are little drops to her other books scattered throughout. While they give nothing away for these other series they will put a smile on your face as you think of the characters within. That being said, Aztec is sexy, amazing, and funny. Then there is Dr. Bonesaw who is probably my favorite character. I mean who doesn't love someone who is sexy, yet could dismember someone in their sleep and them live to scream about it? Every character in this book is great and it is so hard to choose just one to dote on. While Niemand takes a while to grow on you Hel, and her wonderful name are instant loves. But, we can't forget Nightingale and his oozing sex appeal or Captain Jack. All around every character is a yes, please. 

    There are cyborgs, aliens, space travel, and all the action one could hope for. And lets not forget our naughty scenes. There isn't a thing I would change about this book and I absolutely can't wait to see where our newest favorite band of space pirates takes us as the story unfolds. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or I ABSOLUTELY suggest purchasing it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Shadow City (Shadow City Book 1)

Dark City (Shadow City Book 2)

Behind Blue Eyes (Behind Blue Eyes Book 1)

Fallen Angel (Behind Blue Eyes Book 2)

War Games (Behind Blue Eyes Book 3)

Last Stand (Behind Blue Eyes Book 4)

Nephilim Volume 1 (Nephilim Prequal Book 1)

Nephilim Volume 2 (Nephilim Prequal Book 2)

Nephilim Volume 3 (Nephilim Prequal Book 3)

Level 1 (Cyber Squad Book 1)

Level 2 (Cyber Squad Book 2)

Level 3 (Cyber Squad Book 3)

Nightingale's Song (Space Punks Book 2)

Neon Nights (Neon Nights Book 1)

Neon Dreams (Neon Nights Book 2)

Book Review: Gollitok by Andrew Najberg

     Hammel has been sent by the FBI to investigate Gollitok island with a crew that he has mostly never met before. Their goal is to determine what is going on on the abandoned prison island and make sure there are no rebel forces. However, most of the team has some ties to this island having either been there themselves or had family there. As the investigation progresses they are met with challenge after challenge, including things that shouldn't be humanly possible. Can the crew make it out with their investigation complete or will they even escape with their lives? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. The book starts off a bit slow and it took me a minute to get into it, but I promise you it is worth it. This is the second book I have read by this author and he has a twisted sense of style that I kind of love. It is dark, brooding, with a strong paranormal presence. And I don't mean ghost, demons, and the like. He takes it a step farther with things you don't normally think about, unless you are one of the scientists in order games. 

    This is a post-apocalyptic book where everyone either works for the government or is struggling just to eat every month. Not much of a choice, really. Still, even those that have fallen in line aren't necessarily in the government's good graces. Even the actions of their families can pave the way for dangers. 

    If you're a fan of the older style gaming of the journals that say things about they've developed some kind of new creature and someone has been poking it with a stick for the last 48 hours and they really hope it doesn't get loose, followed by it getting loose, you will like this book. While that isn't exactly what happens here it fits pretty well.

    I really liked the jellyfish and birds aspect of this book. Something that you wouldn't think much about and then doom. The characters are interesting enough in the book, but I was more interested in all the things that could kill them. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking here

    I take that back. It WILL be available on the above things as of November, 24, 2023. Completely forgot this was an ARC. I'm sorry. Still, a great book and I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did once you get to read it. 

Books by this author: 

The Mobius Door

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Book Review: Remember Us by Courtney Elliott

     After losing his mother in his teens Ky finds solace and a deeper friendship with his best friend and his sister, Dakota. When Ky is kicked out of the house by his alcoholic father Sean and Dakota's parents take him in, treating him like an extension of the family. When he goes to school they help with his finances and when Dakota comes to the same school they reconnect once more. Feelings that had barely been given a chance before soon blossom into so much more. However, Ky begins to lose himself to alcohol much like his father, pushing away the one person who meant everything to him until he is left with nothing. Can he find his way out of this mess he created? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is a tear jerker that jumps from the present to the past. We follow Ky as he looses his mother, blaming himself. His journey through finishing high school and beginnings college. Then to all of his encounters with Dakota as he spirals into an ever darker frame of mind. 

    As someone who came from a household where one parent is an alcoholic that actively said they weren't wanted it's hard, however, I can't justify his actions in following that path. You were given literal blueprints on what not to do with examples of just how bad it can be throughout your entire childhood and chose to go down that rabbit hole anyways. It doesn't give me a lot of sympathy for the main character, to be honest. While I am proud of him for seeking help and everything accomplished I spent a lot of this book rolling my eyes because he is responsible for every bad thing that happened after being kicked out of his dad's house. 

    Dakota is my favorite character in this book, although I don't know that I could have been the same type of person she was. She never failed to be there and give chances, even when they weren't deserved, until she couldn't do it anymore. I am glad her decisions forced him to getting the help he needed to turn his life around. 

    All in all this book was good, and if you are able to have more sympathy than I was able to muster for the main character you will likely love the book. There are plenty of sweet, romantic, and gooey moments in this book that are so adorable. I wish the best for the characters in their lives moving forward. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Toward Renaissance by Wes Hubert (Asteroid Chronicles Book 3)

     After being sent deep into enemy territory to repair some spy tech Rasht must rely on those they are at war with to find his way home. After being taken in his computer skills are used by a company before he eventually is sent into the asteroids to eventually, possibly, be able to go back home to America. While he has always been one to mostly fade into the background he is now being hunted by both those that want to kill him and those that want to use his skills. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I want to start by saying I have not read anything else by this author nor in this series. So I went into this book blind. I didn't know anything about any of the characters or about the Renaissance project before page one. While this book is able to be read as a standalone I feel like I am missing some of the back story with the building of the craft and how the world got into the shape it is in. 

    That being said, there wasn't so much information missing that I was fumbling through the story blind. From what I can assume Rasht wasn't in the previous books and this one was centered around him and his journey, so I didn't feel too left out.     

    We follow Rasht as he lands in enemy territory and must trust those he has worked against since joining the military to save him from the Canadian wilderness. He sees how the Canadians live and how it differs from Americans. While he isn't initially good with change we see him grow as his story progresses until he eventually is thinking more of others than himself. No complaints with this story, although I don't know that I would want to go back and read books one and two now that I have read three. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Feud of the Pineys by Tony DiGerolamo (The Pineys Book 4)

     The Galloways have been feuding with the Usteads as long as there have been demons running wild in Jersey. No one really remembers the reason, but both sides hate each other. Gary Ustead especially hates Hemmingway for something that happened when they were children. When a page is lost of a Galloway book Gary makes a deal and the luck goes sour. Can they right this before something much worse than a change in luck occurs? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have read the first three books in this series and will likely be completing the rest at some point in time or another. I have enjoyed all of the books so far, no matter how weird they may get sometimes. This book is no different, although I would like to think that Hemmingway is actually starting to mature. Even though he is in his fifties it isn't too late to grow up and be an adult. 

    While you technically could read this book as a standalone it will spoil things from the other books, so just be aware of that if you decide to read them out of order. The entire series is on Kindle Unlimited, though. 

    I will say that this book had a lot less demons in it than the other books thus far. It isn't without them, of course. I don't think there will be a Pineys book that is missing that factor, but there are a lot less. I think there was only 4 in this book. But, we focused more on the human interaction (and hopefully some lasting character growth). Not that I am complaining. Something had to jump start that man. 

    I do look forward to what will be happening with Hemmingway's mother in the next as I'm sure that is where the series is leading us. We shall see. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

My Cousin, The Piney (Book 1)

Witch Piney are You? (Book 2)

Third Grade Piney (Book 3)

Jersey Shore Piney (The Pineys Book 5)

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Book Review: Vengeance by Marc Micciola (Age of Shadow Saga Book 2)

     Einar is intent to keep his and his new wife, Karina's, people safe from Black Light and Kemryr. The Master of Darkness is intent on ridding the world of the scourge known as humans, but he isn't quite the same man Otti remembers. Will he lose everything in his path to cleanse the world of Father's creation? Can Einar and Karina save their people before Kemryr turns his attention to every other race to pay for his incarceration? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I want to start by saying this is book two in a series and can absolutely not be read as a stand-alone. You have to start with book one, but they are both on Kindle Unlimited, so as long as you have that it won't be a problem. I have read book one and if you'd like to know about it first the link for my review to it will be below. 

    In my review of book one I mentioned that I wasn't sure how I felt about Einar agreeing to marry Karina after spending the entire book expressing how in love he was with the half dwarf woman. This was addressed in this book, before it was moved on from. I'm satisfied enough with that result and they seem happy with their life, so more power to them. 

    We also ended with Kemryr's escape in book one. Now that he is loose we see him intent on his goal to get rid of humanity and that he has lost a few screws in his time in captivity. He has went from the great protector to unhinged and mentally unstable. I get being in a place with nothing at all but darkness and your thoughts for centuries, but lashing out at loved ones isn't exactly the smartest move. We will see how that goes for him because personally I don't see it ending well.. 

    Still, Kemryr will stop at nothing to see his goal achieved which was bad news for the humans. We follow Einar and Karina across the country as they try to protect their people, accruing many losses along the way. I feel like the book ended in a good place. While not everything is resolved the main points in this book are addressed in a nice segway for the next book. I will tell you that the next book is not out as of now. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Ascension Book One

Book Review: Trial of the Sun Queen by Nisha Tuli

     Lor has been a prisoner in the worst prison under the Aurora King for most of her life. She and her two siblings are the longest living residents of this hell with no real reason to be there. After a fight over soap Lor is sent out to the pit where she is without food and water while being subjected to the elements and beasts of the wild under she is brought to the Sun King's palace. Here she is primped and fed, but told she must compete with nine other girls who have prepared for this their entire lives. The prize is the Sun King himself and becoming queen. However, not everything is as meets the eye. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This is a fantasy young adult book, that I wouldn't recommend for younger kids. There is quite a bit of sex in this book, including orgy's and oral. No complaints on my end, just a heads up for the younger lot. 

    While you may be thinking of The Selection this book has more magic, more lies, and more possibilities. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Selection, but at the end of book one I didn't feel the need to continue, although I'm not against reading more of it. This book I would absolutely read more on, given the chance. 

    The author loves to play with your emotions with this book. Who to root for? Who to love? Who to hate? Personally I have a soft spot for the villain characters and I want to know what is going to happen with him, even if he wasn't in the last little bit. I have high hopes for both this author and series in the future. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $11.99 by clicking here

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Book Review: The Last Spiritwalker by Liv Strom

     Ev will go to any lengths to protect her daughter and escape her abusive husband. So, when she is offered the opportunity to earn a large amount of money in a short time she jumps at it. Only to learn that she must hurt others to fuel crystals for a man's magic. After agreeing to go with him and become his apprentice she learns more about magic and those she now associates with, but will she lose her daughter and life along the way? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Magic, a better life, and shifters...I am down. This book has a bit of romance, a big helping of fear, a healthy dose of magic, and a sprinkling of difficult decisions. Keep the world as it is or release all those with magic in their veins for better or worse? With these choices how could you not want to read? 

    I loved this book and not just because it had my favorite type of shifter in it. It showed both sides of those with magic. The good and the bad. Then the main character has to decide for herself and the world if they are best in their constraints or let free as they once were. A difficult choice, but I feel she made the right decision. I can't say I am sorry for what happened to her husband. 

    In her shoes I don't know what choices I would have made. She escaped one abusive situation to be directly in another with no way out. Then when she finally does get out she has no way to make it on her own while her daughter just wants to go home. Never realizing what truly was going on at home. I'm glad that she didn't, but that made it hard to understand why they needed to go. 

    Then there is the truth of her name with a tie to my one of my favorite authors. I look forward to more from this author. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking here

Book Review: I Know You by Russell Govan

     Eilidh is broken up with by her boyfriend directly after gaining admittance to university. In the ensuing argument she is knocked unconscious and wakes up in 1984 in a refugee camp as a nurse. She witnessed a young girl's last moments, taking her button with her when she returns home after sitting with a man by the nickname Dubya. Once home she convinces herself it was all a dream until she wakes up meeting the same boy from the camp years before in his home town. The next time she comes home she meets an old man in the onset of Alzheimer's with a tattoo of that day long since faded. She has two choices: stay with Walter for however long they have together or live her life in the present. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book was adorable from start to finish, but just a warning it will pull on your feels and make you cry sometimes if you are an easy crier. From the death of the little girl to a difficult choice between her family and the man she loves. 

    Every bit of this book is amazing and I would whole-heartedly read another by this author no questions asked. While her choices are difficult there is travelling back in time to seemingly random points in order to meet and better understand the amazing man found. This book take born in the wrong time frame to a whole other level and gives the main character the chance to fix this or stay in her own era. 

    I also love that she wasn't the only one in her family to face this decision and we are able to see a bit about the impact on those left behind because of this. It gives the character a full picture before her decision is made. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $9.95 by clicking here

Book Review: Coyote by Ashley Brandt

     Eighteen year old coyote-shifter Raven was just promoted to pack warrior and is about to receive her first task. However, her long-time boyfriend just returned from his last task different only to be saved by a mysterious stranger. Deciding to end things with him she heads home, intent on talking to her dad before getting her orders. The next morning she finds her father dead and smells her ex, Johnathan. The task-master gives her an offer. She can take the task and go to the human shifter testing facility or she can become his mate and carry on the family line. Faced with impossible choices and death of her loved ones at every turn Raven's choices seem to be made for her. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is full of twists and turns with just enough left up to the reader's imagination as to who was truly behind the deaths. While who she ended with was expected throughout the book, on my part, I would have liked more clarification that he wasn't the one responsible. 

    I haven't read a lot of coyote shifter books and even less that are set after regular humans have become aware of shifters. Unfortunately this book shows the negative possibility of war and shifter testing. While that would definitely be one possibility I like to think that if there are shifters (which we've received nothing stating it's not possible) that they would be mostly accepted by people. 

    Each of the love interests in this book had something to offer in both the romance aspect and to the cringe effect. All in all this book was hard to put down and I did really enjoy it. There is plenty of action within this story, and I don't just mean smut. I loved what happened with the children, for instance. They didn't deserve everything they went through. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Book Review: The Mobius Door by Andrew Najberg

     In the small town of Millwood young Stuart decides to build a fort in the woods only to find a door that seemed to lead to nowhere. Upon opening it a darkness pours out, entering the young boy and unleashing something much more unpleasant. Unless the visitor can find the light that drew it to this plane and find a way to stop the black cloud that followed it not only will his escape have been for nothing this entire universe will be consumed by the darkness. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While I'm not generally one to condone the death of children I didn't hate this book. I don't know many adults that would have acted as Stuart did with the door, so without that action none of this book would have been possible. 

    My biggest issue with the kid aspect of this book was a scene where one of the visitors from another realm tricked a young girl out of her entire childhood, making decisions within her false memories that she may or may not have went with herself during the course of her life. Other than that and the death of the kid I don't really have any complaints on this book. 

    You generally wanted to know if a couple of kids would be able to stop a black cloud that was devouring everything in it's path in time to save the world. The other option would be a nightmarish landscape of creatures who are a part of the darkness. For once, you do have something to fear in the dark as you read into these pages. 

    The book is well-written and the characters are believable as we jump between both adult and children's perspectives in different places in the town. Everything is wrapped up nicely by the end of the book with just enough of a cliffhanger to let the reader know that there could be more in the future with this story. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $8.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 


Monday, September 25, 2023

Book Review: Reset by Janet Elizabeth Henderson

     Ryan spent over seven months in a coma. Now, with lots of physical therapy he feels ready to get back to work. His team have supported him every step of the way, but are concerned he isn't telling them everything. When he is taken on the street his team will stop at nothing to saving him. Ryan, however, awakens in a cavern to find a woman shackled to the wall. She seems to know him, but she isn't ringing any bells. In order to escape the pair must work together to overcome near impossible odds. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. 

    Thrillers and romances are easily my top favorite genres, so a book that combined the two was a real treat. Although Ryan's team deals in security and retrieval there is just enough leeway to make readers wonder if they will reach him before it is too late. Not that Ryan plays a helpless character in this book. In fact, if he hadn't done everything he did there wouldn't have been a chance. 

    I personally couldn't imagine being in Sarah's place. Falling for a man over months via text. Meeting up with him, having a wonderful time, then inviting him back to her place never to hear from him again? I've never had a one night stand, although more power to those that have and enjoy it. Still, the abandonment feeling in this case...just ouch. Even if there was a good reason. 

    Meanwhile, poor Ryan is missing chunks of his life along with random people. These encounters he may never get back. Then there are the complications he is suffering from, which I wont go into more details on. You'll have to read about that for yourself! Still, he is determined to get back to the team he considers family. 

    Things go from bad to worse for these two when they wake up in a cavern only to find other bodies, rats, and cameras. Can the pair escape together before they starve (or worse) or will this cavern claim more lives? 

    An exciting book that leaves you wondering about the end until the last page. This is not the first book in the series and it does give both hints and spoilers about how the characters within the other books end up. So, if you don't like knowing if the guy gets the girl and what their future holds you'll want to read the books in order. Personally, while this is sometimes an issue I loved this book so much I would absolutely read every other book in this series without complaint. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Book Review: The Silver Ninja Narco Hotel by Wilmar Luna

     After being removed from her position with the police force Cindy withdrew into herself. She refused to use her alter-ego, the silver ninja, but her former boss wants an encroaching drug cartel out no matter the cost. Can she save her city from this threat or will she lose herself in the process? 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. 

    I want to start by saying I'm so sorry for how long it took me to do the review. My goal is always six months and while I am normally able to stay within or exceed this timeline I am dreadfully behind. At the time I accepted this book I also accepted over one-hundred others. Many of those I have finished, while others I am still working on, unfortunately. In addition to that during these last ten months my grandfather died, causing me to go on a reading hiatus. I bought a house, moved into said house, lost access to my computer (still barely have access to it), and am now pregnant and am very sick all the time having lost over twenty pounds in the last month and a half. It's not an excuse, I just wanted to be transparent in why I am so behind on reviews. On to the important stuff...the review. 

    The writing left nothing to be desired and the pain character, while racist, wasn't the biggest problem in the book. There is plenty of action and while the main character has super-human abilities it is done in a way that it is believable. Technological advancements at their best. My biggest drawback with this book was my being unaware that this was not book one. I felt like I spent most of the book playing catch up or wandering around lost without information that would have proved useful. This book cannot be read as a stand-alone. 

    If I had started at the beginning of this story instead of here I would have had no complaints about this book at all as it was an exciting read when I understood what was going on. As it stands this will be my last silver ninja book since the experience of finding my way through the backstory took some of the fun away for me. 

    The characters within the book are great and all are believable as actual human beings. This book plays out as a plausible sci-fi action well within realistic standards, so long as that suit could be made. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Book Review: The Da Vinci Diamond by Jerry Guarino

    Da Vinci was an amazing inventor and painter. However, that is not all he had to offer. He was also in possession of one of the world's largest diamonds. After his death it went to the Italian museum where it was later stolen and lost to time. Now, in modern day California the diamond is in possession of a private collector who is sending it to a museum  to be enjoyed. When the diamond is stolen once more other interested parties step forward to acquire the priceless gem. Who will end up with this artifact? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. 

    We follow multiple characters in this book, so you can never be sure who will end up with the diamond or if any of them will. We follow two sisters, the diamonds owner, police, and an assassin while they travel across the united states and into other countries. 

    I can't say that I love the author's portrayal of men in this book. Almost every single man is very easily swayed to cheat on his wife with someone younger and more attractive. Sometimes not even that, just different than their person. This was my biggest drawback while reading this. If people kept it in their pants almost none of this book would have happened. I don't know if the author is justifying their own feelings of wanting to step out or if they think that most everyone doesn't get the concept of monogamy, but for me it was a major detractor while reading. 

    Other than this, figuring out who stole the diamond, who the assassin plays into everything, and where the diamond will end up was fun. The book was mostly well written aside from the above and as long as there aren't more tropes like that I'd happily read more by the author. 

    I felt like the police actually did a good job in this book, unlike how they are often portrayed in books. The amount of times I have questioned everything about the police in the book I am reading now for instance. But, you'll hear more about that one later!

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here