Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Book Review: Kurtain Motel by A. I. Nasser and Scare Street (Sin Series Book 1)


    When a storm drives a group of travelers into the safe haven of a run-down motel most decide they are only going to stay one night then leave in the morning. However, this may quickly become the longest night of their lives as their own personal sins are trying to get them to confess. What happens with the confession and will any of them live to see morning?

    I impulse bought this book on BookBub's suggestion back in 2019. I love horror books and the cover intrigued me, so why not take a chance on it. I am so glad I started reading this. Even if you are new to my site just by looking you can see that I read a lot, so to say that I found a horror book that was unique and I didn't expect what was happening was saying a lot. This was one that I had to make myself put down in order to do other tasks when all I wanted to do was find out what was causing this. 

    I took as much time as I could with this book, reading it slowly by my standards, to draw out the anticipation. While not every detail of the book is answered I feel there is enough here to continue into an enjoyable series if the author decided to do so. There is plenty to make you wonder at the things that lurk in the shadows and reflect on your own sins, lest they draw in something dark to make you pay. 

    I don't know that I had a favorite character within these pages. We have someone who swindled people out of their money, someone who stole someone else's book, an actress who chose her career over a blooming family, a seedy motel owner with his own secrets, and I'm still fuzzy on what the career woman did. Something about her father. I'm not sure. 

    This book is available on Amazon for free by clicking here

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Book Review: Logistics by Chris Coppel

     Holly was found abandoned in someone's home under the Christmas tree when she was 2 years old. After spending her childhood in both a strict religious home then later in a commune she decided to go into a field where everything made sense. Logistics. Holly put everything she had into a fortune 400 company, eventually working her way up to CEO. To get there, Holly had to make sacrifices, such as the only man she ever loved. However, during a merger with a distribution company in China Holly learns more about her past and herself then ever before. 

    I received this book from Henry Roi PR in exchange for an honest review. I was told that it was a Christmas story before I began, but when I started reading it I couldn't see how it would be. I seen a driven career woman who the only connection seemed to be having been left under a tree when she was two. Nonetheless the book intrigued me and I wondered where it would head. The more I read the more I started to get Hallmark Christmas Movie vibes. 

    This book plays out like a mashing of a lot of Hallmarks. Beautiful career driven woman visits small town. Secrets are discovered. Santa is real. Love returns. But, as with any Hallmark the fun is getting from the beginning to the inevitable end. How the North Pole is depicted is new and different and I really enjoyed the concepts throughout. I am glad that Holly changed her attitude during the course of the book as I can't say I liked her much at the beginning. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Ebenezer: The True Life Story of Ebenezer Scrooge by Douglas Bass

     While the story of Ebenezer Scrooge is one we all know and love it is by no means the full and truthful account. From Ebenezer's birth through childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood there are many things that molded him into the man he became. Through these instances we can see led to his meeting with the ghosts and how his life changed there-after. Join me in traveling through the ages and getting a deeper understanding of this man made myth. 

    I received this audiobook from the narrator in exchange for an honest review. While I received it before Christmas it took me a while to get through it. Not that I don't enjoy scrooge, I think it is just so frequently told that for the most part we all know a great deal of this man's life already. As always, I enjoyed listening to the narrator, Benjamin Fife. My only regret in regards to the audiobook was when it entered the singing portions. Each time it happened I left the audiobook to play as I walked out of the room because it wasn't pleasant to listen to and I didn't know how far ahead to skip for the song to be over. 

    After listening to this audiobook I know a great deal more about the events in his life that made Scrooge the way he was depicted by Dickens so long ago. In fact, this story is one told by Tiny Tim as an old man where he recounts "Uncle" Scrooge's life. We learn more about the woman who held Ebenezer's heart, Miss Anabelle, and that it was not nearly as much her fault as we previously believed. We learned of his parents and what happened there. Most importantly we learned more of his sister, Fan. 

    Fan was easily my favorite character in the book, although her choice in a husband was quite lacking. I wish that she could have seen how Ebenezer's story played out, but his life was one rife with loss, hers counted among the greatest. I enjoyed being able to see the story a bit more clearly and the fact that Dickens was in the book made it all the better. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: Gone with the Wolf by Kristin Miller (Seattle Wolf Pack Book 1)

     Before Drake's father died he gave an edict: whoever finds their Luminary first will become leader of the pack and the other will take over finances. For over 200 years Drake and his brother searched endlessly to find their mates, only for Drake to stop due to the divide between he and his twin. When Emilia learns her beloved bar was bought by the giant corporation Wilder Financial she takes out her wrath on Mr. Wilder himself. When he refuses to listen to her statement that she already owned the property she goes undercover at the firm as a secretary. After months of getting nowhere she attends the Halloween party as Little Red Riding Hood, sneaking into Mr. Wilder's wine cellar and helping herself to part of what this billionaire owes her. Here she meets Drake and the attraction is instant, but their individual issues may be a bigger hurdle than they can pass. 

    I read this as an audiobook from the Libby app. If you have read my reviews for any length of time you know that I have a minor obsession with paranormal romances. So, when I see a pretty male with a wolf in the background I am always willing to take the chance. In this case I was not disappointed. 

    There is a independent woman who has been hurt by an ex and fought to scrape the money together to get her bar. She did everything she could to make her bar perfect and yet it is being taken away. Then there is a CEO of a company who works in numbers and all things safe. They are polar opposites and yet opposites attract and the chemistry is amazing. Drake is adorable and combines the mindset of gentlemen from a by-gone era with the controlling pain more common in this one. 

    Don't get me wrong, controlling pains can be fun. They come with the dominant male and believe me I'm married to one and love him no matter how much he annoys me. If I read more books in this series I hope they are as great as this book is. They tied up most of the loose ends in this book. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. 

Book Review: Non-Heir by Rachel E. Carter (The Black Mage Prequel Book 0)

     Darren is the second born to both King and monster. His father beat he and his brother at any chance he got. As the second born Darren is not the heir to the throne, but his father has decided he should train to be the commander and protector of his older brother. While training to become a knight he excels, met step for step by the knight's daughter Eve. When they both show an affinity for magic Darren has a new goal: become the Black Mage and show everyone his worth. Can he overcome his family's dark tendencies to become something more? 

    This was a book I impulse got off BookBub back in 2017 and am only now reading. At one point I almost stopped reading because of all the physical abuse to children, but I am glad I kept reading. This book seems like it will lead to an interesting story and it highlights how different children react to trauma. One immolates while the other does the opposite of their upbringing. I have seen it personally and it is often what happens. 

    While there are possible love interests that flick in and out of this story, and I am sure there will be a permanent love interest in later books, that isn't the main point. It is more about a young man overcoming his past to embrace the future that he wants. In this case becoming the best mage possible. 

    I genuinely loved Eve in this book. She doesn't back down from challenges and stands up for what she wants, including other women. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Monday, March 21, 2022

Book Review: Hunting Season by Kate Rudolph (Guarded by the Shifter Book 1)

     After a cult ceremony while Owen and his team were stationed in Germany in the Army they are turned into werewolves. In an attempt to cover what happened to them the Army discharged the group and now they have decided to start their own security business. With the General's contacts things are progressing well and when he assigns Owen to babysit a spoiled princess who has had 3 kidnapping attempts in the last year he doesn't hesitate. However, when he meets Stasia he soon learns that there is more to her than her daddy's money. In fact, his wolf is all but howling the word mate at this woman he is sworn to protect. Being a werewolf is still new to the team and this new development could make the possibility of leaving her after the job is through very difficult. 

    I listened to this book on the Libby app. Impulse audiobook download and I will say that this book has made me rethink an earlier decision of mine. A few months ago I was listening to a military romance and was bored so I assumed I was over the military macho man type and had finally gotten them out of my system. I thought wrong. While these boys are no longer active military they still default to a commanding officer and I have the biggest crush on Owen. Not even sure why. I generally go or brunettes instead of blondes and his personality is more class clown than anything else. Still, he's adorable and I'm glad he found his human. Stasia was a bit harder to love, only because of her closed off nature. She isn't the pain expected, and I suppose anyone who had lived the life she has would be detached as well. 

    This book is different from most shifter books in that they aren't born or bitten. Instead a cult-like ceremony was preformed on the team, who had previously not even known each other. The characters are great and I need to see who Emmie ends up with. She seems so hardworking and I low-key love her already. Some pettiness, sass, and a whole lot of talent wrapped in one pretty package. 

    Another difference with this book is being the first in a series you automatically assume you're going to be reading about an alpha. While Owen is decidedly an alpha male he isn't pack alpha or even second in command. In fact, at the beginning of the book he is referred to as someone that no one really depends on. It's interesting that the author chose to start the series off with him. 

    Now then, this book wasn't all peaches and cream. The job was to keep Stasia safe from kidnappers while her brother and father worked to resolve the issue. Sounds simple enough, but we never got an answer as to who was behind the kidnappings and what their true motive was. It annoys me when things are left unresolved unless it's part of a bigger background things. However, when it pertains to the story I feel those things should be resolved by the last page. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Book Review: The Unnatural Perpetrators Department Texas Case Files by John Baltisberger and Reed Alexander

     There are things in this world that are unnatural, the supernatural, and when they go on a murder spree they must be stopped. For this reason the FBI has a special division, the UPD, to handle these individuals. No matter the case if it involves the paranormal they will solve it as fast as possible. Miranda has been unit leader for a long time and when the opportunity to grab Dianna came up she took it. What Dianna lacked in inter-personal relations she more than made up for with her attention to detail and profiling. With this new addition to her team they may be able to not only solve some of the most difficult cases the UPD has had in years, but possibly stop the brass from shutting them down. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I received it Reed let me know it was in three parts. I didn't question it. Many books are broken into segments, but the plot follows through. No big deal. Then when I started reading it was more like episodes in a show than segments to a book. I have to admit that this ticked me off a bit. I don't read short stories, as I don't feel there is enough content to be able to write a complete review without giving away details, and I am very upfront about this fact. As I read I decided that I would think of these as three novellas shoved into one book. It helps. Minorly. 

    That factor is not the books fault, however, so I won't let it impact my review. This book is an exciting combination of Supernatural and Criminal Minds. Both are TV shows I adore. I've seen every episode of Supernatural and Criminal Minds often-times plays in the background at night. The characters within the stories are well-rounded and don't feel far-fetched. The reader gets momentary glimpses into the paranormal creatures perspectives as well which is always great. In each case you either wanted them caught or felt for the perp, depending on what the authors wanted you to feel. 

    There are some minor typos and grammatical issues within the book, but nothing major and it doesn't detract from the reading. My favorite character in the book was Joe-Jack, even if I hated his name. I grew up in a small town on the Kentucky-Tennessee border and names like that aren't uncommon. Unfortunately, everyone that I knew with a name like that was either a dick or inbred as hell. Joe-Jack is neither of those things and because of my experiences felt his name didn't fit the character. Instead, as I read I edited out the Jack part and just thought of him as Joe. I was surprised by his development in the book, but it took absolutely nothing away from him. I'll leave it to you to find out what that development is. Although, it does explain why women are easily comfortable around him. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

In the Beginning

In the Shadow of the Mountain

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Book Review: The Alienation of Ludovic Weiss by David Pollard

     Ludovic had a wonderful life: a job where he felt respected, a loving wife, great friends, and even a mistress. He enjoyed every aspect of it until one Monday when his director asked him to meet at a chapel in a shady part of town for a secret operation. He was given a red file and told to tell no one, but to pursue the information within. Since then everyone around him seems to have changed and nothing in his life is as it should be. Is he going crazy or is everyone really pushing him out of the way? 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I hate to admit that I received a physical copy of this book in the mail over a year ago, while I was having a complicated pregnancy, and am just now getting to it. I generally try to complete all review requests within 6 months of the date received, so this is one of 4 (I think) that is long overdue. 

    I started and finished this book today while I was told to sit and relax by my husband since I just got out of the hospital last Friday. I'm fine, gallbladder removal, it just hurts to move around too much. As I was reading it I was curious to know if he was going crazy or if it was a set up and the author held out this information until near the very end. 

    Some parts of this book confused me. I get the main issue. But the wife, Lil, and the mistress, Else, confuse me. His wife has nothing to do with his work so I don't know what caused that. I can only guess that she found out about the mistress and was equally as unfaithful. Something I will never understand, but to each their own. Else confuses me slightly less. She at least works in the same place as him, but where did she go? She just randomly disappears and isn't seen from again. Then there is the matter of his family. They are mentioned in one sentence in the book that he has a family, outside of his wife and her parents, but not that the search for him or even note his disappearance. 

   As the story progressed the mind-games played on this man were intense and I can't say that any sane person wouldn't have fought back against the imposed conditions. I feel I would have taken actions much further towards the end, but who knows. I can say one thing for certain: nothing that happened within these pages would have resulted in how this book ended. It is rare for a book to end as it did, but I'll leave that to you to find out what I mean. 

    This is a psychological conspiracy thriller that will have you second guessing yourself throughout. Even after everything Ludovic went through I don't particularly feel bad for him. While I don't feel it was deserved the end just kind of ruined the character for me. Just because the character was ruined, however, did not make me dislike the book. It was very enjoyable and well-written. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Book Review: The Eidola Project by Robert Herold (The Eidola Project Book 1)

     It's 1885. The civil war has been fought and the slaves freed. Now, Dr. James, a professor at Harvard, has decided to take on a new challenge he feels the country needs help with: finding the truth to the supernatural. To do so he has assembled a team called The Eidola Project made up of former slave turned scholar Dr. Edgar Gilpin, graduate student Annabelle, carnival 'freak' medium Sarah Bradbury, and former Confederate Civil War Lieutenant Nigel Pickford. Though just assembled they already have a daunting task: to travel to Hutchison Manor to help Ms. Lenore to rid her house of ghosts. What they find may be a true testament to just how much the world needs this group. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book has long been on my TBR of books to eventually buy so when the author approached me asking for a honest review in exchange for a copy I was delighted and immediately accepted. I didn't even read the synopsis as I recognized the title from a excel spreadsheet I have on my computer. I also have book 2 and an ARC of book 3, both of which I can't wait to start. 

    Initially, I wanted to like Nigel. He was a war vet and in Sarah's dream he saved her. Seemed a trustworthy enough character, but I have lost my high opinion of him. I know it is the time this took place and the fact he fought for the confederates, but his racism is extreme and he sees no fault in it. I hope as the books continue this character develops and he treats others with deserved respect. 

    I have to admit I was a bit amused at one point during Nigel's introduction. Annabelle told the hotel desk clerk that he was the poet Edgar Allan Poe who had fallen on hard times and they were bringing him back. Edgar even pointed out that had Poe been alive he would have been in his 70s. I adore Poe and his works so this little aside comment thrilled me. 

    Back to the main story. When the team received the task of the Hutchison Manor and we seen someone murdered there, but not who did it, I immediately had a suspect. I was proved right on all accounts and was content to be so. How we reached the end was interesting, especially the mirror scene, and I loved every second of it. 

    The author does a great job of drawing you into the story and making you feel as if you are watching the events play out in front of your eyes. You forget that you are reading words on a page or screen and are instead visualizing each instance. The outwardly ramshackle manor that inwardly screams opulence, the dirty streets of Georgia, the carnival 'freak' show. All are easily visualized and remain with you long after the story has come to a close. 

    As you can tell I truly enjoyed this book and highly suggest it, just as I'm sure I will with the other two books I have yet to read. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here.

Books by this author: 

Moonlight Becomes You (The Eidola Project Book 2)

Totem of Terror (The Eidola Project Book 3)

Monday, March 14, 2022

Book Review: In the Shadow of the Mountain by Reed Alexander

     For a small mountain town tucked in the mountains tourism is the main draw during Summer months. Winter, however, there are only 70 residents. While this suits most just fine Dean, the quarterback at the local high school wandered into the forest finding a great new thinking spot which has given him a way out. Now, he must show as many others as possible. The only problem is a local with a bum leg, his sister, and her husband stand in his way. Will anyone survive this invasion?

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Somehow, after already reading one of Reed's books I wasn't expecting another insectoid alien-like creature cult. I'm not sure why it surprised me, and don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but it did. It seems that is this author's theme in writing and I half wonder if these are dreams he has and he has a fear of insects. Wouldn't be the strangest thing to occur and it makes for a good read. 

    There are only one or two spots within this book with any typos. It is, however, chock full of phrases that make it obvious this author is from southern united states. I loved them, having spent most of my life in southern Kentucky. Things like 'happy as a pig in shit' and 'hair of the dog'. People will give you really weird looks if you say things like that further north...from experience. 

    I don't have any complaints to speak of outside of the book length. At 88 pages it is more of a novella than a book. However, I do suggest taking the time to read this book of a fight between normal people and those affected by the aliens(?). 

    This is normally the part where I list how much it's available for on Amazon and a link for purchase, but apparently the book isn't currently on Amazon. I messaged the author about this and will update this post with a price and link for purchase when I have one!

    Update: The author responded that this book is now a part of a collection available by clicking here for $2.99. 

Books by this author: 

In the Beginning

The Unnatural Perpetrators

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Book Review: The Wrong Turn by Tracey Fletcher

     Chike had never felt any real desire to do anything, content to live his life simply existing from day to day until he takes a wrong turn and is transported to the land of the dead. Here, a messenger of 'The Voice' advised him he has seven days to travel through the regions and come out a better person or he will remain within the land of the dead forever. However, along the way Chike learns that the balance keepers are trying to overthrow the guardians and it is up to him to set things right. Is he willing to provide the ultimate sacrifice?

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. It had been a while since I read the synopsis of the book and wasn't sure what I was getting into. I can't say that I have read a lot of books set in Africa or that I know much of anything of the cultures there. That being said my lack of knowledge on this continent did not lessen the book in any way. 

    The author made sure that whenever she talked about cultural references, such as something called masquerades (which to me only meant a dance or party where you disguise your identity), that the reader was aware of what this was. When traditional words were used they were translated as well so the reader could easily identify them. It made the reading experience much more pleasurable as I doubt I would have taken the time to Google translate them. 

    I will say that there are some typos and grammatical issues within the book. I don't know if they just weren't caught in the editing process or if things were lost in translation as I don't know the authors primary language. English can be a pain if it isn't your first language and I understand that. The issues weren't profuse. 

    Chike is an odd character and while you can see him grow I didn't feel attached to him by the end of the book. He changed from the first page to the last, and I am proud of him for this, but I don't know what path he has chosen for his life as a result of this experience. Then there is his family. They were hostile at his indifference towards life at the start then at the end they seemed to have changed as well. Not a lot was disclosed there, but what could have happened to him during the interim that would cause them to change their attitudes towards him? They would have no idea if he was changed or remained the same.

    Other than that the book was an enjoyable fast read that gives insight into another region's beliefs. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Book Review: Behind Blue Eyes: War Games by Anna Mocikat (Behind Blue Eyes Book 3)

     It has been a year since Nephilim first went off the grid and fell in love with a ROSPROM agent. One year since her memory was wiped and Metatron killed her. Since then she has become high-archangel under Metatron and the Crown Princess. Nephilim adores Metatron and nothing could change that...or could it? As someone continues to kill the guardian angels she regains memories from before the wipe. The most concerning of all of the person she holds dearest killing her. However, when she confronts him he does the unexpected, giving her a glimpse into events from his perspective. Now, he hopes that this last year they have spent together will be enough to allow her to see things his way. Because a war is coming and nothing will stand in the angel's way. 

    I received this ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have been a reviewer and fan of Anna's work since I got my hands on Shadow City over two years ago. Since then she and I frequently talk over her books and other things and my love for her has only grown. She is an amazing and talented writer and it is my pleasure to work with her and read her books. Now, on to what you really want to know: does book three hold up against the other two BBE books? Of course it does!

    As I was reading it I let Anna know that I wasn't seeing Metatron as quite the bad guy I had seen him as in the past books. I felt something for him, and I wasn't sure how I felt about that as he was definitely the character I loved to hate in other books. She was amused and told me that was her point. By the close of the book I still agree with that assessment. He is a dick, but fiercely protective of the ones he holds closest and will go to the ends of the world to achieve what is needed for them. 

    In the other books my favorite character was Adriel, Nephilim's partner and a periphery character. He played a part in this book, and I loved the times when he showed up. Even if their comradery wasn't quite at the level of in book one that is understandable considering the memory wipe. Maybe she will eventually know what he did for her. Either way I love him now as I loved him then. 

    Now, I mentioned Anna took away our favorite bad guy. The one we all loved to hate. This is true, but she didn't leave us hanging. Instead we are presented with someone even more deserving of our hatred. A truly sadistic man that you will learn more about within these pages. Let's just say the scars on his victims will survive a long time for any that survive. 

    Jake again plays a part in this book, but rather than rooting for him as I was in previous books he felt more like a little lost puppy than a viable partner anymore. He didn't change, but my attitude towards him as a reader changed. He is still in love with Neph and hopes for their perfect future, working hard towards that goal. Perhaps it is because we can see how Neph has changed over the last year and I'm not sure that, even with her memories fully restored, would she want to be with Jake anymore. She knows so much more about the inner workings of Olympia now. 

    As always Anna gives us just what we crave: more killer cyborgs while leaving plenty of the story still to be had in the future. I can't wait to find out if Neph will regain all of her memories, what Metatron does to our newest bad guy, how Jake responds to the news he received on the last pages, and how Finwick is enjoying his new job. The war is far approaching and the lines are not yet clearly drawn. 

    This book is available for on amazon for $3.99 by clicking here. Get yours now.. Trust me when I say you won't be able to put it down! This is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

    If this is your first encounter with the ever lovely Anna please check out her other works: 

    Behind Blue Eyes (Behind Blue Eyes Book 1)

    Behind Blue Eyes 2: Fallen Angel (Behind Blue Eyes Book 2)

    Shadow City (Shadow City Book 1)

    Dark City (Shadow City Book 2)

    Cyber Squad Level 1 (Cyber Squad Book 1)

    Cyber Squad Level 2 (Cyber Squad Book 2)

    Cyber Squad Level 3 (Cyber Squad Book 3)

Nephilim Volume 1

Nephilim Volume 2

Nephilim Volume 3

Space Punks

Nightingale's Song (Space Punks Book 2)

Neon Nights (Neon Nights Book 1)

Friday, March 11, 2022

Book Review: Night Angel: The Dead Island by Ghada Elgazzar

     Xana is a fairy princess born to normal fairy parents, but she is far from normal. She is part of a prophesy, glows, and has the wings of an angel. Since a young age she was trained by werewolves, warlocks, and angels to keep the mundanes safe from downworlders. Now that she has become an enforcer with her friends Micheal, the werewolf, and Alston, an elvin prince, will she be able to keep her promises? 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I was sent the book I was advised of typos and grammatical issues within. I have to agree that this is very correct and hope they have since been resolved. Since it was pointed out to me before I began reading I won't take it away in the review. Just making a note of it. 

    This is a fantasy book that involves multiple races in a way you don't typically see. We have the savior, which is always the main character, who was raised to protect humans from demons. Werewolves, Elves, and the Fairies are all working together while vampires toe the line so as not to be hunted. 

    Xana was raised with her boys, Michael and Alston, and loves them dearly. They are everything to her until she spots a pretty mundane singing in the park one day: Jamie. Now she is willing to break every law just to be with this human, but will it be worth it? Afterall, she has bent the rules before to save a vampire from his pack because he didn't want to hurt anyone.

    Then there is Alston. He comes off as stand-offish, but as we learn more about him it seems he was trained to be that way. I feel for the fact that he can't stand being touched. Cringing when someone touches you isn't born overnight and I can only imagine the horrors he had to go through to get to such a point. I feel I know what caused this, and by whom, but I will let you draw your own conclusions. 

    Of course, I can't forget about Mikey. The friendly werewolf who is seemingly constantly starving to death. He is a very attractive man that has never had a girlfriend and always has food. It's odd, but it happens. Mikey was my favorite character in the book and without him I feel this book would be missing something. 

    While this book wraps up a lot there is no pretty bow on it. We see some people killed and others saved. Demons are vanquished. Heroes are injured. And yet...justice was not completely served. I don't want to say too much more because I don't want to give it away. If you are wanting the full story complete with all the loose ends tied up you will need to read on beyond the 670 pages in which book one takes place. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: The Chosen One by Emma Knight (Vampires of the Underworld Book 1)

     One minute Melina is a surgeon blowing off steam with her friend in a club. The next she is witnessing a murder and on the run from a crime boss with the help of witness protection. Things seem like they can't get worse until her entire team of protectors is killed and she is kidnapped. Melina is taken who knows where with 11 other women and told they are a vessel. Some of these women seem to know what is going on a bit more, while most just seem scared. Can Melina get out of this as it is all just a case of mistaken identity or will she be trapped at the whims of Roman? 

    I read this book on the Libby app because I wanted a short audiobook while I was cleaning last Sunday and this fit my desires. So I thought. Paranormal romance is always a default of mine. I have to say this book isn't what I was expecting. I was expecting the traditional paranormal romance. Instead we have a male that fucks everything and even has his own harem that makes 12 women vie for his attention in order to become his queen and basically a brood mare. Serious gag factor. He doesn't want a wife. He doesn't care about a wife. He must have a wife in order to secure his throne. So on we bring the vessels, women who have been bred through generations to be able to breed with vampires. Guess what? Still gagging. His entire intention after he marries her is to impregnate her as quickly as possible then not have to deal with her again. Literally not kidding. Like at all. He also has zero intention of being faithful but hell hath no fury if she ever sleeps with another man. More gagging. 

    Genuinely I read romances and expect...well romance. Instead I am presented with a chauvinist  douchecanoe whose "vessels" are not allowed to have sex with anyone before he meets them and if he chooses them they cannot have sex with anyone else after. But he can fuck anything he likes whenever he likes. Because who cares what he does. I don't like harem books. I am a very monogamous person and things like this simply don't do it for me. Towards the end of the book there seems like there may be hope for Roman as he begins losing interest in other women, but I was so over him by that point I doubt it. 

    Then there is Melina. She is 100% about escape and saving people then he kisses her and she melts. No more fighting. No running away. Just okay. Yup, you kissed me once and now I am a pliant little flower. Then when everything comes to a boil in the book and Melina is taken from Roman he doesn't lash out at her when she is returned. Doesn't question her. Nothing. Nope, because she's a good little pliant flower and "didn't have to come back". 

    There are more books in this series, but I won't be touching them. If you want a paranormal stockholm syndrome you go for it. Otherwise look elsewhere. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Omega Awakens by C. J. Hansen (The Alpha-Omega Wars Book 1)

        A young shut in girl from London who can see auras is desperately trying to be as normal as possible. Her mother's solution to her daughter's abilities as well as the issues that surround is to tell her never to speak to anyone of what she can see and that she isn't allowed out of the house without an escort. Young Anna, however, has other things in mind and escapes as often as she dares to visit her friends in town. Within the town it seems the group of friend's biggest issue is The Marylebone gang, but Anna and her friends soon learn that their town and inhabitants can be terrifying. 

    Once Anna accidentally discovers she can manipulate others using her aura she is given an option to join her uncle and his master to train and fight in the coming war of good vs evil. The choice is hers, but once it is made there is no going back. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. The only thing I hate about this book is how long it took me to read it. I started reading it shortly after I got pregnant and had a very rough pregnancy along with moving and many other obstacles since then. As a result I finished this around my daughter's first birthday. Yes, I know, it is an awful amount of time and I feel terrible about it. The amount of time it took me to read this book was in no way the fault of the book. Omega is interesting from the first page. 

    It is a young adult book where a young girl dreamt of the greatest evil and now it has locked it's gaze on her. Since the beginning Alpha and Omega have been locked in a battle of good and evil. However, soon the world will only be all good-Alpha or all evil-Omega. No longer will there be any middle ground and it is up to Anna if she wishes to join the battle or stay on the sidelines. All of these points are simultaneously new and old tropes. The old: We have a main character who is very adept at their abilities being seen by the bad guys and presented with a choice on a side to choose. Then we have the new: a Beast of HighGate which rips people apart, an evil man who manipulates teenagers through seemingly innocent tasks, and a the powers all hold. I can't think of another instance where I have read of someone being able to manipulate someone through their auras. It is very intriguing to say the least. 

    The main character developed well throughout the book, and while things are just being set up for the series in the book you don't feel like you've been left without content. We have a love interest set up, a looming war, training, and a monster terrorizing the city. During this book we find out more about the monster and about the young girl coming into her abilities. I feel this starting point will be very important in how the rest of the series plays out. A solid foundation on which to build and all that this series is sure to offer. 

    I enjoyed this book a lot and look forward to what will happen later on in the series. My biggest "hmm I wonder" is when the Omega actually reaches this world and what horrors will follow. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Book Review: Traitors from the Inside Out by MM Justine (Traitors Trilogy Book 1)

     When Martina's parents are killed in a car crash her young son is temporarily put into a coma and she inherits the company, Althonat, with her brother Sebastian. Her father developed a wonder alternative medicine that will cure everything from ADHD to Alzheimer's with just one dose. The only problem is before his death he split the Rensblad formula, giving his brother half for safekeeping. The brother then sold his half to a pharmaceutical company with one goal in mind: secure the life of the top 5-percenters. They hope to accomplish this by launching their own form of vaccine: The Life-Vaccine which claims to keep you you safe from many diseases and instead makes those who take it sterile. What better way to control the population than by making sure another generation isn't born? If Martina can't stop this from happening her life and up to ninety-five percent of the world won't survive. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I was reading this book I was initially having problems staying interested. It is set in Stockholm, Sweden and I was skipping over a lot of words that I can't pronounce. Mostly names. It gave me serious Girl with the Dragon Tattoo flashbacks. Which makes since with them set in the same country. I can't hold that against this book, however. It is no one's fault but my own since whenever any names like that I always skip over. I do it in any language, especially German. 

     I will say that I was a bit confused by some aspects of the book. For instance, Martina was divorced from her previous husband, Thomas. Thomas didn't abuse her, they loved each other, and there was still a spark. So I don't get it. Why divorce someone you love and have a child with because you want to live and work in different towns? I have done long distance relationships in the past. They are hard, but if both parties work at it there is no reason they can't succeed. 

    The plot was very interesting once my brain started auto-filtering the foreign words. We have a alternative, herbal medicine versus a major corporation of traditional medicine. Twisted individuals doing experiments on humans to further their own agenda. These people treated their experiments as inmates and if they died then it was no loss on society. I am wondering how long their inside man was undercover and what they had to do during that time. Traumatizing I am sure, to say the least. 

    I would be interested in knowing what happens in book two as it does end with a bit of a cliffhanger. We don't know if the end of the world is still going to happen and I would love to know what happens to the characters. Not so much interested in the romantic relationship and which male Martina chooses. More so if the world will end because some rich douchebags want to make sure no one takes what they believe belongs to them. In a way it is a tale that has been told for years but every one is different. Every one is unique and for some reason the books about very possible apocalyptic books intrigue me most. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Book Review: Echo in Time by Lindsey Sparks (Echo Trilogy Book 1)

     Alexandra Larson had a few close friends, great parents, and was working towards her dream job. However, Lex's life soon gets complicated when she goes from a simple archeologist to a member of a mythical race that the gods of ancient Egypt were based upon. However, some members of this race feel that they should still be worshipped as Gods, including Set. He will stop at nothing to secure Nun's power, which only Lex is able to access. Between she and excavation team lead, Marcus, they must stop the impending nothingness and save the human race. 

    I read this book on the Libby app. It was listed as a paranormal romance and while that does fit this book it wasn't what I expected when I started. Normally with paranormal romances they are borderline smutty. This one, while about adults, reads more like a young adult novel with tame sex scenes. 

    I enjoyed this book, and while I knew how it was going to end I wasn't sure what was going to happen between the starting point and the end. There were a few curve-balls along the way, which is always nice. There is one thing that confuses me though. In the book the females in the race can't have children. Okay, sure. Regenerative abilities could cause struggles. But there is this glaring oversight. How is it that none of these rich affluent people have considered surrogacy??? Their eggs are viable it's their bodies that can't handle the pregnancy. It just doesn't make any sense to me. 

    Ignoring that, the book has all the positives of a young adult novel along with the spice of a romance. Interesting, potentially world-ending event that is only preventable by one chosen individual on their own or with a select small group. Then there is the romance which is a constant undercurrent. Marcus is sexy and overly confident. I suppose that goes with his age and the sheer number of women he's slept with. I have to say that I loved the ancient Egypt aspects. Set, Horus, Nun all play a part in this story and I enjoyed it all the more because of it. I don't know, there is something about the ancient gods that were once worshipped, and sometimes still are, that intrigues me. 

     This book is available on Amazon for free by clicking here

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Book Review: The Sacrifice of Lester Yates by Robin Yocum


    Attorney General Van Buran had loved being a prosecutor and ran hard to earn his place. Now that he has it, however, his joy of putting away criminals has been dampened by politics. Day in and out was filled with petty white-collar crimes so different from his blue-collar upbringing until a prison guard, Mr. Moretti brought in 3 binders full of information on the Lester Yates- Egypt Valley Strangler case. He demanded that he thought Yates was innocent and that it needed looked into before the boy was sent to slaughter. As Van Buran investigates the case he has no idea where the murders will lead or just how much of a fight he'll have to put up with Governor "Big Jim" Wilinski. Big Jim wants nothing to stand in his way of running for presidency, and that includes letting a murderer walk. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I agreed to the review I know I read the synopsis, but this book was a ways down my TBR and by the time I got to it I had no clue what this book could be about. Which I'm fine with. Everyone needs a little spice in their life and mine, as far as reading goes, comes from not knowing what book comes next. With the title my brain was preparing for another cult read. No problems there, but I was mistaken. 

    Instead, I was presented with a murder mystery. A serial-killer murder mystery none the less. All the better. Things
are going great until I start seeing that terrible p word I hate so much popping up like dandelions in the spring. Politics. I wanted to groan, thinking this book was going to take a turn for the worst. After all, there is nothing good or entertaining about reading politics. Oh, but I couldn't have been more wrong. 

    The more I read the more I couldn't put this book down. I finished it within 2 days, which is saying something recently between all my other commitments. I needed to know who the real murderer was, and while I had my suspicions, along with a character I really didn't like, there was still a curveball. The author set this character up until the final blow was set. While I had initially suspected the murderer I quickly discarded him in favor of the other. 

    Van Buran is a small-town guy who covered up a murder when he was a kid only to spend the rest of his life trying to put criminals behind bars. He claims to be easy going, but has a temper and a flare for the dramatics. And, best of all, while he is in politics and has to deal with them he doesn't let the pressure put on him stop from pursuing the truth. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $16.99 by clicking here