Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Book Review: Journeys by Jeanne Roland (The Archers of Saint Sebastians Book 1)


    It is the 14th century and the longbow is renowned. The archers of Saint Sebastians are known far and wide, those who make through trials will be narrowed down until one becomes the Prince's new guardsman. One men are allowed to participate in the trials which take place over 2 years, but when Marieke's father is killed she seeks refuge under the guise of a young boy in these sacred halls. While squiring for a Journeyman Marieke discovers more about her father and current threats. If only she isn't caught for being a girl first. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is very slow to pick up and it took me a long time to actually become invested in the story. I would "reward" myself for completing a chapter by reading something I was enjoying more. Still, I persisted, and I am glad I did. Once you actually get into the story it is very interesting. A bit bogged down in details, but it works in it's own way.     

    While it took me a while to become interested in the book, once I did I would read only on this instead of deviating to other books, as I am prone to do while reading. This book gives serious Eon vibes, without the disclosure at the end of that book. Still, I loved Eon, and I eventually grew to enjoy this book as well. To the point when it ended I considered immediately grabbing book 2. Afterall, this book ends on a cliff-hanger and I needed to know if they survived. I say they so you don't know who until you read it for yourself!

    Even though Marieke is under the guise of a boy, that doesn't mean her feelings and attraction has magically changed. Instead, she gets to ogle these men as they train, even if she rarely gets to enjoy it as she is trying to hide her own identity. The internal conversations where she attempts to battle these feelings is amusing, as well as the dangers faced both within the grounds and outside of them. Marieke does gain one enemy of sorts, but I don't know about him. I don't think he is as bad as he is portrayed and I kind of wants to see her end up with him instead of with anyone else. If this series were to go down the romance aspect it seems like it will lead into. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Book Review: The Confrontation by KM Ryan (What If Book 4)

     Haley has hated Seth since the moment he first came into the bar. But since he is her best friend's friend there was really no avoiding him. Not at work and not outside of it. He is immature and a playboy, but when one Friendsgiving ends in a sexy interlude, he quickly becomes her naughty indulgence. At least on Thanksgiving. Still, he is not boyfriend material, and she needs to cut her losses sooner rather than later. As sexy as Seth is, their Friendsgiving interludes cannot continue. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I thoroughly enjoy books by this author. Nothing like a little contemporary romance to spice up your reading pile! This is book 4 in a series, and while you CAN read them out of order, I don't suggest it. Characters from the other books play a part in this one, so it would ruin their stories to know the ends before you begin. 

    I have been WAITING for Haley and Seth's story. It was bound to happen eventually. They were at each other's throat's way too often in the last book for them not to end up at least sleeping together. All that tension HAD to end up either in the bedroom or with one of them killing the other. My money was on Haley, even with Seth's background. 

    Still, it was fun getting to know their story and I loved every second of it. As always, I look forward to more from this author in the future. If you haven't already, check out some of her other books I've read below!

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this Author:

The Reunion (What If Book 1)

The Meeting (What If Book 2)

The Encounter (What If Book 3)

Save Me (In the Moment Book 1)

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Book Review: A Healer’s Gift by Tao Wong (Adventures on Brad Book 1)

     Daniel was gifted by the Gods at birth with the ability to heal even the most grievous wounds. However, this gift is not without great cost. Each time he heals he looses an equal amount of memories and experiences. While his gift is not something he advertises, he does use it when the need arises. With his goal of becoming an Adventurer Daniel travels to a nearby town, leaving his previous mining experience to go on Dungeon runs. Whether he succeeds or not will depend on the friends and decisions he makes along the way. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is a LitRPG where the main character lives the RPG without thinking it is a game. He levels, has gifts that have an exchange rate, and can obtain new skills. The characters within the book range in a wide variety of species, but they all work well together with their own skillsets. 

    This book is a nice change of pace from my normal readings. Normally I read the books that the character is entering into a VR world that is completely immersive versus this is their daily life. The change of pace was nice, and the book had a lot to offer. The dungeon runs and friendships along the way rounded out the book nicely.     

    The book does end on a bit of a cliff-hanger after the healing, but I don't want to spoil anything. It was an enjoyable read and I look forward to more in the future. 

    This book is available on Amazon for FREE by clicking here. 

Book Review: An Amorous Dance by Jessica Lauryn (Rabourn Theater Book 2)

     Hannah Rabourn has tried her best to continue her father's theater. While he never believed in her acting abilities, he entrusted the care of the theater to her. She would not let him down, no matter how much her previous love would like to see her fail. Working so close with the man who had broken her heart years ago had been hard, but she would never give the man the privilege of knowing he got to her. But, when there are threats against herself she finds an ally in the most unlikely of places. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I was hesitant when I first started this series, but with the completion of Book 1 I began to come around. I wasn't sure what to expect when starting this series, but a fun mystery with a large helping of romance wasn't it. I am not in the least bit disappointed by that fact, mind you. 

    Book 2 picks up shortly after book 1. While you could read these books as a stand-alone and still know what is going on, I personally suggest starting with book 1. Instead of Alicia we have moved on to her cousin, Hannah, who played a role in book 1 as well. While the threat to Alicia was removed, temporarily, there is now a threat to both the theater and to Hannah. Slowly the pieces begin to tie themselves together as to who is behind the threats and violent attempts. 

    Can she truly trust those around her? Who is the most likely to turn? These are questions Hannah must ask herself as she goes along. But, her ex deciding they needed to run the play her father was killed during may skew her focus. After-all, she was once the leading role along-side Evan Masters before her father took her out of stage-life and the play had not been ran since. Can she focus long enough to find out who is behind these attacks or will the seemingly long burnt flame rekindle only to be extinguished with her life?

    As I mentioned, a lot of mystery with a big helping of romance. You will be turning pages and waiting to see what will happen to this newest couple. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. 

Books by this author: 

A Passionate Play (Rabourn Theater Book 1)

Book Review: Crimson Sands by J. Arthur Klein


    James had been waiting on Crimson Sands to come out since he first heard of it. A new VR experience that was taken to the next level by new VR pods? When he learned that the local arcade would be adding a few of the pods in preparation for the new games launch, James was quick to reserve a spot. From the moment he entered the game he could tell this would be an experience unlike any other. No information about the game was released prior to launch, yet everyone couldn't wait to start the game, even with the bugs. How far into the game can James and his new friend go? 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. As an avid gamer I love VR and LitRPG books. I have a soft spot for them and very rarely turn down the opportunity to read one. This book is one that I personally would LOVE to read the next in the series of. 

    While there are in-game threats, this isn't a 'God in the Machine' mechanic that we see so often in these books. The gaming experience is fun and amazing while allowing the reader to get to know the characters. Then we get a little bit of real-world inside the pages as well, which is where the real threat lies. I will be completely straight-forward with you and let you know that this book does end on a cliff-hanger. BUT, trust me when I say that this is one book you just want the next one for, even if it does leave you hanging. 

    The characters are amazing. The world building is amazing. You get just enough information to feel like the pods are possible while enjoying the SciFi of it all. The book is well written and I look forward to more from this author in the future! 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here. 

Book Review: Second Chance Santa by Calia Wilde (Destroyers MC)

     While visiting the hospital Digger ran into the last person he expected, Marie, the love of his life. Although things went bad before, it seems there was some miscommunication, and he is more than willing to spend more time with her. This time, things will be different. 

    I received a copy of this novella from the author in exchange for an honest review. I started this story and finished it in the same day. I know I have raved over Calia's books in the past, but this really is an adorable little story to sink your teeth into. I will say that it is helpful to have read her other Destroyers MC books, because otherwise it is just about a biker named Digger who seems contrite for how things ended previously. 

    With the background we know Digger and how he is from the other books. He deserved his own little happily ever after and I'm glad he got it. Even if their issues were resolved quickly and without fanfare. 

    I don't want to say much more about it without giving away all the details, so I will leave it at if you enjoy the Destroyers, add this one as well. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $1.99 by clicking here

Books by this Author: 

Down in Blood (Destroyers MC Book 1)

Dreams in the Dark (Destroyers MC Book 2)

Destroyers Soul (Destroyers MC Book 3)

Truth as Poison (Destroyers MC Book 4)

Lights Camera Mayhem (Destroyers MC Book 5)