So my supervisor at work wrote a book and asked me to do cover art for it as he has seen some of my artwork. Naturally I was thrilled to accept and I got to read a book written by a man that I have a large amount of respect for. I started the book and at first I was not sure that I would like it. It had some points where I felt like it was not even slightly a book that I would normally read given the option.
I am however very glad that I decided to read the entire thing because it is a captivating and amazing story of one mans life coming from traumatic events in his childhood to achieve his dreams and then go above and beyond what anyone has done before. Mac takes the reader to this realm that the people are in turmoil being ruled by nobles much like that of the medieval times. Kessec, the main character is raised under the care of the Elder who is the oldest person in the world and has traveled far all of his life.
There is even the joy of wizardry throughout the book. This is not like Harry Potter or even Merlin but something much more. It is a story that even my husband would be able to get into.Yes it begins slowly but what book doesn't. You truly cannot believe that this was his first book.
If you want an action packed story that can hold its own without the sex and cursing then this is definitely a story that you can take a bite out of. And eventually it might even have some of my artwork thrown into it, if I can put to paper exactly the image that Kessec brings to mind.
I got it at work from the author himself, but anyone else who wants to read it can find it online at by searching for the title of this post. It is currently a plain black paperback that is 11.99. Believe me it is well worth it.
I still love this man and I have book two, even if I haven't read it. I bought it THE DAY it came out. I urge everyone to read this. I don't care what genre you like you will find something for you in this book. I may be a little biased, though because this author is easily one of my favorite humans! This book is available for purchase for $0.99 as an ebook on Amazon at
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