Mom has had a curse her entire life. She sees dead people, but my sister and I have never seen anything. I work in the hospital and try to save as many people as possible while my sister would love to have the sight. She is a paranormal journalist. Mom has hidden herself away with dad as far away from people as possible, but when I mysteriously lose a patient and am not notified until the following morning and wind up hitting my head I start seeing people as well. People who shouldn't be there. Like my dead patient and a very handsome ghost detective. I need to help for them to move on, but I also don't want to go crazy like Mom....
I went down a rabbit hole for ghost stories for a hot minute there. Not really sure why. And honestly this one has the ability to turn into a paranormal romance. Sort of. It's weird in that regard, although not the weirdest thing I've read and it was far from a no from me. Basically able to touch the ghost while astral projecting. Anyways.
This is a murder mystery type book, which I am all for. However, I will say that the antagonist was painfully obvious. Like from the first interaction with the character I had no doubts what happened. Wasn't sure on the why until later but the how and who was plain. It didn't take away from the story and getting to the bottom of things was fun.
This book wraps up the goal of the story nicely of helping her patient while leaving enough strings unattached to want to continue reading. Mostly to find out what happened with Elliott (her ghost detective). It could be a cute series. I really liked all of the characters involved. Well, aside from those we weren't meant to like.
Biggest detractor from me was the throwing in of religion. Yes, yes. Most people are religious and this would be a plus for them. I know that. Just stating my opinion. At least the writing and everything outside of that one aspect was enjoyable. Especially Elliott.
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