
Saturday, August 27, 2022

Book Review: Save Me by K. M. Ryan (In the Moment Book 1)

     After the death of her mother Kaycee moved away from Chicago hoping that a change of scenery would help. Instead she felt more alone than ever and was planning to end it all. If it hadn't been for Jake and Grant she would have died. However, sometimes new friendships develop when we need them most and this one could not have come at a better time. But are they helping her because they want to make themselves feel better or because they genuinely want her in their lives? When she cooks breakfast for them they and Janelle convince her to start a cooking blog which soon opens a new pathway of good and bad. Can there be a balance or will the spiral begin again? 

    I received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have read a couple other books by K. M. Ryan so I accepted this review request without reading the synopsis. I have a tendency to do that and sometimes it leads to regret. I'm not sure that I would have accepted this book based on the synopsis if I had. I tend to give a wide berth to mental illness books. Especially depression because I have it and it's really hard to read about it when you're having a dark day. There were multiple days during the time I had this book I had to put it to the side and just not touch it because you can't when you're in that mindset. It's just not a thing. 

    That being said this was a great read. It accurately displays depression and anxiety making the character relatable. It is interesting to see from the perspective of someone who doesn't have depression spending time with someone who does and how their brains work differently attacking the same problems. This book is very well written and I hope for all the best for the characters within. This is a series I would like to continue when more come out as the next book is featuring Robyn, who was my favorite character in this book. 

    The bookstore in it is also great and I loved that the author added one of her characters from her book, The Reunion, into it. A brief mention, but it still counts. This book is a rollercoaster of emotions, but ends on a bright point. As always, no complaints about this author or the wonderful romances she paints. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author:

The Reunion (What If Book 1)

The Meeting (What If Book 2)

The Confrontation (What If Book 4)

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Book Review: Cyber Squad Level 3 by Anna Mocikat (A.K. Mocikat) (Cyber Squad Book 3)


   Nothing is as it seems. Kai has been told this by everyone since he started working for Helteck and the longer he is there the more this seems true. From VR secrets, a God in the Machine, and even the people that surround him on a daily basis. Is there anyone that isn't deceiving others in some way and can be trusted? Better yet, will Kai survive long enough to achieve his goal of being a level ten tester one day? 

    I received this book as an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book cannot be read as a stand-alone, but never fear. All three books are available on Kindle Unlimited. Or you could buy them, which I would personally suggest. I told my husband I intend to get physical copies of all the Mocikat books and he asked me what the point was since I have all the digital. Obviously I need them so I can look at how pretty they are on my shelf and read them when I don't want the screen. 

    With each book in this series Kai's life progressively gets better and yet more chaotic at the same time. There is a twist in this book and it sets up for the next book nicely. I hope that Kai is able to realize it before it is too late! But with everything else he has on his plate it may take longer than normal. 

    The setting in this book is amazing, you feel like you can actually see the games being tested and each instance throughout the book. Mocikat does a wonderful job of putting you into the story. I will say that this book focuses more on the romance aspect than the other books, but it plays well into the storyline. Who do you think Kai will choose? Alice, the beautiful level ten with the crazy boyfriend? Maeve, the sexy and curvy goth girl with a thing for virgins? Or someone who has yet to announce their feelings?

    I am really curious about Stan for some reason in this book. He's been in all the books and is the teams mascot porn-star princess, but I wonder if they are going to meet up in real life. I don't see any of the team going to Australia, but maybe he will come to them. This book does end on a cliffhanger and leaves you wanting more. I'm not sure when we will be getting book 4, but I'm sure Anna will have something in one of her series coming out for us within the next six months. I believe she said more Behind Blue Eyes is next!

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Shadow City (Shadow City Book 1)

Dark City (Shadow City Book 2)

Behind Blue Eyes (Behind Blue Eyes Book 1)

Fallen Angels (Behind Blue Eyes Book 2)

War Games (Behind Blue Eyes Book 3)

Level 1 (Cyber Squad Book 1)

Level 2 (Cyber Squad Book 2)

Nephilim Volume 1

Nephilim Volume 2

Nephilim Volume 3

Space Punks

Nightingale's Song (Space Punks Book 2)

Neon Nights (Neon Nights Book 1)

Book Review: Wicked Business by Janet Evanovich (Lizzy and Diesel Book 2)

     On a quest to save the world Lizzy and Diesel must collect all seven stones before Diesel's cousin Wulf. Each stone represents one of the seven deadly sins and they have already collected Gluttony and are now on a quest for Lust. While Wulf and his medieval minion, Hatchet, are always a problem a bigger issue comes in the form of a new foe, Anarchy. She wants the Lust stone for herself so that she may rule the world. With three forces battling for one object who will come out the winner? 

    This book was an impulse download off the Libby app. I read book one Wicked Appetite last April and enjoyed it a lot, but wasn't sure when I would get around to reading more of the series. Since I was scrolling aimlessly for a new audiobook the next book in this series seemed like a good idea. As with book one I really enjoyed it. 

    Lizzy is a bit whiny, but with everything she's had thrust upon her I can't say I'd be much different. Other than that she has plenty of quips and is ready to handle what needs done. As long as she can complain about it along the way. What Diesel sees in her I haven't figured out yet. He can turn enough heads that it isn't just physical attraction keeping him around. Especially when they can't give into their desires. If they do I would love to read about it because the smut that book would be. Whew. 

    They still have not named the cat and that bothers me a bit. I feel like he should have a name. He deserves a name. Not just cat with a number after it. It seems rude. Carl is still a pain, but he's a monkey so what can you do. I can't decide if I love or hate Glo in this book. She was flighty and adorable in book one but this one she just comes off as a bit desperate. Hopefully she'll get better in the next one. 

    This is not a book that you can read without having first read book one, but book one is pretty great. I hope for great things in this series as it progresses. There are a lot of great quotes in this book and, as always, the author does a great job of describing things. The book will draw you in and leave you feeling disoriented when you have to stop reading. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $8.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Wicked Appetite (Lizzy and Diesel Book 1)

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Book Review: Ataris Station by Justin Knight

     An experience that will revolutionize gaming is about to be released: the first fully immersive VR horror survival and four lucky testers will be randomly selected to enter the game on a live stream. Ataris Station is going to be the next best thing, but when someone begins hacking the game lives are soon at risk. Can Dirk and his fellow testers make it through the game and come out the winners or will this be the last game they ever play? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have been on a bit of a LitRPG and VR gaming book binge recently, so if you're getting tired of all the posts about them I apologize in advance. There will be another review on another coming in the next few days. However, these books are all amazing and I have yet to find a gaming book I haven't loved. This book is no exception. 

    With a lot of VR games VR has been around for a while in the books and is commonplace. In this book it is still in development and early release. It plunges in with the worst case scenario and I loved that about it. There was also the fact that the monsters on each level had similar characteristics while being different. None were exactly alike which kept the story from being repetitive. The little details like how the players could smell things in VR as well as experience touch and the like through electronic pulses was a great touch, helping immerse the reader. Unlike a lot of other gaming books the characters in this book are all adults in their late 20s to early 30s. 

    Dirk was easily my favorite character. I have a bit of a spot for military guys so him being ex army was helpful. Plus he had a sense of humor, even in bad situations. I am curious what the creatures were like on the two levels that were skipped during the book, but I understand that they weren't pertinent to the storyline. As terrible as it is to say one of the deaths that happened in this book I wasn't in the least torn up about. I am sure you will know who I am referring to once you read it. 

    All in all this was a great book and I look forward to more from this author. This book does resolve the main storyline with just enough left over that the author could branch this into a series if he so desired. If he chose to do so it is decidedly one I would enjoy reading. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.00 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Escape from Crescendo Station One

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Book Review: The Nexus Knight by Shami Stovall (The Nexus Games Book 2)


    After the end of game two in the Nexus games Alex Kellan finds himself back in the Oasis. Since finding himself in the Nexus he has found previously unknown to gamers gold arcana, his team has gotten two keys, and is levelling up his new magic. While he didn't choose to come to this odd and bloody place he is adjusting and is determined to win the games. Now more than ever. The Fleetis Dominion cannot be allowed access to Zenith or they will be able to control all the dimensions. Will Kellan's decision to team up with possible comrades with similar goals end in destruction or push them all closer to the 5 needed keys?

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Originally I planned to have it ready by launch, but I didn't get it until a few days before release and with everything going on in my personal life there was simply no way for that time frame. That being said I loved this book just as much as I loved book one. 

    Kellan's sense of humor has not changed and Bitzo remains my favored character. He is truly mad and demented and I adore it. I don't know why, because the man is very mentally unstable, but he's amusing. He's like a train wreck in action. You simply can't look away. The blatant and unapologetic nature of the teams captain still bothers me. She is snobby and I low-key hate her. 

    This book included 3 games and a bonus round ending the first half of the Nexus games. I can't wait to see what happens in book 3, whenever it eventually comes out! So far everything I have read by Shami has been great and I look forward to working with her again in the future. She does an amazing job of setting the scene so you have the movie playing continuously in your head without having to grasp for details. Nor do you feel bogged down with too many minute instances. All in all everything flows well together and leaves you wanting more. 

    I am happy to say I have a physical copy of this book on it's way to me right now and can't wait to add it to my Indie Author bookshelf! Definitely going to be a series I read time and again. This book cannot be read without first reading book one, but they are both worth your time. Don't be daunted by their page number. The pages will end far quicker than you are ready for!

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking here

Other Books by this author: 

The Final Decree

The Nexus Games (The Nexus Games Book 1)

Book Review: A Little Taste of Everyone by Zachary Cooper (Zukail - Night P.I. Book 1)


    Zukail, also known as Zuke, is a vampire with the blood ability to alter minds. When a human is changed and left to fend for herself she is found wandering the streets and it is up to Zuke to find out what happened. The truth is gruesome and features the reemergence of an old enemy: the Fang. Zuke, with the other "good guy" vampires must band together to maintain the balance between human and vampire life. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. In all the vamp books I have read I have yet to read one where they have blood abilities that can be learned and how often these abilities are used determines how frequently they need to feed. It was unique in that aspect. Then there were the torture scenes within the book. Definitely an entertaining read if you are a bit twisted. 

    That is most of the good I have to say about this book. This needs edited in the absolute worst way. At first I thought it was just the copy I was sent. Perhaps a pre-edit copy. It happens. So I went on Kindle Unlimited and grabbed it there. Nope. Same thing there. If this book was attacked by an editor it would be a pleasant read. As it is it is a bit tedious and something to get through. I can't even say how many sentences I highlighted and sent to my best friend. Not in a good way. 

    I'm putting it at three stars, because if an editor was given free reign to fix this hot mess it would be an enjoyable and unique experience. As it stands if there are any other books in this series and they are similarly written I am steering clear. Hopefully with the right editor partnership this author can go far with this exciting storyline. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Book Review: DarkLands Online Book 3 by David J. Bushman

     Kurt is becoming more and more familiar with DarkLands Online, but has decided the goddess should no longer be his only option for levelling. Instead, he enters into a battle for the Ithkari championship event going on within the game with his friends, Carmen, Bhae, and Greg. Between the challenges and a group of players determined to kill him no matter what this session is bound to get exciting. Can Kurt become the Ithkari champion while forging his own path? 

    I received a copy of this audiobook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I loved books one and two of this series and was looking forward to this book. It did not disappoint, although I feel like details from the epilogue of the last book was not addressed in this one. This is not a book you can read as a standalone. You will need to read the other books first, but trust me when I say they are beyond worth it. Links for my reviews for them are below. 

    The thing that was not addressed in this book was he was locked out of the game. His account blocked. I thought this was going to be addressed because this book starts with him playing a CoD rip off, but that's not the case. We eventually get back to the programmers, but not with enough details to seem like anything is being accomplished on that front. Not that I am complaining. It is an interesting little tidbit, but Kurt being in the game is kind of the whole point. 

    There were plenty of exciting things that happened both inside and out of the game in this book, as well as a terrible cliffhanger. Not terrible in that I hated it, more concerning and leaves you wanting the next book. 

    While in the game the Ithkari aspect that began in book two is expanded upon with more abilities and a PvP tournament. I can't say I expected how the tournament progressed or ended. It was refreshing from a lot of other gaming things. You'll see what I mean when you read it. We also expand a bit more on Kurt and Bhae. I am a bit curious about what she is like IRL and hope this will be addressed at some point since we know Kurt is in high school. I can't imagine she is much older, but still. I'm curious. 

    Also, I am curious on the quest they were working on. Since they didn't get to turn it in are they going to hatch? Are they lost forever because of what happened? I don't know yet. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long to learn more of the story. 

    The goddess wasn't as big of a player in this book as she was in the others. This in no way took away from the drama that unfolded, and allowed the main character options on how to move forward. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Books by this author: 

Darklands Online Book 1

Darklands Online Book 2

Darklands Online Book 4