
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Book Review: A Little Taste of Everyone by Zachary Cooper (Zukail - Night P.I. Book 1)


    Zukail, also known as Zuke, is a vampire with the blood ability to alter minds. When a human is changed and left to fend for herself she is found wandering the streets and it is up to Zuke to find out what happened. The truth is gruesome and features the reemergence of an old enemy: the Fang. Zuke, with the other "good guy" vampires must band together to maintain the balance between human and vampire life. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. In all the vamp books I have read I have yet to read one where they have blood abilities that can be learned and how often these abilities are used determines how frequently they need to feed. It was unique in that aspect. Then there were the torture scenes within the book. Definitely an entertaining read if you are a bit twisted. 

    That is most of the good I have to say about this book. This needs edited in the absolute worst way. At first I thought it was just the copy I was sent. Perhaps a pre-edit copy. It happens. So I went on Kindle Unlimited and grabbed it there. Nope. Same thing there. If this book was attacked by an editor it would be a pleasant read. As it is it is a bit tedious and something to get through. I can't even say how many sentences I highlighted and sent to my best friend. Not in a good way. 

    I'm putting it at three stars, because if an editor was given free reign to fix this hot mess it would be an enjoyable and unique experience. As it stands if there are any other books in this series and they are similarly written I am steering clear. Hopefully with the right editor partnership this author can go far with this exciting storyline. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

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