
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Book Review: The Nexus Knight by Shami Stovall (The Nexus Games Book 2)


    After the end of game two in the Nexus games Alex Kellan finds himself back in the Oasis. Since finding himself in the Nexus he has found previously unknown to gamers gold arcana, his team has gotten two keys, and is levelling up his new magic. While he didn't choose to come to this odd and bloody place he is adjusting and is determined to win the games. Now more than ever. The Fleetis Dominion cannot be allowed access to Zenith or they will be able to control all the dimensions. Will Kellan's decision to team up with possible comrades with similar goals end in destruction or push them all closer to the 5 needed keys?

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Originally I planned to have it ready by launch, but I didn't get it until a few days before release and with everything going on in my personal life there was simply no way for that time frame. That being said I loved this book just as much as I loved book one. 

    Kellan's sense of humor has not changed and Bitzo remains my favored character. He is truly mad and demented and I adore it. I don't know why, because the man is very mentally unstable, but he's amusing. He's like a train wreck in action. You simply can't look away. The blatant and unapologetic nature of the teams captain still bothers me. She is snobby and I low-key hate her. 

    This book included 3 games and a bonus round ending the first half of the Nexus games. I can't wait to see what happens in book 3, whenever it eventually comes out! So far everything I have read by Shami has been great and I look forward to working with her again in the future. She does an amazing job of setting the scene so you have the movie playing continuously in your head without having to grasp for details. Nor do you feel bogged down with too many minute instances. All in all everything flows well together and leaves you wanting more. 

    I am happy to say I have a physical copy of this book on it's way to me right now and can't wait to add it to my Indie Author bookshelf! Definitely going to be a series I read time and again. This book cannot be read without first reading book one, but they are both worth your time. Don't be daunted by their page number. The pages will end far quicker than you are ready for!

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking here

Other Books by this author: 

The Final Decree

The Nexus Games (The Nexus Games Book 1)

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