
Saturday, August 6, 2022

Book Review: DarkLands Online Book 3 by David J. Bushman

     Kurt is becoming more and more familiar with DarkLands Online, but has decided the goddess should no longer be his only option for levelling. Instead, he enters into a battle for the Ithkari championship event going on within the game with his friends, Carmen, Bhae, and Greg. Between the challenges and a group of players determined to kill him no matter what this session is bound to get exciting. Can Kurt become the Ithkari champion while forging his own path? 

    I received a copy of this audiobook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I loved books one and two of this series and was looking forward to this book. It did not disappoint, although I feel like details from the epilogue of the last book was not addressed in this one. This is not a book you can read as a standalone. You will need to read the other books first, but trust me when I say they are beyond worth it. Links for my reviews for them are below. 

    The thing that was not addressed in this book was he was locked out of the game. His account blocked. I thought this was going to be addressed because this book starts with him playing a CoD rip off, but that's not the case. We eventually get back to the programmers, but not with enough details to seem like anything is being accomplished on that front. Not that I am complaining. It is an interesting little tidbit, but Kurt being in the game is kind of the whole point. 

    There were plenty of exciting things that happened both inside and out of the game in this book, as well as a terrible cliffhanger. Not terrible in that I hated it, more concerning and leaves you wanting the next book. 

    While in the game the Ithkari aspect that began in book two is expanded upon with more abilities and a PvP tournament. I can't say I expected how the tournament progressed or ended. It was refreshing from a lot of other gaming things. You'll see what I mean when you read it. We also expand a bit more on Kurt and Bhae. I am a bit curious about what she is like IRL and hope this will be addressed at some point since we know Kurt is in high school. I can't imagine she is much older, but still. I'm curious. 

    Also, I am curious on the quest they were working on. Since they didn't get to turn it in are they going to hatch? Are they lost forever because of what happened? I don't know yet. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long to learn more of the story. 

    The goddess wasn't as big of a player in this book as she was in the others. This in no way took away from the drama that unfolded, and allowed the main character options on how to move forward. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Books by this author: 

Darklands Online Book 1

Darklands Online Book 2

Darklands Online Book 4

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