
Saturday, August 20, 2022

Book Review: Wicked Business by Janet Evanovich (Lizzy and Diesel Book 2)

     On a quest to save the world Lizzy and Diesel must collect all seven stones before Diesel's cousin Wulf. Each stone represents one of the seven deadly sins and they have already collected Gluttony and are now on a quest for Lust. While Wulf and his medieval minion, Hatchet, are always a problem a bigger issue comes in the form of a new foe, Anarchy. She wants the Lust stone for herself so that she may rule the world. With three forces battling for one object who will come out the winner? 

    This book was an impulse download off the Libby app. I read book one Wicked Appetite last April and enjoyed it a lot, but wasn't sure when I would get around to reading more of the series. Since I was scrolling aimlessly for a new audiobook the next book in this series seemed like a good idea. As with book one I really enjoyed it. 

    Lizzy is a bit whiny, but with everything she's had thrust upon her I can't say I'd be much different. Other than that she has plenty of quips and is ready to handle what needs done. As long as she can complain about it along the way. What Diesel sees in her I haven't figured out yet. He can turn enough heads that it isn't just physical attraction keeping him around. Especially when they can't give into their desires. If they do I would love to read about it because the smut that book would be. Whew. 

    They still have not named the cat and that bothers me a bit. I feel like he should have a name. He deserves a name. Not just cat with a number after it. It seems rude. Carl is still a pain, but he's a monkey so what can you do. I can't decide if I love or hate Glo in this book. She was flighty and adorable in book one but this one she just comes off as a bit desperate. Hopefully she'll get better in the next one. 

    This is not a book that you can read without having first read book one, but book one is pretty great. I hope for great things in this series as it progresses. There are a lot of great quotes in this book and, as always, the author does a great job of describing things. The book will draw you in and leave you feeling disoriented when you have to stop reading. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $8.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Wicked Appetite (Lizzy and Diesel Book 1)

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