
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Book Review: Mysteria by Sylvian Breker

     Alyssa has had everything a girl could want. Her dad made sure she had access to whatever she wanted whenever she wanted it. That is unless the thing she wanted was attention. After lashing out in school her friendly relationship with her father's best friend leads to something more. Amusing how the thing that she wanted so much is what led her to leave New York and travel to the UK to live with her mother. Since she's been here strange things are happening. Instances that couldn't have existed, healing dance, and so much more. But Sean isn't ready to let her go just like that. 

    I received a copy of this audiobook from the author in exchange for an honest review. The book starts out okay. We know it is extreme age gap, but at the time of starting the book she is of legal age of consent so I didn't think too much of it. The more the book progressed the closer I got to DNF'ing the book. There is rape and sexual assault on a minor. A lot of it. Alyssa may not see it that way, but the more distance she get's from Sean the more that fact will become clear to her. 

    If you take out this horrendous and large portion of the book it is enjoyable. There are implied werewolves and witchcraft. Both of which are things I enjoy reading about. I can't say I am sorry for how the book ended. That was a cycle that wasn't going to sort itself. I hope she is able to tell her dad eventually and he responds correctly. 

    I enjoyed the dance studio sessions and if the book was more about that as well as what happened during baptism I'd probably have enjoyed it much more. As it stands I highly doubt I'll ever read another by this author. Definitely wasn't a great introduction to their work for me. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.50 by clicking here

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Book Review: Archimedes by Brian Sigmon

     Ben Ashley had spent his entire life on Ligeia within Titan. Had taken care of his brother when his parents died no matter what. Even when that meant dropping out of the academy and going to work in the Dorium mines. But, when he is fired he goes into petty theft with his friends. Their latest haul is at a loader dock, but their spoils include one of the rarest substances in the universe capable of sustaining or destroying entire colonies. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Anyone that knows me knows that I read multiple books at a time. I've made mention on this in other reviews in the past as well. My point here is of the six books I was reading while reading this Archimedes was my favorite. It is an action packed sci-fi that is full of twists and off-world travel. 

    The characters have a lot of back and forth that is enjoyable to read. Their banter is fun and their emotions come through clearly as the author tries to portray them. I am curious about Ben's little brother. What happened to him? Is he able to continue sending him money for school now that he is on the Rock Badger? 

    This book seems like it could easily become a series as Ben and the crew continue on in their travels. If it does I would happily continue on with the storyline. I will keep you posted if any new books come out! For now we have these exciting space battles to enjoy. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited of buy it on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Monday, November 28, 2022

Book Review: The Lever by Mark Salzwedel

     Shonda is a reported for PopUp News that has been hired by two families where the young adult in good health went on a trip off-world and mysteriously died, but no body was produced for the family. While looking into it she learned that both visited the same gene-alteration facility. When the records are unsealed it is discovered that they were unknowingly altered to be homosexual and submissive. She travels to Mars, on the run from men in black, to track down a lead of another who fits the same profile. Here she finds all the missing subjects, but their lives are about to get much stranger. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I say that I wasn't expecting what I read when I started is an understatement. This is the author's blurb: In the future, a reporter uncovers a plot to change the DNA of selected young adults, abduct them, and cover up evidence that they ever existed. Her investigation takes her and three gay soldiers to Mars and eventually to the other side of the galaxy, where any misstep they make could doom the human race. 

    Technically this blurb isn't incorrect. However, I didn't expect that they were altering genes to make them something they previously weren't. Be whatever. Gay, Straight, Pan, whatever, but it's up to you and shouldn't be messed with. As such I struggled with this book. There are a lot of sex scenes within the book, which would have been fine if it seemed that the characters would have chose it willingly before their genetic makeup was altered. For instance Shonda and her partner. No problems there. 

    Sexual preferences, or lack of choice thereof, the book was good. If you ignore that glaring fact. We have off-world travel and a future setting where the Earth is still a viable and active habitat for human life. While off world locations are established it seems that they weren't quite as perfected as is displayed in books when it has been longer. Outside of the small civilizations on the planets the air is still not breathable and you can't survive without suits. 

    The AI segments leading up to the soldier's and Shonda's journey across the galaxy is a bit painful to read. There are repeated words, numbers and codes assigned to people, and it is frequently hard to keep track of everything so you come away with a vague sense of what has been told to you. In addition to that there are some places in the book that you will think are typos. I know I did. I mentioned one such instance to the author and he said that in his future people will spell things like they sound and no longer remember the original spelling. To each their own on that one. 

    The author does do a great job of setting the scene. You can tell where the characters are at all times and are able to imagine what the author wants you to with ease. The character's annoyance with the nanobots is easily conveyed as well as their general frustrations. Kudos on these points. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $9.99 by clicking here

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Book Review: A French Girl in New York by Anna Adams (The French Girl Series Book 1)

     Maude has spent her entire life as an orphan living with the Ruchets. While she was technically their foster child she had always been more of a glorified babysitter to their twins as well as free labor. Still, she wanted more than anything to go to see Paris with the rest of the year 10 students. After gaining the grudging approval of Mr. Ruchet she went, meeting a producer who wanted to sign her. Although she had to make a terrible deal with the Ruchet's Maude was able to travel with Mr. Baldwin to New York to make her album. Can she hang on to her new life or will Carvin, France always be waiting?

    I impulse bought this book at BookBub's suggestion back in 2017. Until mid last month I didn't have any review requests, so started reading all the books I have impulse bought, which brought me to this charming Young Adult novel. I enjoy reading about most things music related, such as plays and musicals and the like. That being said I haven't stumbled across a lot of them and didn't expect it when I began this book. In fact, I began reading without having read the blurb. Considering I got this book back in 2017 it is very unlikely I every read the blurb and simply got the book because it was suggested to me. Still, here we are and I enjoyed it.

    I always read preface's to books. I feel they are important. After-all, if they weren't why would they be put in? Still, in this case it told me how things with the Ruchet's would play out and strongly hinted at the mystery of her parents. I won't give things away, of course, but for once I feel the book would have been better if we hadn't had that scene. Perhaps that mystery wasn't given away for all readers. 

    Aside from this we follow a young girl's struggle with an abusive foster family in France as she makes her way to New York due to the help of a kindly producer. During her time in New York she will stay with the Baldwin's becoming a part of the family while making music with esteemed and established musicians. We see Maude as she transforms from a shy thing that only rarely lashes out to an independent and excited young woman who has her whole life ahead of her. 

    This book has drama, romance, music and betrayal. All fun and exciting components. Plus, this book is the first in the series. Personally, I don't know that I will be continuing because I wasn't left with any burning questions. The book ends in a good place where it is easy to see what direction will be taken, but that a reader would have been happy to read as a standalone. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $11.99 (paperback) by clicking here. Personally, I got it as an eBook, but it is no longer available as an eBook on Amazon for some reason. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Book Review: Peripheral Vision by Timothy Hammer and Courtney Zito

     Sarah had always had 'The Feeling', but over the years had suppressed this knowing and lived her life as best she could. After the death of her parents at a young age Sarah had went to live with her god-parents, continued on to college, and led a good career. However, recently she had been losing focus in her career. So, with the inheritance of her aunt's farm and nothing to keep her in town she sets off for Nebraska. Here she finds a charming handyman and young women mysteriously going missing. 

    I impulse bought this book at BookBub's suggestion back in 2021 and there it has sat on my TBR until now as I generally have more review requests than time. I once again have this "problem", but you won't find me complaining. For the first few chapters I was intrigued, but not really sure what was going on. There didn't appear to be a clear directive. Just a woman having odd dreams of vaguely paranormal origin. 

    This book reads like it could be a series. It ends with the main character on a different note than she began and there could definitely be an interesting future to explore in other books. I can't say too much without giving it away. We follow a woman who is losing focus to a new town where she seeks her roots and a change of pace. We find out about missing women and meet a charming handyman who saves her from some unsavory men. 

    There is a twist in this book, and I completely expected it. Side effect of reading a lot. Tell me if you expected the same thing to happen if you read it! Well...I expected most of it. Nick at the end of the book was a mild surprise. I do not know if this is an Indie Author book or not. I know, from reading the Amazon author pages, that this is the author's first published books. However, it did not say if they were traditionally published or independently. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

Book Review: High Water Mark by Evelyn Chartes

     A heavy fog has descended upon the Earth, blocking sunlight and forcing humans to find alternative methods of survival. The rich chose space, the final frontier, but those that are left have two options: try to survive on the surface with all the monsters or undergo a risky transformation into a mermaid. Vampire Evelyn loves her human wife, Tessa, and can't bear to see her suffer continuously. Instead, she convinces Tessa to take a syrum to breathe underwater. While Tessa and her descendants aren't 'highborn' with tails, Anna may be the last hope the human race has of returning to the surface. 

    I found this book due to a post by the author on Twitter stating that the book was free. I got it at the same time as her other book that I recently reviewed, The Grand, these books are different and yet similar. If you have read The Grand there are paranormal creatures within such as a race called the Georgians. I am still not entirely sure what they are, although after reading this book I have a bit more details as they are in it as well. There are also vampires and Elanor makes an appearance at one point. Again, if you know you know. 

    I will say that this book had a lot more direction than was in The Grand. The reader has a clear understanding of the plot of the story and it is easy to follow along with without feeling that it is a collection of stories strung together with no rhyme or reason. Also, the verbiage depicted was straight-forward. Although, this book was set in Europe. Definite plus points there. 

    My biggest detractor would have to be that the author tends to ramble sometimes and parts are often a boring read. Details are amazing, but too many bogs a story down and it becomes tedious to get through certain scenes that would otherwise be high action points. I know I have said this before, but editor's are friends. Find a good one and listen to what they have to say. I promise that editors are only trying to help your book be all it can be. 

    If you are squeamish about same sex relationships here is your cursory warning. Personally, I have no problem with them as well as reading about them. This is here only for informative reasons. 

    This book is available for FREE on Amazon by clicking here

Books by this author: 

The Grand

Book Review: The Midsummer Wife by Jacqueline Church Simonds

     The goddess has communicated with her High Priestess for over 1500 years that a great travesty would befall Britain and the heirs of King Arthur, Merlin, and Anya would rise up and heal the country. The time has come in the form of a nuclear blast that destroyed parliament, the royal family, and thousands more. It is up to Ava, Harper, and Ron to battle Morganna and her followers to achieve this goal. Are they strong enough or will their insecurities get the best of them? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While I don't typically enjoy period pieces I have always made an exception when it comes to King Arthur and the knights of the round table. In this case, however, it is set in the near future so my lack of enjoyment for historical books would not have come into play no matter the subject matter. 

    That being said this book is a bit of a twist. Normally we have King Arthur and his wife Guinevere, who cheated on him with Lancelot, and their back and forth. In this case we have Anya, who was a priestess of one known only as 'The Goddess" that was the lover of both Merlin and King Arthur and bore them both sons. 

    I was a bit hesitant on this book because of the amount of religion. Anyone who has read my reviews or who knows me knows that I am steadfastly not religious and I don't read religious things. They bore me to no end. Especially monotheism. But, I tend to enjoy books that include polytheism, so when the religious deity is referred to as the goddess I had some hope. While there are a lot of religious sections where they pray to this one deity it is not loathsome. Although, if you are delicate of heart you may find issues with many things that take place in this book, such as Ava floating naked and the bit at the end that I won't spoil. 

    Personally, that didn't bother me and I enjoyed the book. It is an indie author book, which are sometimes hit or miss. There are very few typos and issues in the book. One of which I was able to point out to the author. After that I wasn't. I'm not sure if it was Twitter or what the case was, but still. The story does have flashbacks to the time of King Arthur, but they are superimposed over the current time, which is interesting. 

    This is book one of four, although at this time I'm not sure that I want to continue the series. The book was good, and does end on a bit of a cliffhanger. That being said I'm not on the edge of my seat needing to know what happens next. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Book Review: The Endless War of Edward the Last by J. R. Plangman

     When King Edward the last came to power parliament was overthrown and he maintained sole power in the monarchy. No longer would decisions be held up by long democratical debates. Be his decisions good or bad they would be swift and with the goal of uniting all the lands that were once British to regain their birthright. Because of this decision Britain has been in a fifty year war with the Irish to regain control of those lands. Control is maintained with the help of the BeeBee Bots, but King Edward's control may be slipping when a young hacker gets unknowingly thrown into the middle of a rebellion. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have read another of this author's books before and enjoyed it. While this book follows a similar premise of teen caught in awful behaviors of the government and working to restore justice with a lot of AI assistance this is set in Great Britain and there are many other differences as well. Instead of trying to save his friend Lewis is trying to make his home a better place for his sister, Fiona. 

    This story actually takes place after the events in The Many Sins of Rein City, so if you plan to read them both you may want to read it first as there are a few spoilers in this book for that one. That being said they are not a part of a series. At least not that the author has said. I hope that there will be more from the author in the future, though, as the two books I have read thus far have been enjoyable. 

    This book is also available on Kindle Unlimited just as the other was. Lewis is a young hacker that is just trying to get enough money up to get himself and his slightly younger twin sister out of what was once Scotland, now only referred to as The North. When the job goes south he thinks it is over and intends to just lay low. Instead the rogue AI drags him into a rebellion against the king that can only end in death. 

    A story full of non-stop action and a strong sense of community more than country. This book will have you rooting for the Scottish while wondering if they can pull off their desires. 

    As I mentioned this book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

The Many Sins of Rein City

Book Review: The Grand by Evelyn Chartres

     Tucked away in the mountains of North America is a hotel that caters to both the normal and paranormal. However, accidents happen to the normal folks with regularity and it is up to the staff to make sure nothing happens to The Grand. Closed to the public during the roaring twenties there are still plenty of secrets trapped within this looming giant. 

    I got this book due to seeing the author post about it on Twitter. It is a free book and I love horror, so had to get it. Initially I believed this was a book set in Britain due to the insane terminology. I asked some of my UK friends and they were familiar with quite a few of the terms such as flapper and some others. I think I annoyed him a bit asking all the questions. This book does have a word guide, but it is at the end of the book, so without knowing that (Because I didn't until the book was over) you struggle until you get to the end. 

    There are plenty of wonderfully gorey and graphic scenes in this book, which I loved. That being said I have no idea what the point of this story is. It is just a bunch of random events that happened in The Grand and how the staff handled them. The only common thread is the barrister every other chapter. 

    I enjoyed the mythical creatures and gods/goddesses in the book. Such as Bastet and how she obtained her prey. It was an enjoyable and bloody scene. 

    This book is available on Amazon for FREE by clicking here

Books by this author: 

High Water Mark

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Book Review: It was You by Nora Edington

     After breaking up with her boyfriend when she learned he was married she took off for her sisters. Instead of finding her youngest sister she found a party. She drank too much and ended up asleep in her sister's room. The only problem is she wasn't alone. A night of sex later she has no idea who this mystery man is and is prepared to put it behind her. Instead Lily went to her sister, Rose's, finding out her night of fun resulting in more than a lasting memory. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have read three other books by Nora, and while I have enjoyed them, this one is different. It is still a contemporary romance, but instead of a naïve young woman discovering sex and love it is a grown woman. 

    There is a bit of a mystery to this book, in who Ellie's father is. The only thing that bothered me is the mystery was solved as soon as we knew she was pregnant. The title of the book gave everything away. That is my only complaint about this as the characters are well developed and you don't feel like they have to be guided to a certain conclusion. They also reacted like adults to situations that arose. While emotions sometimes ran high they eventually talked things through. Other than the insane ex. But, that is to be expected. 

    I really liked Rose in this book and it seems book two is going to delve into her love life. She deserves some happiness and so, it seems, does her lost love. Everything was wrapped up nicely in this book, not leaving a cliffhanger. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Other books by this author: 

The Beginning (Love and Betrayals Book 1)

Betrayed (Love and Betrayals Book 2)

Crossroads (Love and Betrayals Book 3)

Book Review: Cowboy Dragon's Next Door Neighbor by Serena Meadows (Cowboy Dragon's Inn Book 1)

     After the murder of his wife Mitchell was convinced he would never love again. Especially not the previous wife of the man who killed her, leaving him a single father. But, Lauren was just as much a victim of his abuse. Now that she has escaped his clutches a spark is igniting between the two that only gets stronger during a trail riding expedition. She knows his biggest secret, but can she accept him for who he is? Can he move past what her ex did to him and his daughter? 

    This book was suggested to me on Facebook ads, so if you're wondering if those actually work apparently they do. I have a thing for paranormal romances and even more so when those things involve dragons. Everything about this book, in theory, did it for me. Country male. Female who, at least eventually, stands up for what she wants. Dragons. And sex. 

    That being said, there are only two instances in the entire book where dragon's are seen. Otherwise they're just human. This acts like it wants to be a second chance love story, which I'm all for considering I got back with my high school sweetheart a few years back and have been happily married to him for going on three years. The problem is the author doesn't seem like they could decide if that is what they truly wanted, saying things like they loved each other before he met his dead wife then going on to say they were never together. It's contradictory. 

    That is my only complaint point. I wasn't sorry to see what happened to Mike. He deserved exactly what he got. This book wraps up everything nicely with the epilogue being the set up for the next book, which will be a second chance love story. I am very sure I will read these books in the future, but with all the review requests I have right now it is going to be a minute before I impulse read anything. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Blowback by H. Max Hiller (Detective Cadillac Holland Mystery Series Book 1)

     After his father went missing during Katrina his mother used her contacts to get Cadillac onto the State police force. Not wanting to deal with him his CO sends him on assignments with the local force that allows him to continue his search father while completing tasks. His current is to find Michael and bring him in. While searching Cadillac discovers that bringing him in may result in his death and he may not be what he seems. Should he accomplish the mission at hand or find the true culprit behind the gun smuggling?

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book goes in depth about the devastation caused by Katrina while showing that life continues on. The police are still working to contain criminals and find truth while making the best of resources on hand. 

    The storyline is entertaining and I am curious to see if Cadillac's friend will open his restaurant. We didn't get much into his search for his father in this book, but it seems like it was setting up for that to be a running background story as the series progresses. 

    I think my favorite character in the book was Michael's fiancée. I can't remember her name, but she has a take no shit attitude which you can't help but adore. This book seems like a more accurate portrayal of police activity versus constant high stakes that is a lot of what you read. In fact this story is pretty calm with only a few bright spots of action. 

This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Book Review: Asha Anderson: The Dragon by Dustin Archibald (Asha Anderson Saga Book 1)

     Asha couldn't understand why her mom left her in the vehicle and ran inside of a burning building to save a crying baby, but she accepted her death even if she couldn't move on from it. Since then everything had changed. She and her father had moved to the city so she could get treatments for her twitching, that was a result of being struck by lightening. He had left his job and she had left all of her friends. Bullies she can deal with, but when The Dragon attacks get too close it is up to her and her friends to save themselves and possibly the entire city. 

    I purchased this book at the suggestion of the author last year and hadn't gotten around to reading it until he messaged me recently offering to send me a book to review. His name looked familiar and I looked him up in my Kindle app to find that I had already purchased the book in question. Still, I downloaded the book and began reading it. Anyone who has been reading my books for a while knows that I love both Young Adult books as well as superheroes. 

    Both are featured in this book and I enjoyed every second of it. While this book does end on a bit of a cliffhanger it is so the series can continue. The main points featured in this book are resolved. Asha is a bit emotionally charged and snappish toward her father, but considering she is a teenage girl whose mother died in the last year that is understandable. Her new friends are unique characters and I am curious to see where this trio leads in the rest of the series. 

    My favorite character in this book would have to be Mick. He comes from a large, close-knit, family and his personality is just as big. He's sarcastic and is constantly trying to make his own way. 

    I don't have any negatives to add on this book. Anyone who enjoys superheroes or young adult books will enjoy this. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or purchase it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Book Review: The Fae and the Fallen by Brittni Chenelle (Gifted Fae Academy Book 1)

     Reina had been bullied for all of her life for not having a magical ability. In fact, her first kiss almost killed her because Kaito got his levitation magic during it before she fell to the ground. After the death of her parents her entire goal became to get into the Gifted Fae Academy and become a Fae. Without powers there isn't much chance, but her entrance exam to the Academy reveals that she may be as powerful as the top Fae. 

    I found this book when looking for an audiobook to listen to. This book switches between the perspectives of Kaito and Reina a gifted and ungifted, respectively, pair. While they were each other's first kiss years has passed since then with Kaito being at the top of the class and Reina at the bottom. Kaito has decided to make it his mission to put Reina in her place. There is no reason for her to believe she has a chance of getting into the elite Fae academy when he has been rejected three times. 

    These two start as friends, become enemies because he's a jerk, and end as sort of friends. This book does end on a bit of a cliffhanger and is part of a three book series. I may read the others eventually, but with so many review requests recently I don't know when that may be. I can understand the desire Reina felt to suppress emotions after the passing of her family. The wish has crossed my mind a few times this last month, that is for sure. 

    In a way I understand Kaito, but emotionally negligent parents are no excuse for treating others poorly.  He seems to get better about mid-way through the book, but I am confused to his allegiance by the end. You will see what I mean as you read this book. It's an exciting young adult fantasy book that shows a lot of promise. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or purchase it on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Book Review: The Pineys: The Third Grade Piney by Tony Digerolamo (The Pineys Book 3)

     With all the damages done to the farmhouse from the witches attack Hem has decided to go back to substitute teaching. He went to the same school when he was younger and a cousin lost their life fighting an octopus-like devil that lured children into the old well. While the well was blown up with the cousin's self-sacrifice Hem is determined that no other children be as unprepared as when he was young. As Hem battles the issues from his past Lewis goes back to Philly to get his things only to awaken the ghost of his father as it possesses a cousin. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While book 2 wasn't as great as book 1 this one is much better. We follow multiple perspectives as they do their own things instead of multiple people all leading to one big battle. Instead there are two battles in this book that I am sure will follow into the next book in the series. 

    We don't yet know the result of the cousin in the well in addition to what Pete has in store or Lewis.  I can't say that Lewis doesn't deserve what he gets. The more the series goes on the less I like him, unfortunately. However, having a main character that we love to hate isn't a bad thing. When terrible things happen to them we aren't really phased by it as they had it coming. 

    I think it is interesting all the different types of devils there are in this series. It seems that each book highlights a new type of threat which keeps the series from becoming boring. The fact that the devil featured in this book uses a ginger kid as a lure is hilarious to me. I look forward to what will happen next and if they will ever get all the portals closed. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or purchase it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

My Cousin, the Piney (The Pineys Book 1)

Witch Piney are You? (The Pineys Book 2)

Feud of the Pineys (The Pineys Book 4)

Jersey Shore Piney (The Pineys Book 5)

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Book Review: Red Giant Star Trilogy by Konstantin T. Salmann

Volume One:

           When Nevon wakes up from being in a car wreck so many things have changed. He is in a strange new place, he is white, and everything is more advanced. As hard to believe as it is he has found himself on another planet due to the intervention of some alien beings. Now he must face the perils that came with the body he now inhabits, the Nevon of Errat. Can Nevon survive the murder attempts on his life all while trying to figure out who he is and his place on this strange new world?

     Nevon is a male chauvinist pig and I cannot stand him. He is a terrible character and Konstantin has heard more than my fair share of judgments against this character. Bratan is much the same and the females are ludicrous. Honestly, I have never met individuals like those in this book and frankly hope that I never will.

     That is not to say that the book is bad. It isn't. It is a sci-fi book with a lot of technical aspects that were well explained.

Volume Two: 

     Nevon, Nuna, and Dowagen have left their home behind and are now travelling to the North in order to fulfill the edict put into place by the creator of the machines. There is one problem. Bratan. He reported the car they were in as stolen and they have now had their identities revoked for the next month. That means that can't drive anywhere, they can't buy anything, and they can't use any kind of communication devices. Can the trio face the elements once more and make it where they need to go?

         Book two picks up roughly where book one left off. There are more exciting elements to this one. I still can't say that I like the characters, but the plot held my interest and I wanted to know as much as possible about the space elevator.

Volume Three: 

    Now that Nevon is on his own and controls the AIs he must still contend with the human military. However, things are not as they seem and there is a second authorized user who may complicate matters. 

    Book three again picks up where book two left off. This one's translation is a bit rougher than book twos as the author is German, but things happen. I still can't stand the characters in the book, but the trilogy does not end the story. There is still more to lean as it progresses, whenever that shall happen. 

The takeaway: 

    All in all this trilogy isn't bad. It has a lot of very technical aspects sometimes over explained, the characters are terrible people that you won't be upset to see die when/if they do. That being said, the story is entertaining and there is a new character introduced in volume 3 book that gives me some measure of hope that not everyone will always be terrible. With some editing so the translation isn't so rough there is real promise. 

    This trilogy is available on Amazon for $9.99 by clicking here

Friday, November 4, 2022

Book Review: Nephilim by Anna Mocikat (A Behind Blue Eyes Origin Story Volume 1)

     In a small village in the middle of nowhere Evelyn lives with her blind father and beautiful mother. While everything seems perfect the other children warn her of the constant threat from the Blue Eyed Monsters. Her father told her this was nothing she should fear. The blue eyed monsters weren't real. She believed him...until they came. With the village aflame she ran to the cave behind the waterfall. There she hid until her saving angel found her. Metatron told her of her parents abandoning her and urged her to come with him. Become a guardian like him. 

    I received the ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have had a lot of issues recently, so I did not post it in time for release. That being said that has nothing to do with the book as it was amazing and I had it read within a few days of receiving it. 

    This novella takes place before Behind Blue Eyes when Nephilim is a child. It shows in detail what happened to her village as well as how she was recruited and began her training. I will state that the story ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, but volume two will be coming out shortly I believe. Not sure when exactly, but based on I was told I'll be getting it soon it will likely be in the next few months. 

    A lot of the information in this book was familiar. It reiterated what we learned in bits and pieces from the Behind Blue Eyes series. If you've read them all you'll know what I mean. However, this is a more in depth picture and you can see the adoration for the high arch-angel as it is born and as it is instilled. I have to say I loved the name Evelyn as well as the secret revealed at the very end. I have to say I guessed who her best friend from the village was (his name once renamed), but the confirmation was wonderful. The reason I love the name Evelyn is that is my daughter's middle name and the one she answers to most often. 

    As always Anna is amazing and her books never disappoint. Take a deeper look into the origin story of our favorite Blue Eyed Angel. 

    This novella is available on Kindle Unlimited or purchase it on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

Books by this Author:

Shadow City (Shadow City Book 1)

Dark City (Shadow City Book 2)

Behind Blue Eyes (Behind Blue Eyes Book 1)

Fallen Angel (Behind Blue Eyes Book 2)

War Games (Behind Blue Eyes Book 3)

Cyber Squad Level 1 (Cyber Squad Book 1)

Cyber Squad Level 2 (Cyber Squad Book 2)

Cyber Squad Level 3 (Cyber Squad Book 3)

Nephilim Volume 2

Nephilim Volume 3

Space Punks

Nightingale's Song (Space Punks Book 2)

Neon Nights (Neon Nights Book 1)