
Sunday, November 6, 2022

Book Review: The Fae and the Fallen by Brittni Chenelle (Gifted Fae Academy Book 1)

     Reina had been bullied for all of her life for not having a magical ability. In fact, her first kiss almost killed her because Kaito got his levitation magic during it before she fell to the ground. After the death of her parents her entire goal became to get into the Gifted Fae Academy and become a Fae. Without powers there isn't much chance, but her entrance exam to the Academy reveals that she may be as powerful as the top Fae. 

    I found this book when looking for an audiobook to listen to. This book switches between the perspectives of Kaito and Reina a gifted and ungifted, respectively, pair. While they were each other's first kiss years has passed since then with Kaito being at the top of the class and Reina at the bottom. Kaito has decided to make it his mission to put Reina in her place. There is no reason for her to believe she has a chance of getting into the elite Fae academy when he has been rejected three times. 

    These two start as friends, become enemies because he's a jerk, and end as sort of friends. This book does end on a bit of a cliffhanger and is part of a three book series. I may read the others eventually, but with so many review requests recently I don't know when that may be. I can understand the desire Reina felt to suppress emotions after the passing of her family. The wish has crossed my mind a few times this last month, that is for sure. 

    In a way I understand Kaito, but emotionally negligent parents are no excuse for treating others poorly.  He seems to get better about mid-way through the book, but I am confused to his allegiance by the end. You will see what I mean as you read this book. It's an exciting young adult fantasy book that shows a lot of promise. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or purchase it on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

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