
Sunday, November 6, 2022

Book Review: The Pineys: The Third Grade Piney by Tony Digerolamo (The Pineys Book 3)

     With all the damages done to the farmhouse from the witches attack Hem has decided to go back to substitute teaching. He went to the same school when he was younger and a cousin lost their life fighting an octopus-like devil that lured children into the old well. While the well was blown up with the cousin's self-sacrifice Hem is determined that no other children be as unprepared as when he was young. As Hem battles the issues from his past Lewis goes back to Philly to get his things only to awaken the ghost of his father as it possesses a cousin. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While book 2 wasn't as great as book 1 this one is much better. We follow multiple perspectives as they do their own things instead of multiple people all leading to one big battle. Instead there are two battles in this book that I am sure will follow into the next book in the series. 

    We don't yet know the result of the cousin in the well in addition to what Pete has in store or Lewis.  I can't say that Lewis doesn't deserve what he gets. The more the series goes on the less I like him, unfortunately. However, having a main character that we love to hate isn't a bad thing. When terrible things happen to them we aren't really phased by it as they had it coming. 

    I think it is interesting all the different types of devils there are in this series. It seems that each book highlights a new type of threat which keeps the series from becoming boring. The fact that the devil featured in this book uses a ginger kid as a lure is hilarious to me. I look forward to what will happen next and if they will ever get all the portals closed. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or purchase it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

My Cousin, the Piney (The Pineys Book 1)

Witch Piney are You? (The Pineys Book 2)

Feud of the Pineys (The Pineys Book 4)

Jersey Shore Piney (The Pineys Book 5)

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