
Thursday, November 10, 2022

Book Review: Asha Anderson: The Dragon by Dustin Archibald (Asha Anderson Saga Book 1)

     Asha couldn't understand why her mom left her in the vehicle and ran inside of a burning building to save a crying baby, but she accepted her death even if she couldn't move on from it. Since then everything had changed. She and her father had moved to the city so she could get treatments for her twitching, that was a result of being struck by lightening. He had left his job and she had left all of her friends. Bullies she can deal with, but when The Dragon attacks get too close it is up to her and her friends to save themselves and possibly the entire city. 

    I purchased this book at the suggestion of the author last year and hadn't gotten around to reading it until he messaged me recently offering to send me a book to review. His name looked familiar and I looked him up in my Kindle app to find that I had already purchased the book in question. Still, I downloaded the book and began reading it. Anyone who has been reading my books for a while knows that I love both Young Adult books as well as superheroes. 

    Both are featured in this book and I enjoyed every second of it. While this book does end on a bit of a cliffhanger it is so the series can continue. The main points featured in this book are resolved. Asha is a bit emotionally charged and snappish toward her father, but considering she is a teenage girl whose mother died in the last year that is understandable. Her new friends are unique characters and I am curious to see where this trio leads in the rest of the series. 

    My favorite character in this book would have to be Mick. He comes from a large, close-knit, family and his personality is just as big. He's sarcastic and is constantly trying to make his own way. 

    I don't have any negatives to add on this book. Anyone who enjoys superheroes or young adult books will enjoy this. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or purchase it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

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