
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Book Review: A French Girl in New York by Anna Adams (The French Girl Series Book 1)

     Maude has spent her entire life as an orphan living with the Ruchets. While she was technically their foster child she had always been more of a glorified babysitter to their twins as well as free labor. Still, she wanted more than anything to go to see Paris with the rest of the year 10 students. After gaining the grudging approval of Mr. Ruchet she went, meeting a producer who wanted to sign her. Although she had to make a terrible deal with the Ruchet's Maude was able to travel with Mr. Baldwin to New York to make her album. Can she hang on to her new life or will Carvin, France always be waiting?

    I impulse bought this book at BookBub's suggestion back in 2017. Until mid last month I didn't have any review requests, so started reading all the books I have impulse bought, which brought me to this charming Young Adult novel. I enjoy reading about most things music related, such as plays and musicals and the like. That being said I haven't stumbled across a lot of them and didn't expect it when I began this book. In fact, I began reading without having read the blurb. Considering I got this book back in 2017 it is very unlikely I every read the blurb and simply got the book because it was suggested to me. Still, here we are and I enjoyed it.

    I always read preface's to books. I feel they are important. After-all, if they weren't why would they be put in? Still, in this case it told me how things with the Ruchet's would play out and strongly hinted at the mystery of her parents. I won't give things away, of course, but for once I feel the book would have been better if we hadn't had that scene. Perhaps that mystery wasn't given away for all readers. 

    Aside from this we follow a young girl's struggle with an abusive foster family in France as she makes her way to New York due to the help of a kindly producer. During her time in New York she will stay with the Baldwin's becoming a part of the family while making music with esteemed and established musicians. We see Maude as she transforms from a shy thing that only rarely lashes out to an independent and excited young woman who has her whole life ahead of her. 

    This book has drama, romance, music and betrayal. All fun and exciting components. Plus, this book is the first in the series. Personally, I don't know that I will be continuing because I wasn't left with any burning questions. The book ends in a good place where it is easy to see what direction will be taken, but that a reader would have been happy to read as a standalone. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $11.99 (paperback) by clicking here. Personally, I got it as an eBook, but it is no longer available as an eBook on Amazon for some reason. 

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