
Friday, November 4, 2022

Book Review: Nephilim by Anna Mocikat (A Behind Blue Eyes Origin Story Volume 1)

     In a small village in the middle of nowhere Evelyn lives with her blind father and beautiful mother. While everything seems perfect the other children warn her of the constant threat from the Blue Eyed Monsters. Her father told her this was nothing she should fear. The blue eyed monsters weren't real. She believed him...until they came. With the village aflame she ran to the cave behind the waterfall. There she hid until her saving angel found her. Metatron told her of her parents abandoning her and urged her to come with him. Become a guardian like him. 

    I received the ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have had a lot of issues recently, so I did not post it in time for release. That being said that has nothing to do with the book as it was amazing and I had it read within a few days of receiving it. 

    This novella takes place before Behind Blue Eyes when Nephilim is a child. It shows in detail what happened to her village as well as how she was recruited and began her training. I will state that the story ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, but volume two will be coming out shortly I believe. Not sure when exactly, but based on I was told I'll be getting it soon it will likely be in the next few months. 

    A lot of the information in this book was familiar. It reiterated what we learned in bits and pieces from the Behind Blue Eyes series. If you've read them all you'll know what I mean. However, this is a more in depth picture and you can see the adoration for the high arch-angel as it is born and as it is instilled. I have to say I loved the name Evelyn as well as the secret revealed at the very end. I have to say I guessed who her best friend from the village was (his name once renamed), but the confirmation was wonderful. The reason I love the name Evelyn is that is my daughter's middle name and the one she answers to most often. 

    As always Anna is amazing and her books never disappoint. Take a deeper look into the origin story of our favorite Blue Eyed Angel. 

    This novella is available on Kindle Unlimited or purchase it on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

Books by this Author:

Shadow City (Shadow City Book 1)

Dark City (Shadow City Book 2)

Behind Blue Eyes (Behind Blue Eyes Book 1)

Fallen Angel (Behind Blue Eyes Book 2)

War Games (Behind Blue Eyes Book 3)

Cyber Squad Level 1 (Cyber Squad Book 1)

Cyber Squad Level 2 (Cyber Squad Book 2)

Cyber Squad Level 3 (Cyber Squad Book 3)

Nephilim Volume 2

Nephilim Volume 3

Space Punks

Nightingale's Song (Space Punks Book 2)

Neon Nights (Neon Nights Book 1)

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