
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Book Review: My Viking Vampire by Krystal Shannan (Sanctuary Book 1)

     Since Vampires, werewolves, and other paranormal creatures stepped from the shadows and into the light the world has become a new place. No longer is everyone equal. In fact, women who are not married off at a young age are free game. Because of this Bailey has to keep her guard up and always be on the move. Her ex is a sadistic cop who if he finds her again will enact every pain-filled whim he possesses to take his pound of flesh for her running away. Now, he is closing in but there is a bigger threat looming. A Djinn has caught sight of her and is intent on stealing her away. Will Bailey trust a vampire with her life and possibly more? 

    I got this book on impulse back in 2017 from BookBub and it has been sitting in my TBR for a while now. I hate that it took me so long to read this book because it checks some boxes for me. Believe me when I say that there were A LOT of screenshots of this book sent to my best friend. He dealt with it as he always does when I get wrapped up in a book. But how could I not love it? I mean Vikings...they're just great. In my defense though I wasn't just sending spicy tidbits. That would get awkward considering he is just my friend. He is Norse-Pagan so whenever I read anything viking or norse related I send it to him. 

    I loved this book. Bailey is in a post-apocalyptic world where the US is cut off from every other country. Other countries have basically washed their hands of the US's backwards attitudes on both the paranormal and women's rights. In fact, most others seem to be existing much the same as they were before these species made themselves known. Seems realistic. I'm not even being sarcastic here. I could completely see the US deciding to take away as many rights as possible because something that doesn't fit their box is revealed. 

    Moving on. After literally escaping a very abusive ex the scars on Bailey are more than just emotional. She would rather steer clear of anyone of the opposite sex, but when a djinn begins to follow her she must put her trust in the striking vampire. She won't stay in his sanctuary long, but the protection is welcome. However, this amazing man who keeps calling her 'Kjaere' is finding a way past her every defense. Is it possible to have the things she always wanted? A safe place where she is accepted and....loved?

    I adored the use of Kjaere in this book. While the author intended it in the "beautiful" way it can also mean dear and every time Erik calls Bailey 'min kjaerest' my brain auto-translated it to my dearest instead of my beautifulist (I genuinely don't think that is a word, but we're going to keep it). The "bad guys" in the book were ones you loved to hate, although in the djinn's case you will feel a small amount of sympathy for him in the end. You'll find out why for yourself. I feel no amount of sympathy for the ex boyfriend though, whose name I haven't even bothered to remember. He got what he deserved. 

    I will let you know that this book is the first in a series and ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. The larger issue of Bailey escaping her life has been resolved, but there are bigger forces at play. I am sure I will read more in this series later, although with all of my new review requests I am not sure when I will next be purchasing a book. 

    This book is available on Amazon for FREE by clicking here

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