
Sunday, May 29, 2022

Book Review: Moonlit Night by Aquila Thorne (Pearl Lake Series Book 1)

     While production of a book-made-movie that Ben is filming is down he decides to buy a house in Canada from his friend and co-worker, Mark, and make the move. While his mom is against the idea of him being so far away, he is in his mid 30s and ready for a change in scenery. He had no idea just how beautiful that scenery could be. Especially once he meets the stunning author of the movie he's filming, Abby. Abby is shy, oblivious to her looks, and loves her animals deeply. She seems perfect, but what is stalking her may be more than either of them are willing to handle. 

    I received this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. She initially sent it to me back in 2020 and it somehow got lost in my email. I was going through messages on my Twitter last month and seen our conversation. I didn't remember finishing her book, but I was sure I was all caught up according to my email, so I checked and even searched for her name in my email, coming up with nothing. I then messaged her again and she sent me to book right over. Of course I bumped it on my list because it should have already been read and reviewed by this point. The author was amazing and very understanding. 

    This book cover says it is two books, but I don't really see how that is possible. It is Abby and Ben's story from start to finish. The further into the book I got the more I kept wondering how this book would be able to wrap up in x number of pages and a whole other book be able to fit in the remaining. It didn't seem possible, and it wasn't. So, unless this was initially one of those annoying books where an arbitrary stopping point is decided and that ends book 1 and book 2 picks up where 1 left off I'm not sure how it could be 2 books. Since I didn't have to deal with that major inconvenience and it is even "2 books" on Amazon for purchase instead of parts I will not detract for this. I make mention only because a certain mindset is entered when you think there will be two books and it is just one. 

    Ben is adorable and puts up with a lot in this book. Abby is sweet and her love of animals is amazing. However, she spends so much time basically star-struck, staring at Ben like a hunk of man-meat than a human it is kind of a bore. The first few times in the first few chapters, sure. No problem. You don't know this person and they are hot. I get it. You get a little dazed and confused. But throughout the entire book basically? Not so much. I don't care if the person is the most stereotypically attractive person in the world. If they are talking to you like a normal human and you get to know them, even for a short time, most peoples brains wouldn't be focusing on their physical appearances. They'd be focused on the conversations and what that person is truly like. I could be wrong, but I don't think so honestly. 

    The stalker was a great plot point. The author used "they" instead of he/she when discussing them so you didn't automatically discount anyone as the potential stalker while reading. It was obvious the person had two, or a handful, of screws loose. The author makes a point at the beginning of the book to mention that certain words are not misspelled that there are just differences in spelling between Americans and Canadians. This is true and as I've read numerous books set in both places those don't bother me. I will say that I only caught 2 real typos in the book. One was now instead of know (I don't remember where) and the other was a word missing. Super simple and typos completely happen. It in no way detracts from the read and I am proud of how well the author edited the book. 

    The story wraps up nicely with a little bow. No string un-pulled. I don't feel like I'm walking away from this book with unanswered questions, which is something I love! If the next book in the series is anything like this it is definitely one I would enjoy reading as well. There is a lot of hope for this author and I'm sure she'll go far. I hope to read more of her books in the future and let you all know what I thought on them as well. In fact, this was one of my favorite eBooks this read. I love a good contemporary romance and this one had plenty of spice to it. Plus, it is a couple where one is in their 30s and the other in their 40s which isn't something you see a lot of. Not complaining. Unique is always good as far as I'm concerned. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or to buy from Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Other Books by this author: 

Moonlit Road (Pearl Lake Series Book 3)

Book Review: Moonlight Becomes You by Robert Herold (The Eidola Project Book 2)


    When the professor and his team, The Eidola Project, are asked to come to Virginia to look into the mysterious murders happening to the black community. While the Klan plays a large part in this town's issues these are different, with the people being completely destroyed with barely enough remaining to tell it was once a human at all. Upon arrival they hear of a town legend, the Bogeywolf, and the townsfolk may not be too far off. Before their hunt for the supernatural is over they may have to face something just as bad: bigots. 

    I received an eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I started this book after I finished book one, and while helpful you would be able to read this book without the benefit of the other. You would be missing little details, but not enough were you would be lost. Personally, I feel this is a good way to handle a lot of sequels. Tip of the hat to the other, then move on. 

    There were a few minor issues within the book that I have already discussed with the author, so no need to rehash them here. Mostly a title of an idiot being incorrect. By idiot I do mean the character Garraty, and that is the nicest term I have for him. The level of disgust a person must be in order to...nevermind. While it takes place in the book it's done from a historically accurate point, not in condonement. You will see what I mean within the pages. I know I have a tendency to get a bit vague, although it is in the synopsis. 

    The mystery of the werewolf as well as who it was was intriguing and you didn't know who it was until the author wanted you to. I definitely didn't expect it, although looking back now I can see the bread crumbs. I have book 3 now (which will be released Wednesday) and and already reading it as fast as I can in hopes of having the ARC read and review ready by launch. 

    The setting is amazing in this book and you are able to tell exactly where you are, even picturing the battles and trauma that Nigel went through in the war. I feel for him, and can't say I blame him completely for how he dealt with his curse now that I know more about it. I don't know why Annabelle turned to what she did, but it has been mentioned previously. Maybe we will get the answer to it in the next book. Personally, she has never been my favored character as she wants a happily married man. All of the gag. But, characters are supposed to be well-rounded and take on a life of their own. She has certainly achieved that. Sarah still seems almost fragile, but I like her. Edgar has some anger issues, but I can't blame him for them. And the professor has always seemed a stand-up guy. I don't know that I have a favorite in this rag-tag bunch. 

    I completely enjoyed this book, as is obvious by having already started book 3. The author knows how to set the scene, make real characters, and make the supernatural seem plausible. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

The Eidola Project (The Eidola Project Book 1)

Totem of Terror (The Eidola Project Book 3)

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Book Review: What Remains by James Fuller (What Remains Book 1)

     A fatal sickness spread quickly across the land turning all that contracted it into Zombies. Now, 10 years later the world is still trying to piece itself together. Small factions have broken out and safety isn't always in numbers. Archer has survived since the onset by keeping to himself and only going into towns when absolutely necessary. That all changes when he reached Silverton and Cody, a hired man for the town's leader, recruits Archer to retrieve something stolen from his boss in exchange for a clip of bullets. When the people refuse to give up the item everyone but a small girl is killed. Realizing something isn't right with this set-up Archer decides to back out. However, what the girl has could save the whole world. If only Archer cared enough to help. 

    I received this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. Somehow I managed to start 3 post-apocalyptic books all featuring zombies at the same time. I don't know how. Since I can normally keep plots separated easily due to the vast array of genres I read I stopped the other two to focus on this one. Didn't want to cross lines. I'll come back to the others soon now that this one is finished. 

    Archer is kind of a dick. He is, don't get me wrong. He fully accepts that he is a dick and tells everyone he doesn't like people and doesn't want to deal with them. I get it. I don't like people either, for the most part. However, I don't know that I would go to some of the extremes he went to. That being said he is my favorite character in the book. Given, I didn't have a lot to choose from between the cannibals, the little girl, Vincent, and Blare. 

    I don't like that this book didn't have chapters. It is just one continuous run separated by a gas mask showing when characters change. Generally. Occasionally there are two of the same character section in a row.  Maybe they are supposed to indicate chapters, but without any statement alluding to this I cannot be sure. Other than that I genuinely enjoyed the book. I love post-apocalyptic books and this one is no different. The secret of the cure was an interesting twist. I hope there is more to it! 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: The Dragon's Stolen Mate by Jade White

     When shadow creatures sent by an evil wizard invade and kill her father and betrothed on her wedding day Eleri is presumed dead by her surviving mother and sister. However, she was saved by the very beast they ran from, Carwin. Carwin long ago made a bargain with a goddess to be able to transform into a dragon to avenge the deaths of his family. When he initially failed the goddess transformed him to stole for 300 years as punishment until Eleri's blood freed him. Together they will go to forgotten lands to free the world from this menace and along the way they may get everything they never hoped to dream for. 

    This was an impulse read from the Libby app when I was out of audiobooks. Still am out of audiobooks, but Libby always has plenty of options to choose from when I don't have Indie Author reads pending. My other Indie Author lists are long, but one can never have too many books to read!

    Based on the title I had some expectations as a seasoned paranormal romance reader. There would be a dragon. The dragon would be a shifter. The dragon would have a mate. The mate would be stolen. There is a dragon. He is not a traditional shifter. He is primarily in the dragon form and can only become human with the use of a pendant provided by the goddess. The dragon's mate is never once called a mate within the book. In fact he isn't even possessive of her like most dragon shifters. He spends half the book trying to push her away from him. Eleri is not stolen. She comes to a dragon statue with her family pleading from a life threatening wound after her husband to be and father is killed. No one takes her away. Probably a spoiler, which I generally try to avoid, but the title doesn't fit the book. 

    I didn't enjoy this as much as I do a lot of paranormal romances. I wasn't drawn into it and it felt like the author spent more time trying to make Eleri both weak and independent at the same time. It was a but annoying. I didn't really have a favorite character in the book. 

    This is the first book I have read by Jade White and if this is any indication of her talents and style I will not be reading any more. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy a copy on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Book Review: The Nexus Games by Shami Stovall (The Nexus Games Book 1)

     After carrying the corpses of his two brother's in arms for days to make sure they came home from a mission Alex Kellan is on mandatory leave, stateside. On Christmas. For most, this would be a welcome break. But, Kellan has no-one and just wants to go back to what he does best: protecting his country. Instead, he is in a little bar called Niko's Place hitting on a bartender and being stalked by a couple of guys. Oh, well. They don't know what they are getting themselves into. However, things go bad when he is attacked and worms invade. When he gets home he tried to brush off the encounter only to find himself in a new place: The Nexus. All Outsiders must report to the Arbitor or be killed by the Pestbyters. His one chance to get home is to participate in The Nexus Games and win access to Zenith. With over 100 other teams, no one willing to explain the rules to him, and his new-found magical abilities Kellan has his work cut out for him!

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I initially got the book I will admit it seemed like a daunting read. Not for the cover, which is amazing and captivating. But, the book is 586 pages long and the font is small. That being said, the length of the book will NOT matter once you get started! I finished this book in 4 work shifts while still, somehow, doing my job. It is entertaining and will pull you in from the first sentence! I would give you said sentence, but as I was reading it a friend of mine at work asked to see it and is currently borrowing it. She is just as enthralled as I was. 

    This is easily The Hunger Games vs Kingdom Hearts vs D&D. Really, where can you go wrong with a combination like that? I hate that the book ended two games in! I get it. Who wants to read a 1000 page book? Me. The answer is apparently me, because I NEED to know what happens next!. I feel like Zenith is a ruse. I could be wrong, but it just seems too good to be true. 

    Every character in this book you will either love or love to hate. For instance: Kellan is snarky and self-depreciating in his morbid humor. Still love him. The Arbitor is a controlling dragon who rules through fear and death. Major love him. The news-castor has a bloody blindfold and is completely insane. He's also probably one of my favorite characters. He has this Mad Hatter vibe, who is my all-time favorite character in anything. I can't pick a favorite in this book. I can, however, pick a least favorite: the kid. I can't think of his name right now, unfortunately. When you read this book it will be apparent who I mean. He is intolerable. My desire to push him off a cliff is high. I feel like it's Sen. Probably is. Who knows since I can't check right now. 

    This amazing LitRPG read IS available on Kindle Unlimited and I fully expect it to get read. A LOT. If you want to buy it, which is such a good decision might I add, you can pick up the eBook for $4.99 on Amazon by clicking here. Or, better yet, spring for the paperback for $14.99! When you read this book PLEASE let me know what you thought! I can't wait!

Books by this author: 

The Final Decree

The Nexus Knight (The Nexus Games Book 2)

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Book Review: Their Pieces Were Stars by C. D. Tavenor (Chronicles of Theran Book 3)


    300 years after the death of Jill Theran receives a communication from her telling him to come to a planet previously unknown to the Interstellar Alliance. While they will go, they feel it is a trap and are ready for anything but what they find. Jill must answer for her crimes, no matter the justification she has for them. Before Theran arrives at the planet Raith and Carter received a distress signal and went to investigate. They find a mysterious planet where the inhabitants ancestors lost all memories of their life before and do not have any modern comforts. The more they find about this planet the stranger it gets from cultists kidnapping members of the community and Raith to unseen nanites everywhere on the planet. 

    I received this audiobook from the narrator in exchange for an honest review. As always, I have nothing but positives to say about Benjamin Fife and his narrating abilities. On to the book! In book 2 of this series I was starting to get bored. Nothing was very exciting and everything I expected to happen did. I didn't see how book 3 would get any better and procrastinated it for the longest time. I have to say that if you ignore Flight of the 500, as it is a stand-alone set in the same universe, Their Pieces Were Stars was the most exciting of the books. I kept wondering how the tiny excerpt about aliens would play in and where that story would lead. I now have that answer and there is a bigger area that could lead to in this storyline. 

    I feel like this book stopped in a good place, although I'm not sure how I feel about continuing the series. My favorite characters are Raith and Carter, just as they were in the Flight of the 500. Raith is sarcastic and rash while Carter is the more politically correct and level-headed. They compliment each other well and I enjoy their interactions. 

    Jill was painfully obvious throughout the entire series and I never particularly cared for her. I don't know that I agree with her justifications, but I will leave that for you to decide. This book has a lot of action and intrigue, but you will need to read at least books one and two first. 

    I really liked how they did the alien life-form in this book. It is a very intriguing concept. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Book Review: Five and Twenty by Robbin Ramos

     I was accused of something as an NYPD cop. Maybe you've heard the story, maybe you haven't. Believe what you may, but I am here to set the record straight once and for all. Because one word ended all of my plans for the future. Effectively killing my mantra: five and twenty. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have read a book for the author in the past and absolutely adore him, so when he messaged me saying he had a new book out and if I would review it I told him yes. No questions asked. So, the fact that this book is a non-fiction, something I do not read, is on me. I have lectured him on this considering he has known me long enough where I assumed he knew that. None-the-less, I am not one to go back on my word and the review will be honest. 

    Lucky for him Robbin knows how to spin a tale and while factual it wasn't boring. It read like a thriller, although if you took out all the information leading up the the big event and just focused on the event itself there wouldn't have been enough content for a book. I'm sorry he lost his job and I feel for him. It was a bad situation. In a way I understand the NYPD point of view as well. They have had a lot of bad put on them over the years and they don't want the risk from within their forces. I get it. Still sucked for Robbin, though. 

    Like I mentioned, I don't normally read non-fiction. In fact, this is the first one I have ever finished and will likely be my last if I have anything to say about it. That being said if you are going to read a non-fiction book this should be the one you take the chance on. I'm not going to say it's going to open up a whole new genre for you. I highly doubt that. But, it is interesting and you will get caught up in the drama of it all. I blamed one person till the last and I'm not completely ruling it out. I'll leave what I mean by that up to you to find out as you read this book for yourself. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Books by this author:

Savasana's Kiss

Book Review: A Tale of Heroes: Of Children and Dragons by R. Mark Hansen (Adventures in the Land of Wynne Book 1)

     DeFrantis is a young human girl living on the streets with a primary goal of feeding the young children who seek refuge with her. One night while attempting to steal their dinner she is captured. By the time she escapes with previous guard member, Antonerri, the children are gone! On the way to rescue them she enlists the help of Thissraelle, an elven mage, Granthurg, a giant, and Karendle, a half-dwarf willing to go to extremes to wield magic. Can they over come slavers and possibly a dragon in order to rescue a handful of street kids?

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have had this book for a while and I feel bad for how long it took me to finish it. When I got the book I had a lot going on, but I am glad that I am caught up now (to within the last 6 months at least). This book started with introducing each character and they eventually meet, although you are not entirely sure how that will happen. 

    My favorite character in the book was DeFrantis. A street-smart girl who didn't bemoan the situations she was put in. Instead, she worked towards her goal to get the children she felt responsible for back. No matter who or what had them. Each character was well-rounded and the story was interesting from start to finish. I didn't know this at the start but this is apparently the same setting as a D&D type game build by the author and a few others at some point in time or other with the same name. I don't know anything about it other than it exists and is a roll dice game, but there is that information should you choose to use it. 

    I feel that the title of this book is a bit misleading considering it is 'Of Children and Dragons'. Yes, there is children and dragons are mentioned, but in reality I expected more on the dragon front. I won't give it away and maybe dragons play a larger part in books 2 and 3, but the snippet received was more of a tease. That being said it does not take away from the book and it is an all around great young adult fantasy book. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $1.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Book Review: The Outsider by Stephen King


    When a young boy is brutally raped and murdered the culprit seemed obvious. There were multiple eye-witnesses showing that Terry Maitland was with the boy on the day he was murdered. He was seen covered in blood and with the vehicle the boy was transported in. To make matters more cut and dry his finger-prints were on the instrument used to rape the boy as well as his semen found at the crime scene. When Flint City police arrested Maitland in front of the entire town at the children's baseball game they thought this would be easy. But Terry has a solid alibi and claims he was innocent at all times. Could there be an outsider at work here that is preying on young children?

    I bought this book shortly after it was released, started it excitedly, and got distracted. I have long had an obsession with King and this book doesn't disappoint. I just didn't have time for a physical book at that point in my life and had to shelve it. Regardless once I picked it up I had to start the book over and finished it in under a week. 

    At first the book seemed like a basic crime mystery novel, but it's Stephen King, so of course I was waiting for the ball to drop. Drop it did and I love how he tied it into Finder's Keepers and Mr. Mercedes. As with any King book you can read this book on it's own, however there are spoilers for the other books in it. I've already read those two, so it didn't bother me any. Like I mentioned, minor obsession. 

    In a way I expected The Outsider simply because of Sleepwalkers, but this is a decided twist on that one. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely love Sleepwalkers, but it is great to see how he has progressed since then. I still frequently watch that movie so I can't say anything. It is one of my top favorites by King along with Maximum Overdrive and The Stand (movie, not the TV show which I genuinely didn't like and stopped watching after 3 episodes). There are, as always, King's typical political jabs within the book. Since I don't politics they shall always be ignored by me. 

    The characters in the book are realistic and you feel like this is something that could happen, which is a trait this author has always excelled at. Making you believe in the impossible, or not so impossible. You will devour each page and find yourself flipping to the next as soon as you can to find out more. I haven't watched the new outsider movie or tv show yet (Honestly not sure which it is. I just know it is on HBO Max).

    This book is available on Amazon for $9.99 by clicking here. Mass market paperback is a little over $8. So personally I'd go with that. Or splurge and get this in hardback like I have it for $16. 

Books by this author:

The Institute

Finder's Keepers (The Bill Hodges Trilogy Book 2)

Mr. Mercedes (The Bill Hodges Trilogy Book 1)

Salem's Lot 

The Dark Tower 2: Drawing of the Three

Book Review: Ten Sigma by A. W. Wang (The Ten Sigma Series Book 1)

     Although there was a cure for cancer I had a rare strain that is currently without a cure. Not that my husband and I knew that at the time, but we have since depleted our savings trying to keep me healthy and are at the end of the rope. There is still just enough of a lead left that he can and will hang himself with it, ever the optimist. I won't give in however, and when a man approaches asking me to join a virtual program that will free my husband financially I initially refuse. But, with a promise to never give up looming over my ever-weakening body the choice is made. When my mind is uploaded and my old body gone my memories of home begin to fragment replaced by red and black threads of fighting and military techniques. My promise remains and I will reach the Ten Sigma requirement to make it back home. No matter what stands between me and it.  

    I received a digital copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This is one of the books that was originally suggested to me by one of my favorite Indie Authors, Anna Mocikat, and she put the author in touch with me. Of course, I agreed without hesitation. I have no regrets on this as I have never regretted any of her suggestions thus far. This is a book that will make you want the next immediately so you can know what happens next!

    You either loved the characters or loved to hate them. Sid was awful. But, he was meant to be awful and disliked so he achieved his goals. Brin was adorable and by the time we started calling her Brin we didn't remember what her real name was, if we had known it up until then. I know it now, but I will leave it to you to find out. All part of the fun. I was rooting for Jock and with the purple-eyed girl a part of me hoped death wasn't as permanent in the Ten Sigma program as they made it out to be. But, just another thing for you to find out on your own. 

    There is definitely a twist at the end that was unexpected. At least I didn't expect it and I enjoyed it completely. Well, not the exact end. A few chapters from the end. It still counts. This was one of my reward chapter books. For anyone that reads my reviews with some frequency you know that I read multiple books at a time and I generally have one book that is my favorite and 4 or 5 that I am just reading because I was asked to. Yes, I still do my best to paint them in as positive a light as I can in my reviews. I know authors work hard on their books, but that doesn't change the fact that I get bored sometimes. So when I read a chapter of the books I am getting through I reward myself with a chapter of the one I really want to read. This book was it for this round. 

    I am very curious how much time elapsed during this book in the real world considering it was eluded that Ten Sigma's was basically an impossible marker to reach. I hope it is told in later books and I hope I get the opportunity to read on in the future. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: The Green Girl and the Serum by Sean Armstrong

     After Dr. Young and her partner Dr. Roberts created a serum that could cure cancer there was a side-effect of turning those individuals into Mega-Humans with supernatural powers. While Dr. Young wanted to use this for the military it was largely opposed, especially by the often unwilling participants. The result was Dr. Young dead and two factions of Megas: The Outcasts, that felt they should rule humans because they are superior, and the members of Haven, who want to peacefully live among humans. With each faction fighting for what they want the other side makes it hard for them to achieve their goals. What's more is the two leaders, Ben and Surge were once friends and the Doctor's daughter plays an important role. 

    I agreed to review this book via Kindle Unlimited at the urging of the author. At the time I agreed I did not have Kindle Unlimited because my TBR is always so long that the expense seemed pointless to me and I made sure to let the author know this, repeatedly. But, after being contacted weekly to see if I would be reading the book yet, then daily once I eventually gave in the book was eventually completed. I will not say I didn't take extra time to both read the book and post the review as a direct result of this. I don't like feeling rushed. I do this because I want to, not as a job. I don't get paid for it and this was a Kindle Unlimited read none the less. But I have spoken my piece on that extreme annoyance and will say no more. I will say I finished this story on the 6th. I did not take any stars off my review because of this. It is not the books fault. 

    This book feels like a prequel versus an actual book. We have the establishment of characters, the setting up that Stacey, aka The Green Girl, will eventually be important and play a large role, and we know about the Serum. We know who the big bad is and who the good guys are and we know why they don't like each other. There is a battle, but it feels like a small skirmish. I'm not saying the book is bad or that you shouldn't read it. I am only letting you know that this is the set up for something bigger, so it's best to read it if you are looking to get into a new series. Nothing wrong with that, I find myself adding series to my TBR a little too often sometimes, but that is neither here nor there. 

    I don't know that there is a book 2 on this yet as I was unable to find anything alluding to this on Amazon and the book was released in Sept 2021. I could be wrong, I didn't do extensive digging on it. 

    On to the characters. Both leaders seem to have a very tenuous hold on their power. Stacey is a spoiled brat and I found nothing to like about her in the entire book. The factions characters have basically the same powers with minor twists. I don't know if that is to make them evenly matched, but I felt it took something away since there are so many powers to choose from. At this point I still feel that both sides have a very good chance at "winning" and achieving their goals. Possibly more so on the Outcasts side, but only time will tell. 

    The battles were engaging and not overly long. The chapters in the book are short. All in all it is a decent fantasy read that if you are actually sitting down to read shouldn't take longer than a couple hours. Worth the read if you are looking for a new good versus evil series to start. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.13 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Book Review: The Creatures of Holden Beach...and the Murder they did NOT commit! by Chris Underwood

     When two strange alien-like creatures appear on Holden Beach local celebrity Alicia is the first to show the world via Twitter. The sheriff is convinced they are a fake and is more than happy to pass the investigation off to the FBI. He has more important things to do, especially considering the local bar owner Gerald was murdered the same night the creatures were found. He is determined to solve this crime and bring the murderer to justice. One thing he is sure of: the aliens didn't do this!    

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author as a bonus when he sent me The Cold Winter. While I did not initially agree to the review I have to admit that after reading the other book I would have agreed to the review anyway. With the cover having aliens on it I didn't even bother to read the blurb on the back until my buddy at work asked what I was reading today. I was a bit disappointed that the aliens were a hoax per the back blurb and kept hoping that there really were aliens there that would pop up at some point. Yes, I know I'm odd. No, I won't say if any aliens actually showed up or if they were the responsible party. 

    I thoroughly enjoyed this book just as I did The Cold Winter, although this book is a bit more light-hearted than that one. The authors obvious love of sailing vessels makes itself known in this book as well, although much more subdued than in the other. 

    I adored the characters in this book and as Alicia is my legal name found it rather amusing. I don't have near the followers she does on social media nor do I have any intent on going into movies, but the name coincidence amused me. I stated this book on noon one day and had it finished by noon the next because it was hard to put down. Fun, fast read that was all-around pleasant. I didn't suspect the culprits of the aliens and feel it was handled nicely. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Books by this author: 

The Cold Winter (The Cold Winter Book 1)

The Cold Winter: Call to Arms (The Cold Winter Book 2)

Book Review: Crescent Moons by K. E. Robinson (Premiering the Crescent Moons Chronicles)

     When a freak electrical accident causes a power line worker to gain super-human abilities he decides to use these powers to rid the streets of the crescent city of crime. Everything is great for a while until the police begin to seem useless. Taking things into his own hands the Recluse is born, but the ramifications may be far greater than anything anyone was willing to pay. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I will start by saying the blurb on the back of the book is completely useless. It makes it seem like the Recluse is the big bad in the book and Franc and his partner Detective Brown have to fight their way out of it. In reality that issue is solved by the end of chapter one and the rest of the book is what happens afterwards. I don't feel that the blurb is useful in any way because of this. The blurb should give me something to look forward to that this did not provide. The one above is my own, as it always is when I write a review. 

    I found the characters in this book hard to like, especially Detective Brown and his wife. This may just be someone who has always grown up in the country and who has a general distaste for city and slang, but even a friend of mine from East Chicago was shaking his head at some of the dialogue in this book between the detective and Jul. That being said, if we ignore the characters the plot has a lot to offer. It needs edited, but it is still readable. There are places where words are missing, typos, and a lack of both periods and commas throughout. Typos and the rest happen with indie authors. It is to be expected since editors don't always catch everything, if they use one. I don't generally hold it against them. However, after the 20th time reading "got-damn" I'm kind of over it. I'm peachy with cussing. I cuss all the time. But, either do it or don't. Don't half-ass it. 

    Alright, I've said the bad. On to the good. World building was there. I was able to get an idea of the layout of the city that the author wanted to convey and you could definitely tell the emotions of the characters involved. This book will invoke some emotions in you. If eye-rolling is an emotion, in my case. Perhaps for someone who is from a big city and is familiar with the types of people depicted in this book this book would be more enjoyable. If there actually are people like this. I really don't know since I tend to avoid the high drama types. 

    This book does end on a bit of a cliff-hanger and if you felt a bond develop between yourself and Brown over the course of these pages you would want to read on. Personally, I'll be stopping at this one. No offense intended to the author by any means. Like I said the plot was good and interesting. I started the book at noon one day and had it finished by noon the next day. The characters just didn't do it for me. The baby in the book could be an interesting moving on point. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $6.00 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: Sin and Chocolate K. F. Breene (Demigods of San Francisco Book 1)

     Alexis had lived her entire life in between the magical and non-magical zones with her mother just scraping by. When her mother passed the child she had taken in off the street, Mordecai, became Alexis' ward and soon after she also claimed Daisy, a non-magical, as her ward saving her from an abusive foster home. With two teenagers to support, one of which who needed medicine regularly to survive money was always tight. On a rare splurge she stopped in to buy a blanket at a store, inadvertently changing her life forever when she stepped out in front of some rich douche-bag's car. 

    The moment Alexis stepped off the sidewalk in front of Kieran's car he could feel the magic coming off of her. She seemed unfazed by his scare tactics when he approached her, even tried to spray him in the face with a can of mace. From that moment he had to know more about her and the more he found the more he liked. In fact, this woman hiding in the shadows may be exactly what he needs to help his mother. 

    I started reading this book on impulse one day because I had my husband's phone since mine was dead and he had Kindle Unlimited. I was hooked from the first page, but as I didn't have Kindle Unlimited at the time it just sat in my TBR until I got it for some other read where the author was pestering me frequently to read their book. Once I had the book back in my grasp I would reward myself for reading a chapter of a book I didn't particularly want to read by reading a chapter of this book. 

    I loved every minute of this book and would frequently make my husband read parts of it I found hilarious. I loved Daisy and Alexis even more! Their sense of humor matches mine perfectly. All of the sarcasm. It was truly wonderful. I will be reading more books in this series in the future, there is no doubt about that! Kieran comes off as a jerk at first, but by the end of the book you will low-key love him. There really isn't a bad character in the book other than the person the author wants you to not like. The world building is amazing. Truly, I have nothing but positives to say about this book and can't wait to see how the series plays out!

     If you are looking for some sexy smut to read you should probably look elsewhere since this is all the build-up with none of the BANG. I have no doubt that there will be plenty later in the series, and I for one WILL be sticking around for those fireworks. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Book Review: The Curse Breaker: Beyond Blackwall by Dylan Silver

     Iro and his father have lived in the wilderness his entire life hunting what they needed for their basic survival. When a member of the temple locates them telling them they should head to the temple because Blackwall was overtaken by the Ourakatai they set off further south, away from the temple and Blackwall. While travelling he and Aelai's hands are cut off by the Ourakatai and his father captured. Iro ends up at the temple and his new life begins with the testy Touzen until Izen takes him to another temple and begins to teach him magic. Iro's grandfather foretold of one who would break the curse plaguing the Ihaldryns that can harness both light and dark magic. Now that time has come and Iro is the only one who doesn't think he's up to the task. 

    I received this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. The oddest thing about this story for me was all of the characters are animals, but they fight and talk like humans. Like they walk on their hind legs, battle with swords or magic, hands are referred to as hands instead of paws. At the same time when kisses are given they lick faces, sometimes characters talk others they bark and growl. It was hard to get your head around to say the least. 

    That being said I adored the characters in this book with my favorite being Calem, the rabbit. He was very sassy and a bit of a gossip, but he had the best intentions at heart. I am very curious what he has going on in that basement of his, because I feel it is more than just stock. 

    Although Calem is my favorite all of the characters are easily adored. Izen and Iro are sweet, although Iro has a bit of a temper. Touzen is an ass, but when he cares he shows it. I've already discussed Calem. Then there is Van, the unlikely ally. Each character brings their own positive and negative traits to the table and you can't help but feel things for them. 

    I feel that this story was more focused on inter-personal relations and developing the characters than actually getting into the prophesy, but as this is the first book in a series that is understandable. The main point of this book: Blackwall holding Kynwrothians was handled and that is all you can really ask for. There is plenty more to continue on in the story without feeling jipped on where it ended. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Books by this author: 

Garden of Thorns (The Curse Breaker Book 2)