
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Book Review: The Nexus Games by Shami Stovall (The Nexus Games Book 1)

     After carrying the corpses of his two brother's in arms for days to make sure they came home from a mission Alex Kellan is on mandatory leave, stateside. On Christmas. For most, this would be a welcome break. But, Kellan has no-one and just wants to go back to what he does best: protecting his country. Instead, he is in a little bar called Niko's Place hitting on a bartender and being stalked by a couple of guys. Oh, well. They don't know what they are getting themselves into. However, things go bad when he is attacked and worms invade. When he gets home he tried to brush off the encounter only to find himself in a new place: The Nexus. All Outsiders must report to the Arbitor or be killed by the Pestbyters. His one chance to get home is to participate in The Nexus Games and win access to Zenith. With over 100 other teams, no one willing to explain the rules to him, and his new-found magical abilities Kellan has his work cut out for him!

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. When I initially got the book I will admit it seemed like a daunting read. Not for the cover, which is amazing and captivating. But, the book is 586 pages long and the font is small. That being said, the length of the book will NOT matter once you get started! I finished this book in 4 work shifts while still, somehow, doing my job. It is entertaining and will pull you in from the first sentence! I would give you said sentence, but as I was reading it a friend of mine at work asked to see it and is currently borrowing it. She is just as enthralled as I was. 

    This is easily The Hunger Games vs Kingdom Hearts vs D&D. Really, where can you go wrong with a combination like that? I hate that the book ended two games in! I get it. Who wants to read a 1000 page book? Me. The answer is apparently me, because I NEED to know what happens next!. I feel like Zenith is a ruse. I could be wrong, but it just seems too good to be true. 

    Every character in this book you will either love or love to hate. For instance: Kellan is snarky and self-depreciating in his morbid humor. Still love him. The Arbitor is a controlling dragon who rules through fear and death. Major love him. The news-castor has a bloody blindfold and is completely insane. He's also probably one of my favorite characters. He has this Mad Hatter vibe, who is my all-time favorite character in anything. I can't pick a favorite in this book. I can, however, pick a least favorite: the kid. I can't think of his name right now, unfortunately. When you read this book it will be apparent who I mean. He is intolerable. My desire to push him off a cliff is high. I feel like it's Sen. Probably is. Who knows since I can't check right now. 

    This amazing LitRPG read IS available on Kindle Unlimited and I fully expect it to get read. A LOT. If you want to buy it, which is such a good decision might I add, you can pick up the eBook for $4.99 on Amazon by clicking here. Or, better yet, spring for the paperback for $14.99! When you read this book PLEASE let me know what you thought! I can't wait!

Books by this author: 

The Final Decree

The Nexus Knight (The Nexus Games Book 2)

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