
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Book Review: Their Pieces Were Stars by C. D. Tavenor (Chronicles of Theran Book 3)


    300 years after the death of Jill Theran receives a communication from her telling him to come to a planet previously unknown to the Interstellar Alliance. While they will go, they feel it is a trap and are ready for anything but what they find. Jill must answer for her crimes, no matter the justification she has for them. Before Theran arrives at the planet Raith and Carter received a distress signal and went to investigate. They find a mysterious planet where the inhabitants ancestors lost all memories of their life before and do not have any modern comforts. The more they find about this planet the stranger it gets from cultists kidnapping members of the community and Raith to unseen nanites everywhere on the planet. 

    I received this audiobook from the narrator in exchange for an honest review. As always, I have nothing but positives to say about Benjamin Fife and his narrating abilities. On to the book! In book 2 of this series I was starting to get bored. Nothing was very exciting and everything I expected to happen did. I didn't see how book 3 would get any better and procrastinated it for the longest time. I have to say that if you ignore Flight of the 500, as it is a stand-alone set in the same universe, Their Pieces Were Stars was the most exciting of the books. I kept wondering how the tiny excerpt about aliens would play in and where that story would lead. I now have that answer and there is a bigger area that could lead to in this storyline. 

    I feel like this book stopped in a good place, although I'm not sure how I feel about continuing the series. My favorite characters are Raith and Carter, just as they were in the Flight of the 500. Raith is sarcastic and rash while Carter is the more politically correct and level-headed. They compliment each other well and I enjoy their interactions. 

    Jill was painfully obvious throughout the entire series and I never particularly cared for her. I don't know that I agree with her justifications, but I will leave that for you to decide. This book has a lot of action and intrigue, but you will need to read at least books one and two first. 

    I really liked how they did the alien life-form in this book. It is a very intriguing concept. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

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