
Sunday, May 15, 2022

Book Review: Five and Twenty by Robbin Ramos

     I was accused of something as an NYPD cop. Maybe you've heard the story, maybe you haven't. Believe what you may, but I am here to set the record straight once and for all. Because one word ended all of my plans for the future. Effectively killing my mantra: five and twenty. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have read a book for the author in the past and absolutely adore him, so when he messaged me saying he had a new book out and if I would review it I told him yes. No questions asked. So, the fact that this book is a non-fiction, something I do not read, is on me. I have lectured him on this considering he has known me long enough where I assumed he knew that. None-the-less, I am not one to go back on my word and the review will be honest. 

    Lucky for him Robbin knows how to spin a tale and while factual it wasn't boring. It read like a thriller, although if you took out all the information leading up the the big event and just focused on the event itself there wouldn't have been enough content for a book. I'm sorry he lost his job and I feel for him. It was a bad situation. In a way I understand the NYPD point of view as well. They have had a lot of bad put on them over the years and they don't want the risk from within their forces. I get it. Still sucked for Robbin, though. 

    Like I mentioned, I don't normally read non-fiction. In fact, this is the first one I have ever finished and will likely be my last if I have anything to say about it. That being said if you are going to read a non-fiction book this should be the one you take the chance on. I'm not going to say it's going to open up a whole new genre for you. I highly doubt that. But, it is interesting and you will get caught up in the drama of it all. I blamed one person till the last and I'm not completely ruling it out. I'll leave what I mean by that up to you to find out as you read this book for yourself. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Books by this author:

Savasana's Kiss

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