
Sunday, May 29, 2022

Book Review: Moonlight Becomes You by Robert Herold (The Eidola Project Book 2)


    When the professor and his team, The Eidola Project, are asked to come to Virginia to look into the mysterious murders happening to the black community. While the Klan plays a large part in this town's issues these are different, with the people being completely destroyed with barely enough remaining to tell it was once a human at all. Upon arrival they hear of a town legend, the Bogeywolf, and the townsfolk may not be too far off. Before their hunt for the supernatural is over they may have to face something just as bad: bigots. 

    I received an eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I started this book after I finished book one, and while helpful you would be able to read this book without the benefit of the other. You would be missing little details, but not enough were you would be lost. Personally, I feel this is a good way to handle a lot of sequels. Tip of the hat to the other, then move on. 

    There were a few minor issues within the book that I have already discussed with the author, so no need to rehash them here. Mostly a title of an idiot being incorrect. By idiot I do mean the character Garraty, and that is the nicest term I have for him. The level of disgust a person must be in order to...nevermind. While it takes place in the book it's done from a historically accurate point, not in condonement. You will see what I mean within the pages. I know I have a tendency to get a bit vague, although it is in the synopsis. 

    The mystery of the werewolf as well as who it was was intriguing and you didn't know who it was until the author wanted you to. I definitely didn't expect it, although looking back now I can see the bread crumbs. I have book 3 now (which will be released Wednesday) and and already reading it as fast as I can in hopes of having the ARC read and review ready by launch. 

    The setting is amazing in this book and you are able to tell exactly where you are, even picturing the battles and trauma that Nigel went through in the war. I feel for him, and can't say I blame him completely for how he dealt with his curse now that I know more about it. I don't know why Annabelle turned to what she did, but it has been mentioned previously. Maybe we will get the answer to it in the next book. Personally, she has never been my favored character as she wants a happily married man. All of the gag. But, characters are supposed to be well-rounded and take on a life of their own. She has certainly achieved that. Sarah still seems almost fragile, but I like her. Edgar has some anger issues, but I can't blame him for them. And the professor has always seemed a stand-up guy. I don't know that I have a favorite in this rag-tag bunch. 

    I completely enjoyed this book, as is obvious by having already started book 3. The author knows how to set the scene, make real characters, and make the supernatural seem plausible. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

The Eidola Project (The Eidola Project Book 1)

Totem of Terror (The Eidola Project Book 3)


  1. Thank you for the marvelous review!! I'm so glad you liked it! (Thank you as well for correcting me on a detail I need to fix!👻)
    Very best wishes,
    Bob (author)

    1. You are completely welcome. Thank you for the great read!
