
Sunday, May 8, 2022

Book Review: The Creatures of Holden Beach...and the Murder they did NOT commit! by Chris Underwood

     When two strange alien-like creatures appear on Holden Beach local celebrity Alicia is the first to show the world via Twitter. The sheriff is convinced they are a fake and is more than happy to pass the investigation off to the FBI. He has more important things to do, especially considering the local bar owner Gerald was murdered the same night the creatures were found. He is determined to solve this crime and bring the murderer to justice. One thing he is sure of: the aliens didn't do this!    

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author as a bonus when he sent me The Cold Winter. While I did not initially agree to the review I have to admit that after reading the other book I would have agreed to the review anyway. With the cover having aliens on it I didn't even bother to read the blurb on the back until my buddy at work asked what I was reading today. I was a bit disappointed that the aliens were a hoax per the back blurb and kept hoping that there really were aliens there that would pop up at some point. Yes, I know I'm odd. No, I won't say if any aliens actually showed up or if they were the responsible party. 

    I thoroughly enjoyed this book just as I did The Cold Winter, although this book is a bit more light-hearted than that one. The authors obvious love of sailing vessels makes itself known in this book as well, although much more subdued than in the other. 

    I adored the characters in this book and as Alicia is my legal name found it rather amusing. I don't have near the followers she does on social media nor do I have any intent on going into movies, but the name coincidence amused me. I stated this book on noon one day and had it finished by noon the next because it was hard to put down. Fun, fast read that was all-around pleasant. I didn't suspect the culprits of the aliens and feel it was handled nicely. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Books by this author: 

The Cold Winter (The Cold Winter Book 1)

The Cold Winter: Call to Arms (The Cold Winter Book 2)

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