
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Book Review: History is a Lie by Morton R Leader

      Intent on revenge William preys upon those he holds responsible for his disfigurement, until he stumbles across something odd. Rather than finding a man and a call boy having a good time in the hotel room the boy is having blood removed in a dazed state. Curious, he sits with the man and hears his far-fetched story about being essentially a vampire, but not like the traditional ones. They live for long periods but are not immortal, can go in the sun, and each has their own unique set of powers that increase when they are better fed. Still, to believe this man the entirety of history as it is known is a lie and was instead guided by this kind. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. You may notice that the last review I wrote was also by Morton Leader. I promise you this was not by design. In fact, the writing styles between the two books differ so greatly that I didn't think to check the author at any point up till writing this review. 

    The book started off on a weak point, in my opinion, and I almost stopped reading. We start by seeing a cult-like church protesting LGBTQ+ which results in someone throwing a Molotov cocktail into the cab of a truck, seemingly killing a very young boy who didn't want to be there in the first place. Who shouldn't have been there. From there the book picks up where the boy is now an adult and is exacting his revenge on those he feels is responsible for his disfigurement. The rolling of the eyes here is real. 

    Still, because of this we are able to meet the true main character of the book Marcus and hear his story. While the book takes place in the United States there are a lot of British terms within the book as well as multiple scenes in other countries. Not only as Marcus tells the story of not only himself, but his people, but also as we meet up with others and find how they reached the point Marcus was not present for. 

    This book is a dark fantasy and is not without merit once you get past that first chapter. I went from hating the book and being completely over it to enjoying it by the time it was all said and done. Can't say I agree with how the book ended, but you will see what I mean there for yourself. 

    I've complained about the bad, but really it wasn't prevalent. Marcus is a creature with an unusually large lifespan that has vampire-like qualities. However, their weaknesses are very different. Take enough damage they die. Salt water will melt them. And they can die of old age. They are born only and cannot be made. Unique, but interesting. Salt water was a bit weird, though. 

    We see different viewpoints throughout the book from those of his kind wanting to help humans advance in exchange for blood, those wanting to rule over humans and take what they want, and Marcus who just wants to co-exist peacefully. A you live your life and I'll live mine mentality. With how this book started it is surprising there is anyone with that mentality in this book, but I digress. 

    We hear about multiple points in history (most of which American readers won't recall unless you are a foreign history buff-of which I am not) that are not quite like the books tell us. Instead it is described how these events came to pass through more supernatural means. Humans are often the "bad guys" in this book as they are frequently the aggressors. Not saying that the group who wanted to use humans as cattle was in the right, however, I find it hard to believe it would have gotten to that point if the humans hadn't treated them as slaves to do their bidding for so long. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.94 by clicking here

Book Review: The Liar, The Bitch, and the Warmonger by Morton R Leader

      Charles had built his company from the ground up. He’d always been proud of it and hoped to one day pass it on to all 3 of his children. However, his eldest's sons penchant for lying had gotten him into multiple bad spots. Next was his middle son who was a ruthless businessman with his own company as well. Finally there was his daughter, whose latest obsession was fashion, rather than typewriters and assorted materials. There was one other child, who while not legitimate, still carried Charles blood and he was intent that this young man would also share in his inheritance once he passed. Could these siblings work together to further their fathers legacy or will their selfish desires end a long business?

     I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I was intrigued from the beginning based on the title, although by the time I began reading it I no longer remembered the synopsis. Still I chose well in this case. 

     We switch perspectives throughout the book from the older Charles, to his two legitimate sons, to his daughter, 2 employees, some random college boys, and to the illegitimate son. In each perspective we are able to see how that person thinks of themselves and others. I spent the entirety of the book hoping that Charles Jr, the illegitimate son, would end up with the business. He had his own and frankly was the nicest. 

     The only person I really felt sorry for with how the book ended was the young mother. She made a bad choice in husband, but otherwise did not deserve her future. You’ll see what I mean as you read. Even with the death of one of the siblings it was hard to feel sorry for their fate. 

     The book was an interesting read that was entirely plausible as something that could happen in daily life without anyone questioning its validity. 

     This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Book Review: Be by Ellie Lieberman

     Ari has had to fight for every moment of her life. Her father taught hard lessons after the death of her mother and while her brothers made life bearable she left when she could. Still, something always brought her home when Father wasn't there. Eventually. Although the time had created a distance between herself and her brothers they never refused to take her in. Nor the person she took under her care, Henry. Henry had a secret of his own and would stop at nothing to get to the kingdom his mother was from. With the loss of his brother the family residing there was all he had left that he cared about. His father, however, had other ideas and his guards will stop at nothing to see him brought home. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Perspectives in this book jump from character to character so we can better see their point of view. Henry shows us that hate and pain can fall on anyone, even a noble while Ari shows us that no matter how little you have there is still time to help others. 

    I enjoyed this story as our characters fought to be themselves. Free of the burdens of their pasts. No sacrifice is too big as we see within these pages, although I wish the end sacrifice hadn't happened. You'll see what I mean. It sucks. Every other point in the book is filled with action, budding romance, and genuine human connections. 

    The book was well written and I look forward to more books from this author in the future. Hopefully with a little less trauma. Side note: I really hope the twin is okay. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Lights Camera Mayhem by Calia Wilde (Destroyers MC Book 5)


    Boots has worked his way from a spec up to where he is today as a fully patched member. He is still a little flighty, but no one is harder on him than himself. At least not since his step-dad. When the innocent and sexy Olivia comes into the club one night things get interesting. Seems she isn't as innocent as she seems. In fact, she is his wet dream. Literally. But, Olivia has secrets of her own and opening herself up isn't her strong suit. Can the two find trust in each other before the creep in Olivia's life becomes a threat? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Yup, this is book 5 and if you've been here for a while you know that I have read the other 4 as well. This was an ARC at the time I received it, however I hadn't read any of her books by that point and was starting at book one, so it took me a while to get through them all. Not that I am complaining. I loved every book in this series. She actually reached out to me the other day about me reading another of her series so if you've enjoyed these reviews there is more to come from Ms. Wilde. 

    Boots is easily distracted and seems to have a never ending reserve of energy...for most things. The thing that allows him to hyper-focus however, is what is most important. Meanwhile Olivia has high functioning autism, but has learned to cope with it through the years with her own personal outlet and by largely shutting herself off from people. 

    Both ADHD and autism, of any level, are hard things to deal with on a daily basis. It's hard to communicate with people exactly what you want to say. Lack of filters from things said by you, until it is too late. Constantly panicking any time anyone other than people you trust completely (and even sometimes those) decides to touch you. Not understanding how random people are okay with hugging and touching casually. Then with ADHD starting a project and not being able to finish it. Hyper-focusing on something until the concentration is broken then being completely unable to focus on  it at all. Forgetting things. Constantly being berated or picked on for your inability to sit still unless you are on medication. The medication often making you feel fuzzy instead of able to think clearly. Its all so much fun. 

    The author highlights these points as well as effective not medicine coping mechanisms. While the characters have issues they are still able to form a life for themselves and aren't doing terribly. That being said both their lives improve dramatically when the other enters. It is always great to find a person who is able to relate to your struggles and is willing to work with your personal issues without making you feel less than for having them. I have found mine and I am so glad that Boots and Olivia have found theirs. 

    With all the books in the Destroyers MC world this book can be read as a standalone. However, if you do you will see couples from the other books already together. I mean with most every romance book it ends with a Happily Ever After, that is why we read them, but if you are the type that doesn't want that foregone conclusion spoiled read them from the beginning. Your time won't be wasted!

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here. 

Books by this author: 

Down in Blood (Destroyers MC Book 1)

Dreams in the Dark (Destroyers MC Book 2)

Destroyers Soul (Destroyers MC Book 3)

Truth as Poison (Destroyers MC Book 4)

Second Chance Santa (A Destroyers MC Novella)

Book Review: The Secret Code of the Dead by Charlie Purple

     People have always wished to communicate with their lost loved ones. However, though many say they can commune with the dead there has never been a way to be certain. Hadrian has unlocked this secret code that the dead use to communicate and is able to understand what they want. The prediction of a death, some wonderful wish magic, and his friend is on board. The belief comes too late as Hadrian had already shared his findings with another. Once that knowledge is shared Hadrian becomes the captive of a cult. Can Jen and David save him before he is converted? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While this book is primarily about David becoming a believer in his long-time friend's abilities and Hadrian's new ability to commune with the dead it is told from David's perspective most of the time. We follow David to his new job, through a blossoming relationship, to a foreign country as a war reporter, to visit his mother, and home again. 

    All of the points within this book are resolved, however there is still more reading to be done. While I have not yet started the next book I do have it and will be starting it relatively soon. This book has a little bit of everything and is still believable. We shall see what this collection has in store for us. I will say that book one is closer to a novella in size than an actual book, which is why I am trying not to give everything away with this review. I can safely say that the book is well written and the characters are easy follow. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Book Review: Black Saucer by James Allocca

     When Earth without warning becomes uninhabitable the ships orbiting the planet have two choices: stay in the solar system to try to save as many humans still on Earth as possible or go further than they've ever gone before in an attempt to make a new civilization. The SS Shepherd chose this second option and with proper planning by the original captain followed by all those who came next the descendants of that first crew were able to make it to their new planet: Eden. Although 500 years had passed since their ancestors left Earth the inhabitants of Eden hoped that one day they would be able to travel home and save those that stayed behind. The only problems are a lack of knowledge how to get home and not having 500 years for a single crew to get there then another 500 for them to get home. These problems may be solved with information found, but can they make the journey?

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I know my last sci-fi read I was disappointed in, but this one is not the case. This book is easy to follow along with with a great balance between science and fiction. It is plausible and flows nicely. There are scare factors (Earth's ecosystems shutting down basically overnight during a time of world peace) as well as believable hoops that both scientists and politicians must jump through. 

    All in all it is a great book. The science and semantics of an operation are explained just enough where the reader knows what is going on and how they did it instead of how some authors get lost in the details and forget about the plot for a while. The characters were believable and relatable. It is also a story within a story. 

    We start with a young boy who has problems reading aloud reading his history assignment to his mother before we learn the full story of what happened then returning to the boy. Although a large part of the book is technically a flash-back the book is written in present tense so you never feel like everything that is happening is a foregone conclusion. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Beyond Luna by Bob Freeman (H2LiftShips Book 1)

     The H2LiftShip LunaCola is manned by a primate, a dog, an octopus, and the human captain. Together they travel from Earth, among the asteroids, and to planets and their moons. Be it a gambling orangutan who ends up in certain situations, a Australian Shepherd who wants to help the trees grow, an octopus who is living his best life while the inferior land dwellers fail, or a human with parental issues there is a little bit of everything. But, a threat to the LunaCola is on the horizon and it may be more personal than attacking space pirates.

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While interesting this story jumped around a lot without any clear direction for the longest time. Everything eventually tied together and made sense, but nothing about the books initial blurb had me expecting what I received. Certain points in this book are said and then repeated again. I'm not sure if the author thought we, as the reader, skipped entire sections of story and didn't get it so needed it bluntly or what. 

    We're told during the introduction of each character that one has a goal to gamble in Vegas, one has a desire to pee on the Redwoods to help in their growth and so on. Once those are finished the same information just provided during those segments is repeated. 

    Other than that the book was good. We have space travel, pirates, animals that are of more use than some of the humans in this book (and outside of it), and get to see a unique type of ship that isn't found in other sci-fi books I have read. Jack (the dog) easily ranked as my favorite of the characters, although he wasn't always the sharpest tool in the shed. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $9.50 by clicking here