
Sunday, July 9, 2023

Book Review: The Secret Code of the Dead by Charlie Purple

     People have always wished to communicate with their lost loved ones. However, though many say they can commune with the dead there has never been a way to be certain. Hadrian has unlocked this secret code that the dead use to communicate and is able to understand what they want. The prediction of a death, some wonderful wish magic, and his friend is on board. The belief comes too late as Hadrian had already shared his findings with another. Once that knowledge is shared Hadrian becomes the captive of a cult. Can Jen and David save him before he is converted? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While this book is primarily about David becoming a believer in his long-time friend's abilities and Hadrian's new ability to commune with the dead it is told from David's perspective most of the time. We follow David to his new job, through a blossoming relationship, to a foreign country as a war reporter, to visit his mother, and home again. 

    All of the points within this book are resolved, however there is still more reading to be done. While I have not yet started the next book I do have it and will be starting it relatively soon. This book has a little bit of everything and is still believable. We shall see what this collection has in store for us. I will say that book one is closer to a novella in size than an actual book, which is why I am trying not to give everything away with this review. I can safely say that the book is well written and the characters are easy follow. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

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