
Sunday, July 9, 2023

Book Review: Lights Camera Mayhem by Calia Wilde (Destroyers MC Book 5)


    Boots has worked his way from a spec up to where he is today as a fully patched member. He is still a little flighty, but no one is harder on him than himself. At least not since his step-dad. When the innocent and sexy Olivia comes into the club one night things get interesting. Seems she isn't as innocent as she seems. In fact, she is his wet dream. Literally. But, Olivia has secrets of her own and opening herself up isn't her strong suit. Can the two find trust in each other before the creep in Olivia's life becomes a threat? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Yup, this is book 5 and if you've been here for a while you know that I have read the other 4 as well. This was an ARC at the time I received it, however I hadn't read any of her books by that point and was starting at book one, so it took me a while to get through them all. Not that I am complaining. I loved every book in this series. She actually reached out to me the other day about me reading another of her series so if you've enjoyed these reviews there is more to come from Ms. Wilde. 

    Boots is easily distracted and seems to have a never ending reserve of energy...for most things. The thing that allows him to hyper-focus however, is what is most important. Meanwhile Olivia has high functioning autism, but has learned to cope with it through the years with her own personal outlet and by largely shutting herself off from people. 

    Both ADHD and autism, of any level, are hard things to deal with on a daily basis. It's hard to communicate with people exactly what you want to say. Lack of filters from things said by you, until it is too late. Constantly panicking any time anyone other than people you trust completely (and even sometimes those) decides to touch you. Not understanding how random people are okay with hugging and touching casually. Then with ADHD starting a project and not being able to finish it. Hyper-focusing on something until the concentration is broken then being completely unable to focus on  it at all. Forgetting things. Constantly being berated or picked on for your inability to sit still unless you are on medication. The medication often making you feel fuzzy instead of able to think clearly. Its all so much fun. 

    The author highlights these points as well as effective not medicine coping mechanisms. While the characters have issues they are still able to form a life for themselves and aren't doing terribly. That being said both their lives improve dramatically when the other enters. It is always great to find a person who is able to relate to your struggles and is willing to work with your personal issues without making you feel less than for having them. I have found mine and I am so glad that Boots and Olivia have found theirs. 

    With all the books in the Destroyers MC world this book can be read as a standalone. However, if you do you will see couples from the other books already together. I mean with most every romance book it ends with a Happily Ever After, that is why we read them, but if you are the type that doesn't want that foregone conclusion spoiled read them from the beginning. Your time won't be wasted!

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here. 

Books by this author: 

Down in Blood (Destroyers MC Book 1)

Dreams in the Dark (Destroyers MC Book 2)

Destroyers Soul (Destroyers MC Book 3)

Truth as Poison (Destroyers MC Book 4)

Second Chance Santa (A Destroyers MC Novella)

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