
Saturday, July 1, 2023

Book Review: Black Saucer by James Allocca

     When Earth without warning becomes uninhabitable the ships orbiting the planet have two choices: stay in the solar system to try to save as many humans still on Earth as possible or go further than they've ever gone before in an attempt to make a new civilization. The SS Shepherd chose this second option and with proper planning by the original captain followed by all those who came next the descendants of that first crew were able to make it to their new planet: Eden. Although 500 years had passed since their ancestors left Earth the inhabitants of Eden hoped that one day they would be able to travel home and save those that stayed behind. The only problems are a lack of knowledge how to get home and not having 500 years for a single crew to get there then another 500 for them to get home. These problems may be solved with information found, but can they make the journey?

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I know my last sci-fi read I was disappointed in, but this one is not the case. This book is easy to follow along with with a great balance between science and fiction. It is plausible and flows nicely. There are scare factors (Earth's ecosystems shutting down basically overnight during a time of world peace) as well as believable hoops that both scientists and politicians must jump through. 

    All in all it is a great book. The science and semantics of an operation are explained just enough where the reader knows what is going on and how they did it instead of how some authors get lost in the details and forget about the plot for a while. The characters were believable and relatable. It is also a story within a story. 

    We start with a young boy who has problems reading aloud reading his history assignment to his mother before we learn the full story of what happened then returning to the boy. Although a large part of the book is technically a flash-back the book is written in present tense so you never feel like everything that is happening is a foregone conclusion. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

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