
Saturday, July 1, 2023

Book Review: Beyond Luna by Bob Freeman (H2LiftShips Book 1)

     The H2LiftShip LunaCola is manned by a primate, a dog, an octopus, and the human captain. Together they travel from Earth, among the asteroids, and to planets and their moons. Be it a gambling orangutan who ends up in certain situations, a Australian Shepherd who wants to help the trees grow, an octopus who is living his best life while the inferior land dwellers fail, or a human with parental issues there is a little bit of everything. But, a threat to the LunaCola is on the horizon and it may be more personal than attacking space pirates.

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While interesting this story jumped around a lot without any clear direction for the longest time. Everything eventually tied together and made sense, but nothing about the books initial blurb had me expecting what I received. Certain points in this book are said and then repeated again. I'm not sure if the author thought we, as the reader, skipped entire sections of story and didn't get it so needed it bluntly or what. 

    We're told during the introduction of each character that one has a goal to gamble in Vegas, one has a desire to pee on the Redwoods to help in their growth and so on. Once those are finished the same information just provided during those segments is repeated. 

    Other than that the book was good. We have space travel, pirates, animals that are of more use than some of the humans in this book (and outside of it), and get to see a unique type of ship that isn't found in other sci-fi books I have read. Jack (the dog) easily ranked as my favorite of the characters, although he wasn't always the sharpest tool in the shed. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $9.50 by clicking here

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