
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Book Review: The Liar, The Bitch, and the Warmonger by Morton R Leader

      Charles had built his company from the ground up. He’d always been proud of it and hoped to one day pass it on to all 3 of his children. However, his eldest's sons penchant for lying had gotten him into multiple bad spots. Next was his middle son who was a ruthless businessman with his own company as well. Finally there was his daughter, whose latest obsession was fashion, rather than typewriters and assorted materials. There was one other child, who while not legitimate, still carried Charles blood and he was intent that this young man would also share in his inheritance once he passed. Could these siblings work together to further their fathers legacy or will their selfish desires end a long business?

     I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I was intrigued from the beginning based on the title, although by the time I began reading it I no longer remembered the synopsis. Still I chose well in this case. 

     We switch perspectives throughout the book from the older Charles, to his two legitimate sons, to his daughter, 2 employees, some random college boys, and to the illegitimate son. In each perspective we are able to see how that person thinks of themselves and others. I spent the entirety of the book hoping that Charles Jr, the illegitimate son, would end up with the business. He had his own and frankly was the nicest. 

     The only person I really felt sorry for with how the book ended was the young mother. She made a bad choice in husband, but otherwise did not deserve her future. You’ll see what I mean as you read. Even with the death of one of the siblings it was hard to feel sorry for their fate. 

     The book was an interesting read that was entirely plausible as something that could happen in daily life without anyone questioning its validity. 

     This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

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