Thiago was in the auction-house during the female bidding, but he wasn't interested in them. Not until he seen the red-haired beauty in the exclusive lot. Once she was won she was delivered quickly and efficiently to his ship, promptly freaking out when his pet, Hercules, launched himself at her. Now if only she would stop running away...
When a human woman is basically kidnapped from her planet and deposited on an alien one she must do everything in her power to escape. Not only does this alien bounty hunter plan to keep her he has a giant arachnid as a pet of all things! No, she simply must escape. Only how will she get back to Earth? Besides he has been nice and is sexy....maybe this won't be so bad after all.
This was the first book in the TerraMates series I read and until I started book 1 (which I am now reading) I had no idea that TerraMates is not normally like this. But, we all know how I am when it comes to reading books in order. Thankfully, at least this time, it was a stand-alone book so I was not missing plot points in a back story.
This book was fun and fast paced. While I am not a huge fan of the captive female falls for owner role-play it was well executed. Throughout the book I didn't really feel a connection to any character other than Hercules. After all who could not love a giant dog-like spider pet? I don't feel like the characters were actually in love or even falling in love for most of the book. In fact they were more like friends with benefits. Honestly, in her place I almost can't blame Arthella for what she did. Okay, I can blame her for some of it, but I won't spoil it for you. All in all it is a decent book if you are looking for an odd almost romance to pass the time.
This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 at https://amzn.to/3fV2kEC.
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