Gretta is a Therian, or Werecat, and her pack leader wants to sacrifice her at the full moon of her 28th birthday just to seek revenge on some warlock who went on a killing spree of her kind years before she was born. Now the same warlock is her only hope of safety...and possible more?
When Gretta is poisoned by her pack master for the sacrifice Dwayne, the warlock, calls upon Anthony the vampire to draw the poison from her body. The poison has an adverse reaction with him though making him seemingly drunk and he stumbles off to find Charlee, Gretta's best friend and the object of Anthony's lust. When he takes too much he wipes her memory, but can he give it all back to her with everything he has done wrong?

When Charlee is forced to accept her current life of living with a vampire while trying to get her memory back she meets Jane who can see vampires, a dangerous trait to have, and they become great friends. But when Paul, Anthony's minion gives Jane away to a werewolf everything is far from okay. Can she really give up all of the survival instincts she has had to hone over the years and just let herself feel something for the mysterious Cole?
This is one of those rare three part presents where it is three complete stories wrapped up under one title just waiting to be unwrapped and enjoyed. Amazingly the story flows together, one picking up just as the other left off leaving you no room to wonder where the transitioning came from. All around a great read.
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