Sunday, June 27, 2021

Book Review: Bullets and Bones by R. S. Penney (Desa Kincaid Book 2)

Bullets And Bones: A Sci-Fi Western (Desa Kincaid Book 2) by [R.S. Penney]     With Adele on the loose Desa and her group will stop at nothing to stop her from taking over the world using the power of the Nether. Even if that means killing someone Desa once loved in the process or even chasing down an old fairytale to a "cursed" land. Adele is not going to make their journey an easy one, however, as she will throw everything she can at this bunch in an attempt to kill Desa and end the threat to her forever. Just how far are Desa, Tommy, Miri, Marcus, and Kalia willing to go to rid the world of evil? Will they survive long enough to complete their newest mission? 

    Desa, born in Aladar, is a Field Binder. This means she can bend the Ether to form certain tools which make life, and combat, much easier. Field Binding is a closely guarded secret of Aladar, so when the Prelate learns that Desa has been sharing their knowledge with the simpleton country folk outside the city she must be punished. Tommy, Desa's apprentice, is proving himself to be very adept in the arts of Field Binding now that he is able to commune with the Ether and has even been given permission to study the texts of Aladar at the Library. Here he meets Dalen and develops a crush. Now he is stuck between caring for Miri and Dalen. But, the biggest development is when he finds just what can destroy the beast taking up space in Adele. Too bad it is only a folklore item, but a small chance is better than none. Now to travel to a cursed land and hope for the best...

    I tried very hard not to divulge more in this summary of events than what the actual synopsis of the book covered. I will state that I was approached to read and provide an honest review of this book and when I agreed to read it I did not know it was book 2 in a series. I have not read book one. That being said, the author provides enough information to determine most of what happened in the first book so that you are not left feeling like you are in uncharted waters. There are a few minor details that I am not sure what happened, but I can live with that. There is action, love, and a lot of attempted murder in this book. Where everyone was loyal had me guessing until the end, which is always a lot of fun. 

    Now then, with all of those positives about the book I have a very big glaring negative. I will state that this negative may be due to the copy of the eBook I received in exchange for the review. I have no way of knowing if it is or not, so please let me know if the actual copies of the book do this if you decide to get it. The book will jump from one point of view to another from one paragraph to the next without any kind of separation. More than once I found myself going back and rereading sections because I thought I had zoned out and missed details. Instead I had just jumped from Desa to Tommy or some other characters. It was quite annoying. That is the only real negative I have to say about this book. 

This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Book Review: Time's Convert by Deborah Harkness (All Souls Book 4)

Time's Convert: A Novel by [Deborah Harkness]     While Phoebe begins her process to becoming a new vampire Marcus must traverse his past so that they can move forward together, if she chooses him. Phoebe is Marcus' fiancé, and is currently a warm blood. She has agreed to become a vampire so that they may spend all of eternity together, but first she has to be separated from him for 90 days in order to learn how to blend with society as well as what it takes to be a vampire. To keep from going crazy Marcus goes to his "fathers" house, traveling down memory lane to the American Revolution when he was turned. Are the secrets of his past even greater than Phoebe will be able to handle? Or maybe there is just too much to being a new vampire...

    As with a lot of my audiobooks this was an impulse download from the app Libby, which I completely adore. I have never read any books by Deborah Harkness, but my husband's aunt has nothing but good things to say about this woman and her books. Honestly, while I liked the book it seemed like it was lacking something. We got his past issues, her present issues with becoming a vampire, and a little bit of current drama with Marcus and his maker's family. Beyond that there really wasn't much that happened. His past was interesting I will give you that. All in all I don't know that I will be reading any more by her unless there is the promise of something a bit more stimulating. 

    I will state that I just seen this is  book 4 in a series, so it may have just been tying up some loose ends and that is why it is like this. I don't know as I haven't read the others. I just seen that it was book 4 when I located it on Amazon. If you have read the other books in the series  All Souls please let me know!

    This book is available on Amazon for $13.99 by clicking here.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Book Review: Immortal Blood by Magen McMinimy (Immortal Heart Book 1)

Immortal Blood (Immortal Heart Book 1) by [Magen McMinimy, Cynthia Shepp Editing]    Finding out that there really are fairy tale creatures like the fae and leprechauns is a shock, but finding out they have another realm that you need to travel to is a whole different situation. Izzy finds herself in just this instance when her luck is taken and a series of mishaps soon follow. Bain, an immortal fae warrior, has been tasked with bringing her home so the Light Queen can work to resolve the issue. However the more time Izzy spends with this sexy man she realizes there may be more to lose in her future. 

    A woman who is all attitude and a man who has never loved anyone that he doesn't consider family. Bain, while attractive, is more that which others have not taken the time to find. During his time trying to convince Izzy to come with him they find out plenty about each other and begin to look beyond the surface. Personally I never understood only looking skin deep at someone. Just because the outside is beautiful doesn't always mean that the inside is and that is what matters. Thankfully, some beautiful people aren't as shallow as they are initially portrayed. 

    I enjoyed this book, but the jealousy is a little much. Why question every single woman who enters a man's life? Besides, the secondary issue in this book is petty. Sadly, some people are biased. Especially older and entitled generations. I won't say more on that and will leave the details up to you to discover. The main issue of the leprechaun, while a threat, seemed almost cordial. It made me question just how "bad" the dark fae really are vs the light fae. 

    This book is available on Amazon for free by clicking here.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Book Review: Sinful Cinderella by Anita Valle (Dark Fairy Tale Queen Book 1)

Sinful Cinderella (Dark Fairy Tale Queen Series Book 1) by [Anita Valle]     Ever since Cinderella's father died she has become a servant to her step-mother and two step-sisters. Their cruelty had some pleasant side effects, however, since she had a fairy godmother who gave her a decanter that collects good deeds in the form of white magic that can be used to make her life better. Cinderella used it in exchange for beauty, becoming the fairest in the land. But is she fair enough to attract the attention of the Prince in order to become his Queen and take revenge on those who have wronged her?

    Apparently I have been in a Dark fairy tale mood recently since this is the second book review in as many days that is a twisted tale of sorts. I have many more that I own, but these being so close together was completely unplanned. As anyone who reads my reviews for any amount of time knows that I love all things dark, demented, and twisted. This book is no exception. I loved that it was dark and murderous. There is a nice set up for how book 2 will begin and that sometimes things aren't as they seem. I will not give things away any more than the normal version of Cinderella does, just know that while you may know certain aspects of the story it does not prepare you for what you will find in these pages. 

    Cinderella's persona is kind of a cunt. While no one deserves the things that happened to her in the book I didn't feel bad about them like I would have if they had happened to a less deserving individual. I don't know if things would have been different for her if her father had lived, but I do hope so. Anyways for the most part I enjoyed this book and I hope that you enjoy it as well. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking hereThis book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Book Review: Mad as a Hatter by Kendra Moreno (Sons of Wonderland Book 1)

Mad as a Hatter (Sons of Wonderland Book 1) by [Kendra Moreno]     Clara is a defense attorney that has always fought for the underdog against large corporations. Now, she may face her biggest challenge yet when Mr. White approaches her to "defeat the queen". She takes the case, thinking that it is a metaphor only to be transported to the actual Wonderland. Wonderland is not what it seems any longer as Alice has become the Red Queen and is destroying life as they know it. The once beautiful and exciting land is now one of carnage. However, there is a prophecy that states in order to begin the process to save Wonderland "Clara Bee" is destined to lose her heart to the Hatter and defeat the Knave. But she can't care for someone just because it was foretold. Will that even be a problem? 

    I seen an ad for this book on Facebook and immediately purchased it. The cover of the book looked like an evil Benedict Cumberbatch and it is a favored story. Besides, anything that is dark and twisted in relation to Alice in Wonderland I am all for. For instance my favorite video game is Alice Madness Returns. Also, The Mad Hatter has always been my favorite character. 

    I had high expectations of this book when I first got it. The book did not disappoint. I made my husband read the first page after I did because I was immediately enamored and have discussed multiple points of the book with my best friend during the time that I have read it. She is just as excited about it as I was. This book is a great new continuation on Alice in Wonderland. Everything is explained nicely and I have no negative comments to say at all about this. I hope that everyone who likes Alice in Wonderland gets a chance to read these books. I will definitely be reading the others in this series. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Book Review: Destiny's Revenge by Nancy Straight (Destiny Book 2)

Destiny's Revenge (Destiny Series Book 2) by [Nancy Straight, Dreamscape Covers, Linda Brant]     Lauren was attacked by The Beast causing her to go into a two year long coma. When she awakens Max is gone and her family and friends have had to move on with their lives. After all, the doctor told them that it was highly unlikely that she would ever wake back up. Now it seems that she has gained a new power and Rewsna is there to help her with her changed destiny. Can she make her way back to the path that she was deviated from by missing that time or is everything changed forever? 

    There are two sides to every story and in this we see the beginnings of both. I really enjoyed book one and felt it ended on a cliffhanger. Which it did. As such I immediately bought and started reading book 2. It picked up right where book 2 left off and while there are references to book one to serve for reminder purposes I am glad that I did not wait a while before starting book 2 like I normally do when I actually get continuances to a series. 

    I truly enjoyed this book in that we are able to still see Lauren and Max along with their destinies. There isn't nearly as many obsessions without anything to base it on as there was in book 1. They have a bit of history before going hot and heavy, which I feel is helpful. 

    They don't seem as argumentative as they were in book 1, but that could just be because he knows everything about her and believes it. Who knows. I don't know who is truly correct in this book. Be it the Council, the Cabinet, or even The Beast. At some points Samuel seems to be an absolute douche and at others he seems to be a just and sane "person". I will let you draw your own conclusions. All in all I feel confident in how this book ended. While there is still more to know, at this time, I do not wish to continue on to book 3. I may, however come back to this series in the future. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here.

Books by this author: 

Meeting Destiny (Destiny Book 1)

Friday, June 4, 2021

Book Review: Daughter Of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Daughter of Smoke & Bone     Karou is a seventeen year old art student in Prague. She has her best friend, hangs out frequently, has hobbies, and even has an annoying ex-boyfriend. Normal...or not so much. For this girl was raised by monsters. And from time to time she goes to them and does little tasks, like retrieving teeth. Who knows why, but there is a perk. She gets wishes. Small little trinket wishes that don't amount to much. 

    Everything in her life was as it had always been with a balance between her "family" and the real world. That is until Brimstone starting calling on her every day and she realized for the first time in her memory that the teeth were almost completely gone from his shop. Now there were hand-prints on portals and an angel on her tail. If only she knew just how it would go...

    I loved this book from start to finish. Loved all of it, except the end. Not because it was a bad ending as it was something I sort of expected. Rather, I want to know if things get better or if all hope is lost. There are plenty of things to say about this book. I loved all of the characters. Even Rasgut. (If I misspelled his name I am sorry. I listened to the audiobook on this one rather than having read it.) I just realized this is a 3 book series and I will definitely be reading the others at one point in time or another. 

     If you are a fan of YA fantasy romance then this is a book for you. This book is available on Amazon for $9.99 by clicking here.

Book Review: Follow Him by Craig Stewart

Follow Him by [Craig Stewart]    Jacob lost his mother when he was young and later, when other events in his life happened he found himself with The Sacred Heart. Their goal was to rid the world of love by bringing back The First. The First was here long before anything else and was the reason humans had love in the first place. Nina, Jacob's fiancé has plans to bring him home, but will her love bring him back from this cult or will The First get her as well? 

    The first part of this book was really slow and I didn't really think I would like the book. Then, when I got to part 2 I was hooked and couldn't put it down. It was a stimulating read that will make your heart race and question some things, if even for a moment. For instance: how far would you go for someone you love? Just how quickly can the love that holds you together turn toxic? 

    If you like cult thrillers then you will like this book. This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here.

Book Review: Burn for Me by J. H. Croix (Into the Fire Book 1)

Burn For Me (Into The Fire Book 1) by [J.H. Croix]     Seven years ago Amelia and Cade were inseparable. High school sweethearts who had lasted through college. That is until Amelia walked in to their home to find her best friend, Shannon, naked on top of Cade. He'd tried to reach her at first before leaving for firefighter training in California, but she was stubborn. So stubborn in fact that no one was even allowed to speak his name around her without her leaving the room. She didn't expect to ever see him again, but when he came home and she found out the truth the passion was reignited. Will they be able to survive this time, or will history repeat itself?

    I was attached to this couple from the first page. I have zero complaints about this book and will be adding this author to my list of favorites so choose from when I start to get in a reading slump. Nothing like a sexy romance to pull you out of a slump! Personally this one is a little close to home since my husband and I were high school sweethearts who let something stupid break us up and it took 5 years to get over it and get back together.     

    Cade is a sexy firefighter. Tall, muscled, and sexy as sin. He is also the only one who has ever looked at Amelia with passion or ignited passion in her. Amelia is a tall, independent woman who owns her own construction business in Alaska. As such she intimidates most men and the only one she thought she could have was Earl. While there is nothing wrong with him he wants  Amelia not for who she is, but to prove he is man enough to handle her. 

    This book is available on Amazon for free by clicking here.