
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Aestus by S. Z. Attwell (The City Book 1)

      When the surface of Earth became uninhabitable the Founders determined a new way to survive. They carved a city deep into the underground and have eked out a life there for the last few centuries. While the surface is still too hot for anyone to be on it during the day without a carefully rationed supply of water at night they must be even more careful. Due to radiation what were once human have evolved into something now known as the Onlar. Little more than beasts that strike with claws and glowing green eyes. Sometimes all that are found of those that go missing are bones. However, there may be more to this story than meets the eye when Engineer Jossey is captured by the Onlar. 

     I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I love post apocalyptic books. They easily rank in my top favorites and this one did not disappoint. I love books where the biggest threat is more a scooby doo than anything else. Don’t get me wrong, there are many many real threats in this book. And I won’t for a second give away who the bad guy or girl is. Still I wanted to say that. 

     Moving on. There seems to be a budding love triangle here. Not the way you may be thinking. Gavin obviously has feelings for Jossey. Jossey sort of has feelings for Gavin, but has never allowed herself to feel anything for him due to personal past they share which you will read about. Then there is Casper who obviously has a thing for Jossey and Jossey likes him, but I don’t know that she feels the same anymore. Hell I wouldn’t after that stunt. Again, not going into it. You’ll see. Second to last chapter of the book. 

    This book absolutely leaves a lot up in the air and I would read the next book in the series if requested to do so. It was an intriguing and fun book that had a lot of action and a bit of romance. Not the sexy sexy kind, but that is okay. I don’t think the sexy sexy kind would have fit into this book at this point anyways. Possibly in book two. We shall see. 

     This book is available on Amazon for $0.99 by clicking here

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