
Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Four Baristas of the Apocalypse by Geoff Blackwell

     Four coffee shop owners, and friends, took a camping trip into the woods. During this trip there was what appeared to be a meteor shower, instead coming face to face with an alien that definitely did not come in peace. Armed only with a hologram who promises to make them weapons or they can either submit to the fate of the rest of the world. What real choice do they have? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Yet another post-apocalyptic to add to my list. No complaints there, however. It will forever be one of my favorite genres. This book was highly amusing and I genuinely hope I get to read the next one! 

    The hologram does a lot of growing in this book as he has some sentience and was merged with human idealisms to create what he is. Although describing the end result would be difficult to say to least. That being said he was a good companion character while he lasted in the book. War-ship AI are nothing to mess around with. Not saying anything happens one way or the other though. 

    The main characters are great. They are all best friends, two sets of couples, own a coffee shop together, and have very vast personalities. Much like in a normal group of friends you see a lot of different people that compliment each other well. I have to say that I won't be missing the neon pink suit now that the book is over. You'll see what I mean. 

    I enjoyed the 99% rule and the fact that the invading aliens had a Neapolitan complex. A lot of this book was utterly ridiculous, but would still be terrifying if it actually happened. While the main points of this book were resolved (i.e. Earth being invaded by aliens who needed cheaper hats and platform boots) there is still more to discover with this series. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $ 5.31 by clicking here

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