
Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Aule Straatagem: Part One- Slave Ship by David Clegg

      Within the Aule sector of space pirates have been taking Confederate allied forces and destroying the ships. The Confederate Navy ship, the Aurora, has been tasked with reigning in these pirates and locating the corruption of the local sector. Once Captain Lewis and her crew arrive they find that the local head also believes that there is a mole getting inside information out to the pirates. But, can these pirates be a front for a much bigger threat coming to the Confederacy?

     I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book gave me a lot of Star Wars vibes. I don’t know if it was due to how the Empire acted, the fact they were called the empire in the first place, or because all I could think about when they were plotting was the Empire striking back. The force is not in this book, however, there are plenty of weapons. Think regular war-time naval guns, severely amped up (of course this is set far in the future). Not that I am in any way complaining about that. I love pirate battles as you’ve seen with On These Black Sands and Jubilant. 

     This book does take a bit to actually get into, but once it picks up it is nonstop action. It goes from a slow burn in space to fight after fight. We see the corruption and are even able to get an idea of what is going on on the slave ships and on the Naval ship. I enjoyed the change in perspective there. This book goes end on a bit of a cliffhanger, but that is to be expected considering this is book one in a series. 

    That being said, the book wasn't nearly as boring, for me, as Star Wars was. The piracy helped quite a bit on that front thankfully. If requested I would be willing to read additional books by this author and in this series. 

     This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $3.69 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

The Aule Straatagem: Aurora (The Aule Straatagem Book 2)

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