
Monday, January 30, 2023

Book Review: Asteria: The Last Hope for Humankind by David Collins

     For years war, famine, and plagues have ripped across the world destroying it further. The only solace is the moon colony, Asteria. With the world president's plans to eventually bring everyone here there is some hope for a brighter tomorrow. However, Carla soon finds that there are more to Earth's woes than she knew before. Can she band with the rebels and save all that remains of humankind?

    I bought this book at the suggestion of the author....forever ago. I don't even know when. They suggested it to me, I added it to my list of books to eventually buy, and at some point bought it. I was looking for a random book to read before I got all the review requests that I have now and asked my husband to list a genre and I'd read something from that. He suggested science fiction and here we are. The book got set to the side for a little while once I had so many review requests, but it had nothing to do with how great or bad this book was. 

    In fact, I found this book, however short it was, to be very engaging. It is a fast-paced sci-fi that follows an engineer as she and a group of rebels uncover the secrets of the devastation on Earth and try to save everyone they can. I honestly can't say more than that without giving everything away. That comes with shorter books, though. Still, something that is very unique is this book comes equipped with it's own alternate ending. Make sure you read both so you know which you prefer!

    Action, adventure and, over-throwing the government all in one book set in a dystopian sci-fi scene. 

    This book is available on Amazon $1.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Outcast Origins by A J Ashton (Tarrenfall Chronicles Book 1)

     Lara's family has long-since been protectors, keeping humans safe from things that dwell in the dark, such as demons and vampires. While a lycan's bite is poison for a vampire the same can be said in reverse. These evil creatures taking first their mother and then their father. Now that Lara has been bitten the longtime family friend, a witch, has found a way to save her, but she will become something new. A hybrid lycan and vampire. She must curb her vampire side and remain in control at all times as she is the only family her little brother Derwyn has left. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have a soft spot for shifter books and always immediately assume that they will be paranormal romances. While this is often-times true, that is not entirely the case here. There is a bit of a slow burn build-up where this could turn into a romance. However, for now it is largely about two siblings surviving on their own against threats. 

    The book ends on a bit of a cliff-hanger, but not an edge of your seat what happens next moment. There are still plenty of loose ends left to be tied, which is understandable considering this is book one in a series. Still, it doesn't feel like it was cut off at a random point and you just hope for the best. Definitely a positive as some books have a very bad habit of doing that. 

    My favorite character in this book was Carn. He is an excellent fighter and at every turn took things in stride. I hope for good things for him in the future. 

    There is a lot of sword-play in this book as well as shifting and hand to hand combat. All of which are wonderful. All of the characters can stand on their own, no matter their differences, so we don't feel like any one is the weak-link. While the characters in the book are teenagers/young adults there are sex scenes, just a heads up. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.85 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Outcast New Beginnings (Terranfall Chronicles Book 2)

Book Review: Masked Intent by Kimberly Greer (The Morality Play Series Book 1)

      Hi, I'm Truth. While you may love me or hate me I am always there, ready to show myself for better or worse. After all, the truth always come out in the end. I don't think of myself as a bad guy, and like to think that everything often works out for the best when I'm involved. Take Mateo and Alexa. Their story involves truth being shed on many of the secrets in their past. But, I am certain they can make it through these challenges together. My sisters don't necessarily agree. 

    I received a copy of this audiobook from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book includes some of my favorite things all bundled together to make for a read I really didn't want to finish! For one, it is set up like a play with acts and scenes. There's a narrator that you can either trust or not. Considering she is the embodiment of truth I am choosing to trust her. Then there is the contemporary romance aspect and even a dash of mob boss. Not kidding. 

    Everyone has a past that we choose to hide some part of. Alexa has her parentage as well as her divorce while Mateo has his family drama and past relationships. Together, if they share their truths, they may be able to forge a life together. But, will skeletons from their closets prove too much for this budding relationship? 

    I cannot express how much I enjoyed this book. While the story is far from complete and absolutely ends on a cliff-hanger it only leaves the reader wanting more. Unfortunately in my case I have about a million review requests right now so I won't be able to read anymore on this series for a minute...or you know about 3 or 4 months (I'm being serious when I say I have a ton of review requests). Still, this book is amazing and be prepared to want more the second you finish book one!

     While I oftentimes have issues with narrations for one reason or another I didn't with this one. The narrator did a great job and I was almost always able to tell immediately when it switched from Mateo to Alexa, as this story splits perspectives between the two main characters. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it for $2.99 by clicking here

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Book Review: Sour Roots by Shawn Burgess

     The murder of two young girls in Grief Hollow rocks the small town. Her father, an influential owner, demands his little ones are found and brought home safely, or the person who did this paid for the crimes committed. Could it be a displaced farmer or a curse set on extracting it's blood toll? Follow the investigation to see who is behind the disappearance of these small woodland explorers. 

    I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I initially didn't realize this was a prequal, but after having read it I expect great things from this author. While the novella was not very long, it was fast paced and entertaining. We have paranormal aspects as well as the police acting in some unsavory manners. I can't say too much with what they believed, but still probably not the best course of action. 

    Roger shows us that the generational gap between himself and his grandfather did not stop history from repeating itself. Sometimes we hope for a change and that's not always what we get. Still, there is plenty of death in this and it has made me curious what else the author will bring to the table. I am also curious what will happen with Fletcher. 

    While this book is a prequal of his series you can get it on his website by clicking here. This book is not currently on Amazon, but the author provided me a link to share to get the eBook for FREE from BookFunnel by clicking here. PLEASE let me know if you have any issues redeeming and I will pass the information on to him so we can get it resolved!

Book Review: October Storms by Amanda Collins Beams

     After her husband Eli goes on a hunting trip and fails to return it is up to Louise to work the farm in order to support her seven and one year old children. The arrival of a farmhand is a welcome surprise, him getting food and housing in exchange for working the land. However, with October's storms his mood soon sours, bringing with it excessive drinking. In an attempt to escape his abuse Louise bundles her two small children up, setting out on foot. Sick and near death they are found and brought to the widow Agnes Hoskins where their lives change forever. The bond they forge may span more than just their lifetime, however. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. And I really liked this book. The first and last chapters seemed pointless to me, but in total it was enjoyable. The book was set in the 1800s where trusting the wrong person lead a young mother to leave everything and set out across the countryside. Personally, in her shoes I would have just murdered the fucker in his sleep the following morning instead of risking my children's lives walking across riverbanks and through the rain. But, that is just me and to be honest her life had a better result than she could have achieved through staying anyways. 

    There are some very sad parts in this book, such as children death, but that was something that happened with some frequency during that time period. The women in this book are not looked down on for having their own businesses and we don't hear from nay-sayers other than local gossiping biddies. In fact, the most predominant male roles in this book don't have anything bad to say against the women. While I thought one of the males in this book would eventually result in a budding romance I will say I was surprised that this book is free of romance aspects. 

    It was nice to see women not being treated as these fragile flowers that can do nothing in this book. That is what happens a lot in period pieces and why I have a tendency to steer clear of them. 

    My favorite character in this book was Mr. Allerton. He was a great supporting character in the story, and a big help especially when it came to Randall. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Book Review: Our Eternal Souls by P.L. Jonas

     With the Zorathian's way of life ending and no escape seemingly possible Yonan and Xenia want to find solace in the only way they can: by travelling via astral projection into the future to see if their future incarnations find love with each other. Will they be able to find the lifetime in which they grow old together before their own time comes to an end? 

    I received a copy of this book from the author as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. The book was released on Dec 27, so I am a bit behind on finishing it in time, but I have tried my best. 

    This book starts with a utopian civilization called Zorathia where everyone lives forever except for death by sickness or some other outside force (ie poison, drowning, storms, or physical injury). While they have an infinite lifespan they are not able to withstand things such as volcanic blasts and the shifting on plates which threatens their way of life. Desperate to see their future selves grow old together a couple travels through lifetimes doing their best to get their reincarnations together for the long haul. Getting them together is easy. Falling in love is natural. But, growing old together may present a challenge. 

    I have to admit I was a bit leery at the start of this book. With the first incarnation her arranged marriage is with her cousin and I worried about inbreeding throughout. While there are instances of it in this book, as I just referenced, the end result is a bit more distantly related. While third cousins are not ideal it's better than first. That being said, if you aren't a fan of it in any instance, no matter how close or far this is your warning. I can't say I entirely loved that fact, but nothing to do about it. 

    The book is well written and the characters, outside of inbreeding, are relatable to some extent in each lifetime. Of course it is easier to relate to the present day lifetime versus those participating in cave drawings, serving under Queen Cleopatra, under the Queen from the 1800s, or a native American fur trader. 

    It was interesting to see how they pushed their future selves together time and again. Each time they are together it is easy to see the love felt by their initial selves all those years before. Even when the love does not result in forever, at least they felt it for that moment. I will say, however, if the elders had better prepared there may never have been a need for the astral travelling and the loss of life would have been unnecessary. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Jubilant by Galadriel Coffeen and Anneliese Knop (The Shallic Sea Chronicles Book 1)

     Feeling as if he wasn't leaning anything under his father's "tutelage" on his merchant ship Wren escapes and joins the Navy. He has worked hard to earn rank being without a noble heritage and is proud to have earned the status of Midshipmen. Now, all he has to do is take his Lieutenant's test and hope for a promotion and his salary. It is everything he could want. But, with the changing of a captain and salvers on the loose Wren's desires may quickly change. 

    Kelta is determined to avenge the wrong done to her in her past. In order to do so she must bide her time, gather skills, and information. She is a snake that studied under one of the greatest and most famous Taxian teacher and is now aboard the Keltorax. She is a fine warriors vessel and Kelta has learned much under the fair captaining of her uncle. While escorting the dignitary, Alphira, through Fosseni waters the merchant ship Alphira is on is captured by slavers. Now Kelta and her captain must team up with an Ellond Navy vessel to bring her home. Can they hold their tempers while dealing with the snobbish attitudes of those who consider themselves above the Taxians?

    I received a copy of this book from one of the authors in exchange for an honest review. While I was warned before I started that it is a hefty book I want to let you know that the 700+ pages isn't a hard read. The story does not drag and you aren't just reading to get through something in order to mount this daunting task. Instead, with long chapters filled with beasts of both prey and humanity there are plenty to keep your attention. 

    I will say for the first few chapters I was confused as it was seemingly randomly bouncing back and forth between two characters and I didn't immediately see the correlation. However, bear with it and that connection will present itself. 

    Wren is a bit hot-headed, even beginning the book with a dual with another due to a slight the man felt at wren's gambling. This presents itself time and again showcased in Wren's impulsive actions followed by some level of regret. While he is impulsive and even goes so far as to say he is looking forward to the impending war with another country (leaving it out since it's not said until over halfway through the book) he still has stronger morals than many of the Ellondese. Because of this he was easily one of my favorite characters. 

    That being said, Kelta is easy to love. Her past is hinted at throughout the book, although we still haven't gathered the full picture. I hope that she opens up to her new mentor in time. I hope for great things from this character. She has already shown strength of will and body, being able to take down experienced warrior men with relative ease, now she risks something much more closely guarded. 

    From start to finish I enjoyed this book full of creatures of the land and sea as well as battles with pirates and slavers. You'll feel Wren's determination and righteous anger while finding amusement in how poor his true first name fits him. Wellerdon will have you gritting your teeth and hoping for a change for the entire crew. Meanwhile on the Taxian ship you'll see the joys of mutual respect and how this works well between the captain and his crew. They are constantly learning and teaching each other to be better warriors in every sense and this serves them well. 

    As this book is the first in a series it does not end with things tied in a pretty bow. The main issue within this book is solved, but more are on he horizon and our main characters futures are anything but certain. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $8.99 by clicking here

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Book Review: BuyMort: Rise of the Windowpuncher: How I became the Accidental Warlord of Arizona (Shopocalypse Saga Book 3) by Damien Hansen and Joseph Phelps

     It has been a crazy week since BuyMort invaded, taking over everyone's subconscious with dream purchases and the ability to buy anything with just a thought. So long as you have the Morties to do so. But, with great power comes great responsibility and I have already paid a great price for someone I cared for not being responsible. I'm Tyson and I intend to destroy BuyMort with the help of my hidden app and save as many humans as I can along the way. First step is to take back Arizona. 

    I received an ARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. To say I have looked forward to and enjoyed each new instance of this book is an understatement. In fact, I just finished this book a few days ago and can't wait to know what happens next. Yes, yes. I know this is book three of three in the saga, but the story is far from over. I am sure we have not seen the last of our window-punching friend as he attempts to take down this shopping invader one rung at a time. 

    The build-up we were expecting with Molls in the first two books has finally reached a head and it plays in nicely with the rest of the story. We finally get more details on how that works with her appearance, which I am personally so thankful for because to say I was confused would have been an understatement. Grandma Phyllis is still alive and kicking and she is still my favorite character. We even get details on where that disgusting tape comes from! Honestly, I can't blame BuyMort for not buying that back, but I don't know that the story has actually come out and said that yet. I know I talked to the author about it at some point. 

    In this book Tyson is taking the Dearth Conglomerate head on as well as dealing with those frustrating delves. Minor problem that the delves know he's coming and are prepared, but with the starfish suit and a magical blade hopefully he'll have nothing to worry about. As for Dearth Tyson may have to disengage his 'No cranial repairs' function on his suit and risk losing himself. Can he take that chance?

    Based on the rest of this review you if you are new here you have likely gathered that this book cannot be read as a standalone. This series is an absolute must read in order type and it does not end with the book in a bow. You will be pining for the next book as soon as this one ends!

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it with Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Grand Opening (BuyMort 1)

Smart Shopper (BuyMort 2)

Bull Market Mayhem (Shopocalypse Book 5)

Book Review: The Romantic by Felix Alexander (Forever Poetic Book 2)

     Born in Santa Lucia, Mexico Hadriel had always been a hopeless romantic. After falling in love with his childhood best friend, and his advances spurned, he travelled to Chicago to begin his life. Here he will have three great loves, but will any of them stick? The angel of death has come to collect, but Hadriel has made a final request to see if his love waited for him. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have to admit that I spent a fair amount of time judging the character for his 'poor pitiful me attitude' while chasing women that were in relationships with other people then not respecting the one he actually ended up in a relationship with. I didn't see him as a hopeless romantic for a large portion of the book, and I'm not sure that I do now that it is over. But, everyone has their own opinions on that. 

    This book is set after the main character's death as he is with the angel Adriel as they review his life. For the most part the book acts like it is set in present tense while it reviews events with only occasional references to Hadriel and Adriel's conversations. I will say that with the amount of Catholicism in the first chapter paired with the fact of an angel being portrayed I was a bit concerned. I don't read religious books, as you well know, but I was needlessly worried for once. While these are both aspects the main character doesn't seem to be religious nor is it a prominent feature in the work after the story leaves Santa Lucia. 

    There is a lot of cheating on partners in this book, which I can't say I loved. But, the book was well written and I was largely interested to see if he actually got any of the girls her pursued. I won't ruin it and tell you what happens, but it isn't a traditional HEA (Happily Ever After). The bittersweet notes of this story will stay with you, no matter your opinions of the characters within. 

    I can't say that I had a favorite character in this book. But, you can't win them all. If you are a lover of music there are numerous songs in this book, sometimes spanning multiple pages. 

    If you're searching for a very non-traditional romance of sorts look no further because this definitely fits that bill. I have just learned (when I went to Amazon to pull pricing) that this is book two in a series by this author called Forever Poetic. This book can absolutely be read as a stand-alone without having to read others. Everything is tied up by the end. 

This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here.