
Sunday, January 29, 2023

Book Review: October Storms by Amanda Collins Beams

     After her husband Eli goes on a hunting trip and fails to return it is up to Louise to work the farm in order to support her seven and one year old children. The arrival of a farmhand is a welcome surprise, him getting food and housing in exchange for working the land. However, with October's storms his mood soon sours, bringing with it excessive drinking. In an attempt to escape his abuse Louise bundles her two small children up, setting out on foot. Sick and near death they are found and brought to the widow Agnes Hoskins where their lives change forever. The bond they forge may span more than just their lifetime, however. 

    I received a physical copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. And I really liked this book. The first and last chapters seemed pointless to me, but in total it was enjoyable. The book was set in the 1800s where trusting the wrong person lead a young mother to leave everything and set out across the countryside. Personally, in her shoes I would have just murdered the fucker in his sleep the following morning instead of risking my children's lives walking across riverbanks and through the rain. But, that is just me and to be honest her life had a better result than she could have achieved through staying anyways. 

    There are some very sad parts in this book, such as children death, but that was something that happened with some frequency during that time period. The women in this book are not looked down on for having their own businesses and we don't hear from nay-sayers other than local gossiping biddies. In fact, the most predominant male roles in this book don't have anything bad to say against the women. While I thought one of the males in this book would eventually result in a budding romance I will say I was surprised that this book is free of romance aspects. 

    It was nice to see women not being treated as these fragile flowers that can do nothing in this book. That is what happens a lot in period pieces and why I have a tendency to steer clear of them. 

    My favorite character in this book was Mr. Allerton. He was a great supporting character in the story, and a big help especially when it came to Randall. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

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