
Monday, January 30, 2023

Book Review: Outcast Origins by A J Ashton (Tarrenfall Chronicles Book 1)

     Lara's family has long-since been protectors, keeping humans safe from things that dwell in the dark, such as demons and vampires. While a lycan's bite is poison for a vampire the same can be said in reverse. These evil creatures taking first their mother and then their father. Now that Lara has been bitten the longtime family friend, a witch, has found a way to save her, but she will become something new. A hybrid lycan and vampire. She must curb her vampire side and remain in control at all times as she is the only family her little brother Derwyn has left. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have a soft spot for shifter books and always immediately assume that they will be paranormal romances. While this is often-times true, that is not entirely the case here. There is a bit of a slow burn build-up where this could turn into a romance. However, for now it is largely about two siblings surviving on their own against threats. 

    The book ends on a bit of a cliff-hanger, but not an edge of your seat what happens next moment. There are still plenty of loose ends left to be tied, which is understandable considering this is book one in a series. Still, it doesn't feel like it was cut off at a random point and you just hope for the best. Definitely a positive as some books have a very bad habit of doing that. 

    My favorite character in this book was Carn. He is an excellent fighter and at every turn took things in stride. I hope for good things for him in the future. 

    There is a lot of sword-play in this book as well as shifting and hand to hand combat. All of which are wonderful. All of the characters can stand on their own, no matter their differences, so we don't feel like any one is the weak-link. While the characters in the book are teenagers/young adults there are sex scenes, just a heads up. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.85 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Outcast New Beginnings (Terranfall Chronicles Book 2)

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