
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Book Review: Jubilant by Galadriel Coffeen and Anneliese Knop (The Shallic Sea Chronicles Book 1)

     Feeling as if he wasn't leaning anything under his father's "tutelage" on his merchant ship Wren escapes and joins the Navy. He has worked hard to earn rank being without a noble heritage and is proud to have earned the status of Midshipmen. Now, all he has to do is take his Lieutenant's test and hope for a promotion and his salary. It is everything he could want. But, with the changing of a captain and salvers on the loose Wren's desires may quickly change. 

    Kelta is determined to avenge the wrong done to her in her past. In order to do so she must bide her time, gather skills, and information. She is a snake that studied under one of the greatest and most famous Taxian teacher and is now aboard the Keltorax. She is a fine warriors vessel and Kelta has learned much under the fair captaining of her uncle. While escorting the dignitary, Alphira, through Fosseni waters the merchant ship Alphira is on is captured by slavers. Now Kelta and her captain must team up with an Ellond Navy vessel to bring her home. Can they hold their tempers while dealing with the snobbish attitudes of those who consider themselves above the Taxians?

    I received a copy of this book from one of the authors in exchange for an honest review. While I was warned before I started that it is a hefty book I want to let you know that the 700+ pages isn't a hard read. The story does not drag and you aren't just reading to get through something in order to mount this daunting task. Instead, with long chapters filled with beasts of both prey and humanity there are plenty to keep your attention. 

    I will say for the first few chapters I was confused as it was seemingly randomly bouncing back and forth between two characters and I didn't immediately see the correlation. However, bear with it and that connection will present itself. 

    Wren is a bit hot-headed, even beginning the book with a dual with another due to a slight the man felt at wren's gambling. This presents itself time and again showcased in Wren's impulsive actions followed by some level of regret. While he is impulsive and even goes so far as to say he is looking forward to the impending war with another country (leaving it out since it's not said until over halfway through the book) he still has stronger morals than many of the Ellondese. Because of this he was easily one of my favorite characters. 

    That being said, Kelta is easy to love. Her past is hinted at throughout the book, although we still haven't gathered the full picture. I hope that she opens up to her new mentor in time. I hope for great things from this character. She has already shown strength of will and body, being able to take down experienced warrior men with relative ease, now she risks something much more closely guarded. 

    From start to finish I enjoyed this book full of creatures of the land and sea as well as battles with pirates and slavers. You'll feel Wren's determination and righteous anger while finding amusement in how poor his true first name fits him. Wellerdon will have you gritting your teeth and hoping for a change for the entire crew. Meanwhile on the Taxian ship you'll see the joys of mutual respect and how this works well between the captain and his crew. They are constantly learning and teaching each other to be better warriors in every sense and this serves them well. 

    As this book is the first in a series it does not end with things tied in a pretty bow. The main issue within this book is solved, but more are on he horizon and our main characters futures are anything but certain. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $8.99 by clicking here

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