
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Book Review: BuyMort: Grand Opening: How I Became the Accidental Warlord of Arizona by Damien Hanson and Joseph Phelps (Shopapocalypse Saga Book 1)

     Welcome to the BuyMort family. Your life has just been upgraded to this interstellar family where you can buy and sell everything you could ever need with just a thought. Why wouldn't you love it? Tyson was a maintenance man at a RV park in Arizona until BuyMort arrived. Now, with Sleem and all kinds of other aliens running around he must forge a new life in this buyers market. 

    I received a copy of this book from one of the authors in exchange for an honest review. This book is exciting and fun to read from the beginning. I received it a few days before release and I have book 2 now. I will be starting it soon, and I already can't wait!

    While I would hate to actually have to deal with BuyMort I love how Tyson managed. He has a unique sense of humor and I loved the writing style. We follow a first person account of Tyson while he deals with this new shopping and selling opportunity placed in his, and everyone else's, mind. He quickly learns that exchange rates aren't exact. With BuyMort's appearance comes alien life: priests as well as affiliates who follow BuyMort as they spread their joy. His previous boss, Mr. Sada, has already started cashing in by getting a MortBlock to prevent anyone else from selling anything that belongs to him. However, there are plenty that want to take over, because conquest is an accepted transaction method with BuyMort. 

    The pending interspecies romance that seems to be budding between two characters is weird to me, but that could be more from being unsure how that could possibly work than anything else. Normally, I am completely fine with human and alien relations. We shall see if this becomes a thing as we progress. I genuinely hated Mr. Sada in this book. We did literally nothing productive during the entire book, often making things more difficult than they needed to be. 

    I can't wait to see how Tyson, Rayna, Molls, and (my personal favorite) Phyllis continue in the BuyMort family. Phillis is a woman over 90 who loves getting high and is one of the biggest supporting characters in this book. It would not have been the same without her and I hope they find a way to keep her as a long-term character despite her age. While book 1 was just released on August 31 Amazon says book 2 will be out on November 10th! Just enough time to grab your copy of 1 before 2 comes out. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it for $4.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

Smart Shopper (BuyMort Book 2) 

Rise of the Windowpuncher (BuyMoirt Book 3)

Bull Market Mayhem (Shopocalypse Book 5)

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Book Review: Witch Piney Are You? by Tony DiGerolamo (The Pineys Book 2)

     Now that Lewis is a member of the family and is living with his cousin, Hem, in the old farmhouse he has started working at the shop. While normally things are slow he is determined to bring in some cash to the place so Hem will stop borrowing money from him for things. Except Hem likes to visit the Happy Hand, which normally wouldn't be a problem if they didn't have a whole bus load of tourists on their way in. In order to satisfy everyone on his own Lewis makes another deal with Aunt Christie. While this deal is innocent enough more witches will soon be coming to the Piney's and they are in search of the boy Christie promised them. Can Lewis and his new cousins stop this new foe? 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed most of book one, baring a certain gross event, and this book was actually better than book one. They are still hunting devils, but there are also shape-changing witches. 

    My biggest pet peeve with this book actually took place within the first chapter. A guy is heading down the road through the woods and his truck breaks down. His 9 or 10 year old daughter hears some wolves howling and calls them doggys. Then while he is fixing the truck she hops out of the truck and runs into the woods after these animals then stands there watching them calling them doggys. I don't know if this child was mentally behind or what but my almost 6 year old doesn't even act like that or walk like that. My almost 2 year old sure. And my nephew who is eight wouldn't call a wolf doggy or run into the woods at night after them. It just isn't realistic from an age appropriate standpoint. 

     Other than this the book was enjoyable. We have witches that can appear as something else, more devils to fight, and a lot of feminism. Can't say I loved that last part, but there are all kinds, even the extremists like in this book. I didn't like Lewis as much in this book as I did in the first one. Especially his choices at the end of the book, but we will see if he changes for the better later on. As before the writing in this book is great and the story is engaging. You want to know what happens next and find it hard to put down. 

     This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

My Cousin, The Piney (The Pineys Book 1)

The Third Grade Piney (The Pineys Book 3)

Feud of the Pineys (The Pineys Book 4)

Jersey Shore Piney (The Pineys Book 5)

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Book Review: Moonlit Road by Aquila Thorne (Pearl Lake Series Book 3)

     Since Abbi and Ben moved in together things couldn't be better. They have their home, their animals, and Mark moved into Abbi's old place. But, when Ben and Mark leave for a little while their return flight crashes. While Mark is okay Ben is lost in the wilderness. He doesn't remember what he does for a living, who he is, or even who Abbi is. Somehow he must remember his past and find a way out of the situation he's found himself in within the backwoods of Tennessee. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. While I initially suspected that book two (three since book 1 was initially 2 books) would dive more into Mark and Abbi's daughter it seems Ben and Abbi's story has more in store for it. Not that I am complaining. They are a wonderful couple and I am glad there is a permanent end to this line of troubles for them. I hope things become a little less hectic for them in the future, even with the new news. 

    I don't have any complaints about this book. The plane crash seems a bit familiar to Abby, although with so much other things going on it is hard for her to place where she knows it from. Even when she begins to put the pieces together it isn't as obvious to others as it is to her. Who was friend and who was foe wasn't always certain in this book. Although I didn't like certain characters from the start. I will leave you to guess which ones as I don't want to give away who the bad guys actually are. 

    We seem to have added a new long time character into the series in this book, and I am quite fond of Tim. Curious to see how his story plays out or if he will get a story later on. As before I really enjoyed this book and look forward for more from this author in the future. I don't know why but I kind of want Kim and Mack to end up together. They seem like they'd be cute together and I don't remember him having a person. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking here

Other Books by this author

Moonlit Night (Pearl Lake Series Books 1 & 2)

Monday, September 19, 2022

On These Black Sands by Vanessa Rasanen (Aisling Sea Book 1)


    Aiofe is a council heir. What this means is simple. One day she will marry a pirate lord and have his offspring of which the females will become heirs. Meanwhile she will make governing decisions for her home within the Aisling Sea. She is one of three heirs and although she and her sister's share the same father they all have different mothers. After all, it is a marriage of title and prosperity, not of love. But when her older sister confesses to Aiofe that she is going to run away and marry the man she loves instead it results in her exile. While that doesn't seem bad at first she soon learns how permanent exile really is. 

    Declan has worked hard since he was a young boy to become the feared captain of The Siren's Song. He is a strong pirate not adverse to taking lives and loot, but the lives he takes are on his terms. So porting in the town that was once his home is a hard choice to make. But, his men need care after being attacked by one of the pirate lord's ships. Upon arrival he receives a note from his sister which may lead him to the treasure he seeks most. The only problem is a young heir has decided to stow away when they leave. The decision of what to do with her should be easy, but there may be a use for the naïve woman yet. 

    I started reading this book because of Tiktok. One of my friends sent me a video that had about 10 different book recommendations in it and this one had the caption of "Captain Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth". Since I love pirates of the Caribbean and frankly all things pirate related (and Johnny Depp) I downloaded it since I don't have a ton of review requests right now (5 actually). While I don't see the comparison I enjoyed the book. 

    I will start by saying this ends on a cliffhanger. We establish characters, get a sense of what is going on, add some more people, then the book ends before we go in search of what was most desired. The characters are great and the author does a good job of creating a back-story for anyone who is relevant. Even some characters that don't seem like they are relevant yet get a back story as well as a fear. 

    I will likely continue this series at some point or another as there is pirates, bloodshed, betrayal, and a little bit of magic. Not like Tinkerbelle so don't get your hopes up for peter pan type, but still enjoyable. I can't decide if I liked or hated Aiofe in his book. She was so damsel in distress while acting like a petulant child. I get that was her upbringing and she seems to have grown somewhat of a spine, but I don't know. She had some quips and back and forth with Declan that was enjoyable, though. Either Declan or Tommy were my favorite. Declan is a pirate with morals. Yes, I know how that sounds. But, he chooses what morals he has. Then there is Tommy who is the longtime devoted friend and isn't afraid to put his captain in his place. Within reason. 

    I will say that although this book is categorized as adult fantasy romance there is no sex in it. A bit disappointing if you ask me, but I will hold out hope for book 2! I googled this author's publisher from the Amazon description and apparently they are an indie author. Always love adding more indie's to my lists!

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or purchase is on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Book Review: Immersion Online: The Herald by Evan Klein (Immersion Online Book 4)

     Mace has battled skelters, dealt with the early opening of a cave, almost died at the hands of the Glimmerman and a serial killer since he became the constable for the online gaming platform Immersion Online. Now, he must gather the last of the 5 family members: Mother, Rose, Auntie, Cousin, and Daughter to face the demon god Alitrax. With the new powers bestowed on his character by the Silver Lady he should be able to overcome any obstacle. After all, he is a level 250 herald now. But will it be enough for what lies in wait?  

    I received an ARC copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have loved every one of these books, to varying degrees, and am sad to see the series come to a close. I hope for good things in the future from this author and wonder what other avenues he plans to pursue. I honestly wasn't sure how he was going to be able to tie all the loose ends in this book together in just one book, but he managed it. 

    Once more we have my original favorite character Hearn in this book. He plays an active role in quite a few scenes and while I don't love his ending it fits well with the storyline. I wish we had a bit more details on what happened with Rhia, but I will let you find out what I mean about that for yourself. 

    I am really proud of Amber for how she handled the fallout of book 3 in this. Finding yourself thrown into the limelight seems like it would be unpleasant. Tinsie is still amazing, but she seems a bit darker in this book. I am curious about what happens with her due to something that happened to her in this book, but I don't know that we will get an answer on that. Depends on what the author decides to do in the future. Havervill is his normal quippy and frustrating self, although the wedding threw me a bit. You'll see what I mean. 

    All of these books are available on Kindle Unlimited and I hope you check them out. Personally I have the physical copies of the first three (sent to me by the amazing Evan Klein) and I love them. While I received this book as an ARC I received it a few days before launch and didn't have time to finish it before launch. The book was released on Aug 31, so start whenever you're ready!

    This book is available on Amazon for $1.99 by clicking here

Books by this author: 

The Noob (Immersion Online Book 1)

The Zealot (Immersion Online Book 2)

The Symbiont (Immersion Online Book 3)

Book Review: Arise: Alpha by Jez Cajiao (Arise Book 1)

     After pulling a bank job with some less than savory characters Steve decides to skip out with the entire lot. After all, the payout was much less than expected and no way was he splitting that small amount with others. Getting rid of his identity and starting over on a Greek isle was the easy part. The hard part was staying under the radar. When a video of him saving a woman from drowning goes viral enforcers from his past show up, but they aren't his only concern. A Greek police officer took all his credentials and money until he fixes the oil spilled by his bike going into the water. When attempting to get it out to minimize the damage Steve's nanites are activated and he becomes more. He becomes an Arisen. Now, he needs a purpose. 

    My husband found this book and suggested I read it. I was a bit skeptical because he primarily reads mangas and other Japanese/Korean style writing. Nothing wrong with it, just not really my thing. But, there isn't a thing I wouldn't do for my male so I downloaded the book. I will readily admit that I started reading it solely on the fact that he asked me to and I did not read anything about the book prior to downloading it. That being said he chose a good book for me. 

    We start with a guy that is ex-military just looking for his next thrill. His bike, booze, or women. Any combination of those sounds great, just so long as he remains unnoticed. All good so far. There is a lot of humor in this book, and a lot of it is dark. Which I adore. I have a warped sense of humor so no complaints there. Steve is the unwilling hero and continuously fights against that title while showing us how much it fits him. 

    I wonder if all Steven's have a hero complex...the one's I've met do at least (Spelling specific). Not a bad thing. I liked the way the upgrades worked, as well as how the nanites came to be. Also, he's not a hero that is willing to forgive past grievances. He will without hesitation kill someone because they threatened the wrong person. Maybe he's more anti-hero. Still, I low-key love him. I mean at one point he is described as a poorly shaved bear and considering I have called my husband my Teddy Bear since high school I have a type. Tall, broad shoulders, and a bit hairy is all completely fine by me. I will be reading book 2 at some point, but there are review requests to get to first. 

    Initially I didn't know if this was an Indie author, but I googled the publisher listed on their Amazon page and it says they are a self-publishing service. So another win for Indies! Also, is available on Kindle Unlimited and so is book 2, so we have that going for us. There are vampires, werewolves, and all sorts of other mythical creatures in this book. Even one whose description closely matches that of the Creature of the Black Lagoon (Yes, I mean the 50s movie. Yes, it was made almost 40 years before I was born. It still applies.) Oh, and let's not forget the sex. I will say the sex scenes are disappointing. All the buildup then skips the good part. 

    My favorite character in this book was absolutely Ingrid. She is mouthy and beautiful and deserves all of the good things. Weirdly enough I feel she should be given the option to go through the first part of what Steve went through if she so chose. Not for any kind of romantic notions of love eternal or anything. More protection and not being a damsel in distress. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking here

Book Review: Flash Back by John Turiano (Project Eight Ball Book 1)

     After after the loss of Charlie Sam and his wife begin to drift apart. Work is a monotonous distraction at the military base where he works as a civilian. That is until he receives a mysterious envelope addressed to the General. When he turns it in he is given a new assignment: Project Eight Ball. A group of scientists have developed what was previously considered impossible: the ability to travel in time. However, the Americans are not the only ones with this technology, but how far have the butterfly affects rippled from changes made? 

    I received an eBook copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is very well written and will have you drawn in from the first page. We start by following a melancholy man plagued by nightmares to his job where he is a civilian contractor on a military site. Not uncommon. Soon we find that he has submitted a mysterious envelope he found in his house to his higher ups without opening it. Man has more self control than I do, but I've never been in a high stress or security job. When he is brought into the secret project on his base he isn't given a lot of choices, but I don't think he would have turned it down anyways. Especially knowing what happens in this book. 

    It is interesting to see how timelines change throughout the story and the back and forth between past and present. Especially when we see how something could play out then that timeline is essentially removed like it never happened. But, it adds a certain amount of intrigue to the story seeing if the events in the past are going to remain in the timeline. Sometimes they do sometimes they don't. While this is a science fiction book it doesn't go overly hard into the details of how something works. Because of this I feel like the story takes the fore-front, which is my personal preference. 

    There are sad bits in the book and points where I was annoyed with the main character and his actions, however he's only human and I can't hold that against him. Well, I could if I was a certain character in the book, but as a reader, no. I don't know that I have a favorite character in this book. Which is fine. I enjoyed the read and have no complaints. While this is book one in a series I feel like this book ends in a good place. We resolved all major points of the book, established a base group of characters, and left a trail for future books without taking away from what happened in this story. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

Monday, September 5, 2022

Book Review: Anywhere Else by Kayla Hicks

    Leena has long had to deal with her mother's outbursts and mood swings, but when she tells her to get out of the house where she pays rent Leena begins to seek out other options. Afterall, she works two jobs, finally has her own vehicle, and just graduated high school. When she breaches the subject of moving in together with her boyfriend it backfires, but this may be a blessing in disguise. Now there are other opportunities opening around her and for once Leena is positive about her future. Can Leena get away from her mother and maybe find the right love interest? 
    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. There is a lot of verbal and mental abusive in this book suffered at the hands of a parent. Unfortunately, this is something that happens all too often and I wish I could say I don't know what this is like. Women like Leena's mom are a disgrace and one of the many reasons I have not spoken to my own in almost 8 years. Moving on from toxic individuals is a freeing experience, and while the details can be stressful all the other weights that are lifted are worth it. Life becomes much better when you aren't walking on eggshells and hating everything about yourself. 
    The author does a great job of capturing what it is like to live with both an alcoholic as well as an abusive parent. The book is realistic and will have you rooting for Leena as she finally begins her life. Garret was probably my favorite of the males in this book. While just friends he was a pillar of support during a difficult time. Having someone who is always there for you is a wonderful feeling and one I am lucky to have in my own best friends. While Garret was my favored male my favorite character was Sydney. While, surprisingly, not the red head in this book she was full of energy and very supportive. I hope everything works out for her with Reese. 
    I don't have a single complaint about this book and hope to read more from this author in the future. Just a warning, if you have been through some of these things it will make you a bit sad at times. Hating that Leena has to go through these things while remembering what it is like to deal with them firsthand. Side note. I hope you love Betty as much as I did in this book. While mine is not the same type I love my Aurora who when I got her also had a lot of problems. But, it is part of the charm. 
    This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: Archangel by Misa Buckley

     Gabriel had always been a runner. Be that packages being delivered for unsavory characters or from complication situations. After dealing with an abusive household growing up he vowed never to be like his father. The easiest way to accomplish this was a lack of ties. This had worked for him for years until he was hit by an SUV and given a choice by an angel: become a guardian of a woman or die. The choice was simple. Now, Gabriel must protect Abigail from a serial-killing demon. 

    I received a copy of this eBook from the promoter in exchange for an honest review. While I am not generally very big on religious books I figured one just dealing with angels couldn't be that bad. The battle between good and evil was exciting. However, the writing on this book leaves something to be desired. An editor needs to attack this book. There is everything from run on sentences to things as awful as the main character ordering a "double vodka, neat with ice" for a sipping drink. So many things wrong with that. For one, vodka isn't a sipping drink. Two neat means just the drink. I don't know if the author has never been to a bar or what, but yikes. That is just one example of please edit this book. 

    Other than the editing needs it's an interesting story. A woman has visions of women being murdered, forced to experience their deaths at the hands of the killer. The killer has made a deal with hell to gain demonic powers by killing 13 innocents, with Abigail set to be the last of the 13. If he succeeds there will be a demon loose on the human realm able to cause untold death and destruction. While the angels are unable to get directly involved there is a loophole. They can make a deal with a human who is in purgatory to protect the innocent and rid the world of this killer by whatever means necessary. In Gabriel's case this includes killing. 

    There is humor, romance, death, and action within these pages. All in all it is a good read as my only complaint is the need of an editor. My favorite character would have to be Charlie. Again, I have a thing for red heads. Plus he's Irish so it was unavoidable that he'd be my favorite. Especially considering he was dependable while still teasing and joking throughout. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Book Review: The Beast Within by Serena Valentino

     What if instead of Beauty and the Beast from Belle's perspective we learn more about Prince Adam? Spoiled and cruel he was cursed, but not in the way we thought. Now he must come to terms with this new form as well as learn something he was never before capable of: love. But perhaps there is another way. 

    This book was a suggestion by my best friend. He is well aware of my borderline obsession with Beauty and the Beast as well as how much I loved Tale as Old as Time. So when he said this was a dark retelling from the Beast's perspective I jumped at it. Add to it the fact that this book is available on Kindle Unlimited and I was reading it within minutes of him texting me the suggestion. Let's just say the man knows me and I really loved this book. 

    While this book is not as good as Tale as Old as Time it is still amazing. I loved the ending on the other book, but this had it's own charms. Instead of the classic cursed for turning someone away Prince Adam was cursed for breaking off an engagement with a young woman because she was the daughter of a pig farmer. In fact I stopped more than once while reading this book to send snippets to my friend asking him what the hell he was thinking sending me a misogynistic book. He'd reply that I needed to keep reading so I did. It got better and I enjoyed the things Beast had to go through as part of the curse to become better.

    The Beast was absolutely dreadful, but thinking a woman shouldn't have thoughts of her own and that they were basically pretty decorations wasn't an uncommon opinion during this time period, so I can't say too much. Then there was the prince's relationship with Gaston. We all know Gaston. And I hate to say it, but two characters in this book had a lot in common. Thankfully, not by the end. Still, I wasn't thrilled by their friendship. Something else I found odd was that he is never referred to as Prince Adam in this book. Only by "Prince" or "the Beast". That isn't a yay or a nay in my opinion of the book, just something that I found odd. I mean everyone knows his name, even those who preferred him as the Beast before he changed back. 

    Something I really liked about this retelling was Circe. Not that Circe, for all of those immediately going to mythology mindset. In this case she was the original fiancée and curse layer. That being said she wasn't unjust and genuinely wanted good things for the Beast. This is evident by her actions throughout as she keeps her sisters in check as well as the end. While I could never choose anyone over Belle Circe would be a second in this story. Also, the way the author mentions Ursula in passing in the book makes me want to track down that story. Maybe another time. She is, after all, my favorite villain. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $10.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: The Extinction Trials by A. G. Riddle

     A group of people, seemingly randomly thrown together, in a post-apocalyptical world must figure out the best way to survive. They wake up in cyro chambers and are told they are part of something called the Extinction Trials. The world as they knew it ended long ago and all they have left is each other. They must band together and figure out what the few clues they have can tell them. Which of the remaining sides will they join or is there another option? 

    During the Summer reading challenge for Kindle they had a list of books suggested to choose from for one of their bookmark achievements. Since I really enjoy post-apocalyptic books I chose this one and have no regrets. I really like the twist ending. History definitely likes to repeat itself, I just hope this version ends better!

    Every character in this book brought something to the table. While the main characters were obviously Maya and Owen the others were much more than support characters. We had the grouchy bus repairman, the IT guy, the firefighter, the biology doctor, the ER doctor, and the child. While all from different walks of life their stories are intertwined to some degree before they were added to the Trials.

    This book gives a lot of Maze Runner vibes for me. Wake up in a strange place and try to survive. I know that is a vast oversimplification of events, but that is what it boils down to. That being said the book is enjoyable from start to finish! The Garden was a bit of a surprise for me and I can honestly say that I didn't expect this ending. I love being caught unaware in books!

    I am curious what will change for Owen due to the brain pathways. But, I don't want to say too much on that and give it away for you. You'll see what I mean when you read the book for yourself. This is definitely a post-apocalyptic sci-fi that is worth sinking your teeth into!

    This book is available on Amazon for $7.99 by clicking here. This book is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: The Witchfinder by J. Todd Kingrea

     It has been almost 1000 years since the Cataclysm where part of the moon crashed to the Earth and great weapons of mass destruction were released on the planet. While plants and animals were unaffected by the great sickness people were not so lucky. Their one sanctuary was The Church. The Church is God. The mantra became ingrained in them and anyone who does not follow God must have their souls redeemed by being burned then their bodies left for one year before removal. This is enforced by the great and just Witchfinder Imperials, but when The Church turns it's back on their biggest up and comer their biggest secrets are revealed. Everything Thorne ever knew will be called into question. Will his faith remain intact after everything?

    I received a copy of this eBook from the author in exchange for an honest review. Anyone who has read my reviews for any length of time knows that I am not a religious person and I don't enjoy reading traditional religion books. They bore me and frankly I had enough of it in the first 18 years of my life to last. So to say I had some reservations about this book was an understatement. 

    While there is religion in this book it is not traditional. Wellllll I won't go that far. It is a weird mix of crusades and religious persecution and the Salem Witch Trials. This book is like if you took the time period of the crusades as well as the mindset of those individuals, added in the religious singlemindedness of the Marco Polo era, then hunted using the Salem Witch Trials. Read like that, all strung together in a sentence, it's odd and doesn't sound pleasant. While the situation isn't and I would literally die if I lived in this book the story itself is an interesting read. 

    We follow a man who has been a devout follower of The Church, their God, for his entire life. He blames himself for the death of his mentor and low-key hates his accomplishments as a result of this death. While chasing an escaped heretic a lower member of The Church in another town persecutes Thorne with the charge of necromancy. Now, outside of the loving embrace of his religion Malachi must determine if he will find a way to clear his name or if he will turn to the free-thinking ways of those he has spent his life persecuting. 

    This book is technically a post-apocalyptic. It takes place roughly 1000 years after a part of the moon crashed into the Earth setting off nuclear weaponry. How radiation failed to impact plants and most animals is beyond me. Frankly that doesn't make sense, but it's a book, so they don't always have to. All in all this book isn't a bad read. I really liked Teska, but I almost always love the red head in books. They're always my default favorite. I love her personality, but the romance in this book just feels forced. Like the author felt there needed to be romance, but wasn't sure how to get from point a to b. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $7.99 by clicking here