
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Book Review: Flash Back by John Turiano (Project Eight Ball Book 1)

     After after the loss of Charlie Sam and his wife begin to drift apart. Work is a monotonous distraction at the military base where he works as a civilian. That is until he receives a mysterious envelope addressed to the General. When he turns it in he is given a new assignment: Project Eight Ball. A group of scientists have developed what was previously considered impossible: the ability to travel in time. However, the Americans are not the only ones with this technology, but how far have the butterfly affects rippled from changes made? 

    I received an eBook copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This book is very well written and will have you drawn in from the first page. We start by following a melancholy man plagued by nightmares to his job where he is a civilian contractor on a military site. Not uncommon. Soon we find that he has submitted a mysterious envelope he found in his house to his higher ups without opening it. Man has more self control than I do, but I've never been in a high stress or security job. When he is brought into the secret project on his base he isn't given a lot of choices, but I don't think he would have turned it down anyways. Especially knowing what happens in this book. 

    It is interesting to see how timelines change throughout the story and the back and forth between past and present. Especially when we see how something could play out then that timeline is essentially removed like it never happened. But, it adds a certain amount of intrigue to the story seeing if the events in the past are going to remain in the timeline. Sometimes they do sometimes they don't. While this is a science fiction book it doesn't go overly hard into the details of how something works. Because of this I feel like the story takes the fore-front, which is my personal preference. 

    There are sad bits in the book and points where I was annoyed with the main character and his actions, however he's only human and I can't hold that against him. Well, I could if I was a certain character in the book, but as a reader, no. I don't know that I have a favorite character in this book. Which is fine. I enjoyed the read and have no complaints. While this is book one in a series I feel like this book ends in a good place. We resolved all major points of the book, established a base group of characters, and left a trail for future books without taking away from what happened in this story. 

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or buy it on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here

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