
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Book Review: Arise: Alpha by Jez Cajiao (Arise Book 1)

     After pulling a bank job with some less than savory characters Steve decides to skip out with the entire lot. After all, the payout was much less than expected and no way was he splitting that small amount with others. Getting rid of his identity and starting over on a Greek isle was the easy part. The hard part was staying under the radar. When a video of him saving a woman from drowning goes viral enforcers from his past show up, but they aren't his only concern. A Greek police officer took all his credentials and money until he fixes the oil spilled by his bike going into the water. When attempting to get it out to minimize the damage Steve's nanites are activated and he becomes more. He becomes an Arisen. Now, he needs a purpose. 

    My husband found this book and suggested I read it. I was a bit skeptical because he primarily reads mangas and other Japanese/Korean style writing. Nothing wrong with it, just not really my thing. But, there isn't a thing I wouldn't do for my male so I downloaded the book. I will readily admit that I started reading it solely on the fact that he asked me to and I did not read anything about the book prior to downloading it. That being said he chose a good book for me. 

    We start with a guy that is ex-military just looking for his next thrill. His bike, booze, or women. Any combination of those sounds great, just so long as he remains unnoticed. All good so far. There is a lot of humor in this book, and a lot of it is dark. Which I adore. I have a warped sense of humor so no complaints there. Steve is the unwilling hero and continuously fights against that title while showing us how much it fits him. 

    I wonder if all Steven's have a hero complex...the one's I've met do at least (Spelling specific). Not a bad thing. I liked the way the upgrades worked, as well as how the nanites came to be. Also, he's not a hero that is willing to forgive past grievances. He will without hesitation kill someone because they threatened the wrong person. Maybe he's more anti-hero. Still, I low-key love him. I mean at one point he is described as a poorly shaved bear and considering I have called my husband my Teddy Bear since high school I have a type. Tall, broad shoulders, and a bit hairy is all completely fine by me. I will be reading book 2 at some point, but there are review requests to get to first. 

    Initially I didn't know if this was an Indie author, but I googled the publisher listed on their Amazon page and it says they are a self-publishing service. So another win for Indies! Also, is available on Kindle Unlimited and so is book 2, so we have that going for us. There are vampires, werewolves, and all sorts of other mythical creatures in this book. Even one whose description closely matches that of the Creature of the Black Lagoon (Yes, I mean the 50s movie. Yes, it was made almost 40 years before I was born. It still applies.) Oh, and let's not forget the sex. I will say the sex scenes are disappointing. All the buildup then skips the good part. 

    My favorite character in this book was absolutely Ingrid. She is mouthy and beautiful and deserves all of the good things. Weirdly enough I feel she should be given the option to go through the first part of what Steve went through if she so chose. Not for any kind of romantic notions of love eternal or anything. More protection and not being a damsel in distress. 

    This book is available on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking here

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