
Monday, September 19, 2022

On These Black Sands by Vanessa Rasanen (Aisling Sea Book 1)


    Aiofe is a council heir. What this means is simple. One day she will marry a pirate lord and have his offspring of which the females will become heirs. Meanwhile she will make governing decisions for her home within the Aisling Sea. She is one of three heirs and although she and her sister's share the same father they all have different mothers. After all, it is a marriage of title and prosperity, not of love. But when her older sister confesses to Aiofe that she is going to run away and marry the man she loves instead it results in her exile. While that doesn't seem bad at first she soon learns how permanent exile really is. 

    Declan has worked hard since he was a young boy to become the feared captain of The Siren's Song. He is a strong pirate not adverse to taking lives and loot, but the lives he takes are on his terms. So porting in the town that was once his home is a hard choice to make. But, his men need care after being attacked by one of the pirate lord's ships. Upon arrival he receives a note from his sister which may lead him to the treasure he seeks most. The only problem is a young heir has decided to stow away when they leave. The decision of what to do with her should be easy, but there may be a use for the naïve woman yet. 

    I started reading this book because of Tiktok. One of my friends sent me a video that had about 10 different book recommendations in it and this one had the caption of "Captain Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth". Since I love pirates of the Caribbean and frankly all things pirate related (and Johnny Depp) I downloaded it since I don't have a ton of review requests right now (5 actually). While I don't see the comparison I enjoyed the book. 

    I will start by saying this ends on a cliffhanger. We establish characters, get a sense of what is going on, add some more people, then the book ends before we go in search of what was most desired. The characters are great and the author does a good job of creating a back-story for anyone who is relevant. Even some characters that don't seem like they are relevant yet get a back story as well as a fear. 

    I will likely continue this series at some point or another as there is pirates, bloodshed, betrayal, and a little bit of magic. Not like Tinkerbelle so don't get your hopes up for peter pan type, but still enjoyable. I can't decide if I liked or hated Aiofe in his book. She was so damsel in distress while acting like a petulant child. I get that was her upbringing and she seems to have grown somewhat of a spine, but I don't know. She had some quips and back and forth with Declan that was enjoyable, though. Either Declan or Tommy were my favorite. Declan is a pirate with morals. Yes, I know how that sounds. But, he chooses what morals he has. Then there is Tommy who is the longtime devoted friend and isn't afraid to put his captain in his place. Within reason. 

    I will say that although this book is categorized as adult fantasy romance there is no sex in it. A bit disappointing if you ask me, but I will hold out hope for book 2! I googled this author's publisher from the Amazon description and apparently they are an indie author. Always love adding more indie's to my lists!

    This book is available on Kindle Unlimited or purchase is on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking here

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