
Monday, December 27, 2021

Book Review: The Withered King by Ricardo Victoria (Tempest Blades Book 1)

     When Fionn dies he receives The Gift, the ability to heal quickly, among other things. Since then he has been a living legend who has secluded himself away. That is until his longtime friend comes to him with a new case. The Alliance once more needs him when a professor goes missing and there are demons on the loose. Once more he will come face to face with the man who killed his wife, Byron, only he is now stronger than ever. Will Fionn be able to take on this threat or will his daughter, Sam, and new allies become casualties in the upcoming war?

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have finally been getting through some of the books I received last year and this one happened to be the next on my list. By the time I got to this book I had been reading a lot of fantasy books and was feeling a little burnt out. However, that has yet to stop me from actually reading books that I get. 

    I was pleasantly surprised. Although I was getting burnt out on the genre I enjoyed this book. Once I got my brain out of trying to stereotype everything that was going to happen I liked the story. I liked Gaby at the beginning of the book and she was my favorite character, but when the romance aspect was added in I lost all interest in her and Sam became my favorite. Besides, who doesn't like fox ears and a tail?

    The fact that deities play an active part in this book intrigues me. In most cases gods play a background role or they are just a part of scenery, for lack of a better word. I also can't think of another book where they gain powers when otherwise human (usually) by dying. 50/50 shot of dying permanently or gaining super powers when you die. Not bad odds. This was all around an interesting and new take on fantasy save the world reluctant heroes.

    This book is available on Amazon $2.99 by clicking here.

Books by this author: 

The Cursed Titans (Tempest Blades Book 2)

Book Review: The Meeting by K. M. Ryan (What If Book 2)

     Kailynn had been with her boyfriend and business partner for the last nine years, but somewhere along the way they stopped acting like a couple and were only business partners. Recently that aspect had also been suffering as he was no longer supportive and just pushed her to put anything out. No matter if she felt it ready or not. Enough was enough. He didn't care about her anymore and she had long since stopped loving him. The only problem is they are business partners so everything must be dissolved. Luckily, her best friend has a new neighbor who is a sexy lawyer and is willing to take her case. Now all she has to do is keep her hands off Chase...

    I received this book as an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. I had read book one in this series a while back and loved it so, of course, I was thrilled to be approached to read this book as well. It took me a while to finish the other book I was reading at the time I received this book, but once I started it I had it read in 3 days. I just haven't been able to find time around Christmas to write the review until now. 

    There are times when you just need a good contemporary romance to sink your teeth into. This was indeed one of those times. I have read way too many fantasy books recently so this was a welcome reprieve. Chase was easily my favorite character in the book. He managed to control himself and wasn't the one who was a jerk like in a lot of romances. I will admit that it felt like disbarring would happen throughout the book and I kept waiting for the shoe to drop. I won't tell you when or if it happens. 

    The writing was great with very few typos in it, which is always a welcome surprise when it comes to indie authors. Chase's background was a bit obvious. I have never been to Montana, but based on all the books I have read the only thing there are horse ranches in small towns. I completely expected the detail about his brother and I low-key love him. I am curious about who star in the next book in the series. Perhaps Jessica, although I don't like her at all and don't know that she deserves a happily ever after. 

    This new release is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Books by this author:

The Reunion

Save Me (In the Moment Book 1)

The Confrontation (What If Book 4)

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Book Review: Crowman by David Rae (The Sun Thief Book 1)

     When the world is cast into darkness and the sun is only released once a year Vatu's rule is law. He is shadow. He is darkness. He is the keeper of the sun. All things light belong to him, including the daughter of Utas. When Utas escapes with Alaba, meeting up with a stranger and a bandit on the road he ends up caught and dragged back towards the very man he sought to escape. However, his fellow travelers are more than they seem and may just change their fates. 

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. It took me a while to get to it. Life gets busy sometimes and this last year has definitely been eventful. But I got to it in the end and that is what matters. I liked the story in this book, although it ended with a cliffhanger and I don't personally feel as if anything was answered. I am sure that the author intends to make this a series, but since David Rae is not one of my regular authors I can't say I have much of a relationship with him. 

    While I did enjoy the story I hate to say that the writing left much to be desired. At times it was hard to keep reading. Especially the chapters including Vatu. Yikes. But, past the writing is an intriguing story that would be nice to have the hanging strings tied up to. I genuinely wanted Eskanza to go away completely. I felt her entire character was pointless and fail to see why she was even included. There was zero impact on the story. I didn't have a favorite character in this book, although there were some interesting ones. 

    Perhaps Mukito would be the closest option. Young man/boy who has a rough childhood and ends up becoming the apprentice of sorts of a mysterious man. He seems to have had the best character arc out of the lot as well as character development. 

    This book is definitely worth the read. Although you will need to pardon the writing style. It is very clipped and like you are reading a report. There's no emotion and it doesn't invoke any emotion in you. Actually, reading the synopsis will tell you everything you need to know about the writing style. This book is available on Amazon for $2.99 by clicking here.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Book Review: Their Greatest Game by C. D. Tavenor (Chronicles of Theren Book 2)

     In the years since the Holy Crusade attacked Theren and Jill things have turned in their favor. SIs are more widely accepted. In fact, Theren now heads a space project to help guide mankind amongst the stars. Throughout all of these changes Jill remains their closest friend. Each day they play their chess game in VR. But before Michael killed himself he told them not to trust anyone and there is a new group set against SIs. Their leader, Isabel, seems to know everything about them even as they use avatars in a game. More frightening, as things progress and lives are lost this threat seems almost infinite and all knowing. Able to reach years into the future as well as determine Theren's next moves. The steps they take and what is uncovered truly is their greatest game. 

    I received a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review from the narrator. After reading book one of this series I have to admit I wasn't overly excited to read book two. It was mildly interesting, but not something that brought me pleasure to read. Book two is a bit different. In two it focuses more on the Who Done It mystery than the background thought in book one. 

    The 'Who Done It' aspect tried to cast blame around and I never try to choose the most obvious culprit. No one ever makes the most obvious character the deviant. However, in this case I was correct from the start. It was interesting to see how it played out, but I would have liked for it to have been a surprise rather than the suspected individual. Nonetheless, I do not feel that this detracted from the book. 

       I do not feel that I had a favored character. As we read we are primarily focused on Theren and there are characters that slip into and out of their life. Bonds aren't really formed and other than Jill they all feel like background characters of little import. I know some of the characters impacted Theren, but you know what I mean. 

    As with each time in the past that I have read a book narrated by Benjamin Fife I enjoy listening to him more than the contents of the book. 

    I have book three of this series and will be beginning it soon. While this series has been mildly interesting I can't say I won't be ready for it to come to an end. This book is available on Amazon as an eBook for $3.99 or $17.99 for the audiobook by clicking here. Personally, I suggest the audiobook. 

Books by this author: 

First of Their Kind

Flight of the 500

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Book Review: Dragon Mage by Arisha Grabtchak (Red Dragon Chronicles Book 1)

     Eiryenne had lost everyone she had ever been close to. Her parents had died in a fire when she was a baby and her aunt when she was 8. Now, all she has is a bracelet and a necklace to remind herself of them. Too bad these things don't keep her warm or fed. Her fear of fire also doesn't help. But, when demons descend from the sky she is forced to flee. Soon the young woman finds herself in the battle for her life as she learns there is so much more beyond her sleepy little town. With Dragons, Mages, and all sorts of other magical beasts there is only one thing that is certain: the evil she possesses is calling to others and her life means nothing. How ever will this girl who has never been good at anything survive?

    I was requested to read and review this book over a year ago and just now got the chance to do so. Having Covid and the Flu at the same time gives you a bit more time for small tasks that don't require a lot of movement, like reading. When I began this book I have to admit I was a bit skeptical. I haven't read a book that is recent where the author is dead. Classics, sure, but not new books. With this book having been released in 2020 that still counts as new to me. 

    Since I agreed to read this book so long ago I didn't remember the synopsis, or even if I ever read the synopsis. Wouldn't be the first time. That being said this book would make a great starting point for an epic fantasy that I doubt we will ever see the completion of. That is, unless the author finished the other books in this series before her death. There are some typos and grammar issues in the book, but all things considered it isn't bad. I can understand wanting to keep things as they were, given the circumstances. 

    Now, enough about the author and on to the book. Eiryenne is...annoying. She flip flops back and forth. Doesn't see the most obvious connections. Doesn't try things on her own without it basically being shoved down her throat. I don't have a lot of positives to say about her as a character. My favorite character in the book was Danzi. He was a self-serving jerk, but I didn't have a lot of long-term characters to choose from. Besides, anyone who has read my reviews for any amount of time knows I have a soft spot for two things. Dragons and Redheads. Danzi is a blonde, but that is of little matter. 

    There is plenty of action in this book. In fact in almost every chapter there is a fight, so if you are in it for the battles you won't have to wait long. There are mystical and magical creatures that we are familiar with and others that have been tweaked a bit by the author. A few creatures I was not sure what they were, and to be honest, I didn't take the time to google them so will remain a mystery. The story was easy to follow along with and nothing in it was confusing or out of place in this type of book. 

    This book has all sorts of magical creatures, epic battles, and efforts to keep a great evil from a corrupt ruler. All things that have the potential for greatness. I am not sure if this greatness was ever achieved, but this book is a good starting point. 

    You can find Dragon Mage on Amazon for $5.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Book Review: S.E. T. the Earth on Fire by Kyle Nolan (S.E.T. Epic Dark Fantasy Series Book 1)

    Meteors crashed into the Earth ending life as we knew it. On these came gods. S.E.T., Ra, Osirus, Bakari, and the rest of their family. Together they created a new place for the humans that remained to grow and prosper. S.E.T, with the help of the Core he holds, has maintained peace for years. However, with Osirus' betrayal the Hive and the original creator of the Core is out to destroy this new life created. With Gods and Ghosts abounding humans have little control of their future. But, the fate of humans should not rest with the Gods. 
    After the murder of his best friend, Charlie, by Ra for being a Heka user Ethos flees Akhet and finds himself bound to a snake Ghost, Wormwood. The parasite's spirit has given this human powers that may prove useful in the coming war. However, with so many factions competing for the Core and domination it is hard to see who will win or if humanity will survive this newest peril. 
    I received an ARC copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed this book from start to finish and for a debut indie author novel there was surprisingly few errors in it. I, of course, loved the title of the book. It's very dramatic and post-apocalyptic books are fun to read. While I would never want to live in one the change from our normal day to day lives is great. 
    This book has a bit of everything. There is romance between characters, action, adventure, and possession. What more could you ask for? Characters are assholes and realistic. Well, other than the ghosts and gods, but the author works hard to make them relatable as well. Ethos feels the need to hide who he truly is because of who he chooses to love just as some people have trouble doing now. There is some witchcraft in the form of Heka as well as apothecary use side by side. 
    A combination of current, old, and new all wrapped in one. My favorite character was Charlie. She may not have been around for a long time, but she was a big influence and wasn't afraid to be herself. Charlie was unique, outspoken, and absolutely beautiful. And I have to say that I loved the detail about her necklace and can't wait to see what happens next! I hope that you will enjoy this book as much as I have and check out the authors store to get some interesting book merchandise! as odd as the name of that link is, the shop itself is interesting. 
    This book is available on Amazon for $4.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited. 

Book Review: Vork by Ava Ross (Mail-Order Brides of Crakair Book 1)

     Evie signed up to be a potential mail order bride to a race of green alien men after a night of drinking Tequila with her best friend. Since a disease wiped out most male humans and most female Crakarians the two planets have formed an alliance. When she is matched with the alien Vork she has 10 days once on his planet to decide if she would like to stay. Everything is so odd on the planet, but Vork is definitely an interesting man. There are so many different customs. When Evie accidentally offends someone it results in Vork having to attend a battle to the death. Can Vork survive this battle? 

    I found this book on Libby as a change of pace after an audiobook I didn't enjoy a while back. I paused listening to it for a while, then came back to finish it. I generally enjoy mail order bride books and alien books. Not really sure why, but I do. How alien species are portrayed interest me. This book was no different in that regard. I enjoyed the mail order bride aspect and it was interesting to see how the Crakarians were humanoid and yet different at the same time. 

    That being said there were some things I could not handle about this book. Not about reading it, although I did wonder if the author had ever actually had sex with someone large because their description was...not apt from my experiences. For instance as a water based creature humans depend on it for basically everything. Cleaning, drinking, cooking, everything. However they didn't use water for anything but plant food in this book and it was kind of disturbing. 

    The book did have some contradictions in it. Like Vork saying he didn't think humans could have the mate bond then his friend and prince's wife already has a mate bond although she is human. There was also a point when another human female said that Evie wouldn't care how many babies she was carrying of her mates when she was pregnant. I promise. When you are pregnant you definitely care about that. It is uncomfortable as hell. I couldn't imagine carrying multiples, let alone not caring about carrying multiples. 

    Other than that it was a good little alien romance. This book is available on Amazon for $3.99 by clicking hereThis is available on Kindle Unlimited.