
Monday, December 27, 2021

Book Review: The Withered King by Ricardo Victoria (Tempest Blades Book 1)

     When Fionn dies he receives The Gift, the ability to heal quickly, among other things. Since then he has been a living legend who has secluded himself away. That is until his longtime friend comes to him with a new case. The Alliance once more needs him when a professor goes missing and there are demons on the loose. Once more he will come face to face with the man who killed his wife, Byron, only he is now stronger than ever. Will Fionn be able to take on this threat or will his daughter, Sam, and new allies become casualties in the upcoming war?

    I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. I have finally been getting through some of the books I received last year and this one happened to be the next on my list. By the time I got to this book I had been reading a lot of fantasy books and was feeling a little burnt out. However, that has yet to stop me from actually reading books that I get. 

    I was pleasantly surprised. Although I was getting burnt out on the genre I enjoyed this book. Once I got my brain out of trying to stereotype everything that was going to happen I liked the story. I liked Gaby at the beginning of the book and she was my favorite character, but when the romance aspect was added in I lost all interest in her and Sam became my favorite. Besides, who doesn't like fox ears and a tail?

    The fact that deities play an active part in this book intrigues me. In most cases gods play a background role or they are just a part of scenery, for lack of a better word. I also can't think of another book where they gain powers when otherwise human (usually) by dying. 50/50 shot of dying permanently or gaining super powers when you die. Not bad odds. This was all around an interesting and new take on fantasy save the world reluctant heroes.

    This book is available on Amazon $2.99 by clicking here.

Books by this author: 

The Cursed Titans (Tempest Blades Book 2)

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